Chapter 4: We support you all the way

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So uh ya sup? My friend finished the cover today and it is just so gorgeous! I was so excited and when I saw it, I was screeching because just asdf it looks so good 

On top of that, one of my other friends helped a ton with this chapter and she is such a good writer and I am so happy that she helped

Also this chapter is going to be really sweet I hope, since like last chapter was I guess a little less fluff than I had hoped for since it was an office chapter and whatcanyado work is work. Also I am getting some friends to give me feedback on this junk so I wanna dedicate this to them because they are my best frands in the whole wide world and I love em to death so yea 

Anyways I have probably taken up like so much space with my pointless startercap and justfaioemjicokajcwklj read the fic now.


Geoff stood just outside of the door, battling with himself whether he should go and confront them about their semi-obvious relationship, or if he should try to ignore it. 'They would've told me about it first, right? I mean, Gavin lives with me, for Christ's sake. Aw, shit, what am I gonna do?!' Geoff began shifting in place, trying to figure out what to do about the situation. He eventually settled on going inside and asking them straight up. 

He stepped forward and grasped the door knob, hesitating a moment until finally giving in and swinging it open nervously. Michael and Gavin sat in their desk chairs facing each other, apparently having a little conversation. Boy, did Geoff know what that conversation was about considering Michael and Gavin were blushing and giggling like two love-sick teenage girls. 

The two stopped speaking as soon as Geoff entered, shutting their mouths quickly in mid-speech. Geoff stopped right inside of the doorway, pulling an awkward grin as he shut the door behind him. He went and sat down in his desk chair silently, the other two just glancing over at each other then at him, thinking in unison 'What if he heard?'

After a few moments, Geoff became sick of the tension in the room and scooted close to them in his computer chair. Propping his elbows up on his legs and hunching over, he got their attention. 

"So, guys, I heard ya talking' in here.. Uh, anything you wanna tell me about?" Geoff stared at them as Gavin began blushing and Michael had a terrified look on his face. Though Geoff continued to stare into their souls, neither one broke the silence to confess or deny to anything. Geoff cleared his throat and continued, "Right. So, uh, when did'ya plan on telling me about this... thing you got going on?"

Gavin broke down right then and there, words tumbling out in a steady stream. "I am so sorry we didn't do anything I just couldn't help myself and it was his birthday and I knew I was running out of time and I've felt like this for a while and Iamjustsosorry," Gavin sputtered, hunching over and putting his head in his hands. 

Silence loomed for quite a while before Michael finally explained his bit. "He didn't do anything wrong, trust me. Besides, I was the one who accepted his feelings so if you are going to blame anyone for keeping it from you then fucking blame me. Gavin wanted to tell you anyways, but I asked him not to so he was just doing what I asked." Gavin lifted his head, wondering why Michael was lying to Geoff that Gavin wanted to tell him about their relationship. Gavin suddenly felt almost ten times as much affection for Michael as he did just a moment ago, and he felt as if he wanted to just tackle Michael and smother himself into Michael like a pillow.

Geoff sat there for a moment, taking everything in for a moment and decided to handle it like an adult. "Well, I don't blame either of you for anything. I probably would've done the same thing, to be honest. So what do you want to do about this? I mean, no one else but us three know."

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