End Note

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ayyyyyyy look what I did! I finished up the fic with a sappy ending U v U I didn't really wanna write one of those "and they lived happily ever after" deals, so I just cut it off at a cute part. sorry if it's sloppy / o \

on a positive note, I'd like to date this with 38k reads! can you believe it????? I love every one of you who stuck with me till the end, and I love every one of you who jumped in near the end and powered through all the boring stuff ^^ all those lovely votes and comments flatters me so much you have no idea. I'd like to give a shoutout to a couple people real quick who were a big part of this fic! first, Arimarhodes who was my beta! a super nice one that was willing to deal with all the schedule issues! I'd also like to give a big thanks to FranktheZombie who threw some great ideas in for the fic and some future oneshots !!

speaking of the future, I'd like to elaborate on what my plans are for the next... anything really! oneshots: these may act as an in between for now and later on down the road. if you have any requests or anything, hit me up! I don't bite! you can give me a little idea, an au (or a rl style one), and a ship! well, pretty much anything you want ^ v ^  next fic: as for my next big one, I don't really have anything in mind, sorry..  I've thought about doing a different ship, a teenage au is a possibility, an angsty one may be a possibolity but idk if my poor delicate heart can take it! I know some people were asking for smut, and that may be in another fic if it's wanted, or it can be of any ship in a oneshot! (NOTE: I MAY REJECT SMUT UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES DEPENDING ON WHAT I THINK ABOUT THE REQUEST. If it's a certain type of au or something, I may work with you on whether it should have smut or not) Collaborations: so far, I've spoken to one person that I may or may not do a collab with. they are a terrific writer and I'm very up to it if they are, but considering the current situation of how developed their in process fic is, it may be a while if it does happen. I'm sorry I'm not very outgoing in commenting or messaging people, but I'm open if anyone im's me!

I think that's about it! if you have any ideas or input for a new fic or a oneshot, message me and we can talk! any questions about anything (this fic, me as an author, or anything else) go ahead and comment or message me! stay fresh and I'll see you in the next fic!

Edit: I will be doing a collab with a really lovely person so I will add links to this when the first chapter is posted! I'm not taking anymore collabs right now (busy busy)

2nd edit: Ive begun my new story, "How To Fall in Love" (you should totally go check it out. it's on my page along with oneshots and an Attack on Titan PWP) it's a mavin fic mostly with joelay as a secondary ship. joelay is established very early, but mavin will be a progression throughout the fic. another thing: it is a highschool au! all main characters are 16-18, while side characters may be younger. there will be smut (oooh you guys were begging me to do it in this one but I didn't, so why not write wild, kinky, hormonal, teenage sex in a different fic?) lots of foul language! (per the norm) and plus side, michael is a part-time florist who angrily sells flowers to people sometimes!!!! who wouldn't love an itty bitty Michael in an apron and holding a cute bouquet of roses?

thank you for your lovely comments and messages ' v '

tnd ╮(‵▽′)╭

Is it okay if I love you? (mavin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now