Chapter 12: Come Back Soon

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wlfneoxnidskjox oh my god I have no idea why I am getting so emotional about this right now but goddammit I can't keep it in about how much I love all of you guys' nice comments and messages and just clenkcmejxlslsndkdkd

18k+ reads????? are you kidding me?? That's so amazing!!!!! You have no idea how much it means to me! Thank you so much I can't say it enough #U v U#

Anyways, sorry for taking so long on updates but school makes me busy and when I get home, dicksquad takes up a lot of my time besides homowork and family // e \\ sorry though. I really wanted this chapter to be kinds sweet and serious leading to the next segment of the fic (WHICH I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO END I NEED TO MAKE A FULL OUT PLOTLINE FOR THIS IM SO UNORGANIZED) but ended up being 10% serious, 20% sweet, and like 70% silly

on a sidenote, if anyone wants to beta my stupid junk and motivate me or somethin then go ahead and ask and maybe ill add you on Skype! just pm me! or hey if you have input on the fic or ideas, just hit me up! I'd love the criticism and I don't bruise easily!

oh also, dicksquad is an oofuri (big windup) rp tumblr group full of vulgar language and silly shenanigans so if you wanna join then ask me for the info page! (Must be oofuri fan U b U)

anyways, sorry for the big startercap. .

you guys are just here for the team nice dynamite. I get it U v U


Another day at work. Another simple day at work with a practically empty building. Even the Annex was nearly deserted as the holidays started ending and people spent their days, even weeks, in other places with their families.

The bustle throughout the RoosterTeeth office dwindled and left a much quieter atmosphere. Looking next to himself, Michael sighed at the empty chair on his right and the longing to see his boyfriend tugged at him to open up Twitter and write an aggravated tweet that told Gavin exactly how much he wanted him to get his ass back to Texas because the "fans" were pissed that he wasn't in the newest Go! or VS. But he fought against the urge and turned to his left to yet again be welcomed by an empty seat where his best friend should be and was instead in New York because it had been a while since he had visited his parents.

Reaching up, Michael ran his fingers through his curly tresses and mentally cursed himself for not wearing his beanie to hide his hair's meek attempt at growing back from the shave. He tsked and let his hand fall back down harshly onto the keyboard, startling Geoff.

"Dude, what the hell is your problem," Geoff inquired, turning halfway in his chair and glaring at Michael jokingly.

"Nothing. Just my two best boys aren't even at work today," Michael replied, spinning around in his chair to face Geoff as well.

Geoff paused for a moment as he noticed that Michael was genuinely depressed about the desolate office. Even Barbara's pun hadn't managed to make him crack anything more than a smile and an insult.

"Why don't you just go home today? You can spend the rest of the time Skyping or something with those other two slackers," he broke in, giving Michael a half-smile.

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