Chapter 5: Just a little visit

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So um I just want to inform you guys that I was kind of angry-- wait, no. A better word would be enraged. I have had to rewrite this ALL because my computer force shut down before I got a chance to save it. Sorry if there isn't a lot of happy emotion in this, but I will try the best I can.

Anyways, thanks for all the reads uvu it means a ton (even though its not a lot) but it makes me feel a bit better whenever I see all the reads since we are now around 100! 

*PS when there is an italics bit that Gavin says out loud later in the fic, it's courtesy of my friend who made the cover*

Team mavin for life~


Gavin groggily arose from his bed and strolled into the kitchen. The storm had stopped earlier that morning, the brunt of it having gone through, so when the light streamed through the blinds on the window, Gavin grinned a bit. Too blurry eyed to search for any coffee, he decided to go take a hot shower to wake himself up.  

After he had stripped and entered under the warm water, his senses became more aware and he was able to think more clearly. All of the memories from yesterday's events came flooding back to him, and instantly his head began to whirl. 'They all know now? And they're alright with it? That's a shock. I would've thought they would've been angry, to say the least. Goddamn, they knew how to scare the living hell out of you.' Gavin tited his head back under the spray of the shower head and sighed.

'Michael is being so pleasent now.. I've never noticed how sweet he can be. He even gave me his jacket when it was raining last night.' At that thought, Gavin realized something and he plastered a big smile across his face. He now had an excuse to surprise Michael and visit him this morning. All he had to do was convince Geoff to drive him to Michael's apartment.

Rearing with excitement, Gavin rushed through his shower, swiftly dressed, and scarfed down a plate of eggs and bacon. After breakfast, he peeked into Geoff's room to make sure he was asleep. Once he heard the soft snoring, he pushed open the door with a small creak and snuck inside. Stopping beside the bed, Gavin reached out one hand which was holding a can of beer, shook it vigorously, and popped the tab directly next to Geoff's face. 

Geoff was startled awake and shot open his eyes, only to close them when he felt the alcohol rain down onto his face. After a moment, the white and amber fountain ceased and Geoff sat up, wiping his face off with his shirt. Opening his eyes, he was welcomed by a Gavin standing in front of him clutching a silver canister.


"You could've just  yelled at me to wake me up!" Geoff stood in front of Gavin in the den, fuming and crossing his arms in an enfuriated pose. His shirt was covered in stains from the beverage.

"Would you rather me have jumped on you and woken you and Griffon up," Gavin replied, trying to hide a smirk.

"So you poured fucking beer on me? Do you know what fucking time it is? You woke me up before Millie even. You poured fucking alcohol on me at  9 in the happy ass morning on a Saturday!"

"Well, I needed you to drive me somewhere.."

"Where would you need to be at 9 am on a weekend?!"

"Uh.. um.. Michael's place..." 

At that reply, Geoff paused and stared at Gavin. He then hung his head and shook it, putting his hands on his hips. "You're already this lonely and it's still fucking morning.."

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