Chapter 8: A while's too long

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OVER 3000 READS NOW??!! WOW!! You guys are amazing! I never expected this little fanfic that basically is a way  to vent feels to become so popular! I mean, it's not anything spectacular to a lot of people, but to me it's a huge deal to know people actually like my writing! Thanks for all the likes and comments, you guys are great! Really!!

I hope the little cliffhanger I left wasn't too much of a let down. I enjoy being a huge cock tease sometimes eve  But the anticipation should be worth it when it's all over. I apologize for taking so long on this, really! I just haven't had that much time to work on it, and when I would begin to work on it, I'd get distracted or would have to go do something. 

Also my friend sent me a really extremely sad Attack on Titan comic and made me cry so much and everyone laughed at me so I was forced to go offline on skype because they are all shits and I couldn't concentrate. And then maybe an hour after that I read an unbelievably bittersweet comic that made me cry about ten times more and I just had to stop writing completely for a while because I didn't want it to influence the chapter. 

Team Mavin forever~


 "I-I-I don't know ho--" Gavin's eyes dashed wildly around the room as if searching for an appropriate answer. He sat awkwardly beside Michael who was leaning extremely close to him, causing him to feel even more embarrassed.

"Just answer me you dip shit," Michael interrupted, attempting to hold back his obvious frustration.  

Gavin paused for a brief moment to gather up all of his scattered thoughts and took a deep breath. Shaking his head after a moment, he looked back to Michael and brought himself back to reality. "I-I... I don't know. Gimme some time maybe? Let me think it over a bit," he finally answered. He braced himself for Michael to release all hell on him for not giving him a straight answer, but it never came.

"...Alright. Whatever you want, dude," Michael replied, putting his hands up as if in surrender. He put his hands down and smiled sincerely at Gavin, relaxing Gavin to the extent that he could clear his mind of guilt about not answering Michael directly.

Michael stood up from the couch and stretched, yawning since it was so late at night. "Well, I'll let ya' sleep on it and tell me whatever your answer is soon, ok?" He rested his arms behind his head as he strolled into his bedroom and the door creaked shut behind him. 

Staring at the now closed door, Gavin sat quietly in the dim room. He hung his head in the darkness, his hair shielding his face from clear view as he attempted to decide what he should do when the time comes when Michael confronts him about moving in again. Groaning from the sudden pressure, he stood up and slowly trudged towards Michael's bedroom, his stamina finally reaching it's limit. He gently opened the door and crept inside, closing the door behind him as he entered.

Walking forward, he reached around until he found the bedspread and made his way around the bed to the vacant side. He slowly and silently climbed onto the mattress and under the covers, and with a small yawn, cuddled up beside the warm body beside him. Feeling instantly at ease, he fell into a deep sleep without the pressure riddling his conscience. 


"Ready to go now, my little Mi-cool?" Gavin slowly opened the door to the bedroom and leaned inside to check on Michael, smiling brightly and in a peppy mood despite it being fairly early in the morning. The only thing that even signalled that their was life within the room was the small, moving lump amongst the pile of sheets on the bed. Gavin's head drooped at the sight and he sighed heavily as he swung open the door completely and trudged inside.

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