Chapter 13: Where Could He Be?

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bshdjjxjsnckskxjfkenvklx oh god I love all of you so much / v \ you guys are so super Nice and you leave such nice comments and just make my day!! we are over 20k reads and that makes me super happy and accomplished and I'm so sorry I never get chapters out in time gomenasai

anyways, I was actually pretty proud of last chapter because it actually had some good Ray action in it that's not jokes about his lack of sex or about his ethnicity ●△● I hope this chapter has some more Gav in it than last one But I do want to show you guys that I can write serious shit / 2 \

I'd also like to give some credit to @Frankthezombie !! They gave me the idea for this chapter and were really helpful

as always, team mavin for life!!


"Fuck, Gav. Pick up the pace already. Nobody's gonna cum at this ra-- ahh! Alright, I get the point already . J-Jesus fuck!"

The iPhone woke Gavin with a start, the shrill voice that he almost regretted setting as the tone making his eyes flutter in annoyance. He stirred under the thick duvet and stuck his arm out to grope for his phone. Finding it successfully, he checked the time and groaned as he slid his finger to dismiss the alarm.

Lying there for a moment, he soaked in the important date and struggled to not cry out in excitement or grunt with laziness. Deciding on staying silent, he rolled out of his bed and stood up. Something felt.... off. His brow raised in question as he checked his shirt and patted himself down.

No sweat. No piss. No-- nevermind. The final option that he had been hoping wasn't the correct one had finally come to prove him otherwise. 'I'm a grown lad and I had a wet dream? You've got to be joking. There's no way in hell that I actually had one. I have Mi-cool after all and-- oh. Well, at least now I have a secret that Mi-cool doesn't know of. And it is going to definitely stay that way.'

He sighed and quickly texted a 'good morning, love' to Michael. Gathering a nice set of clothes from his bag, he hurried into the bathroom and stripped. The sight in his boxers was enough to make him cringe as he pulled the sticky cloth away from his skin. He then quickly hopped in the shower once the water heated up, enjoying the refreshing water rinsing over him.


Michael smiled at the text once he got it, heart doing the little leap that it tended to do whenever he talked with Gavin. He had gotten pretty used to the endearing names added to the end of Gavin's sentences whenever he addressed him, but the joy that welled up inside of him whenever he realized that it was genuinely directed at him and not with a joking tone to it never really went away with the embarrassment. But he would never let Gavin know that he had that much power over Michael, and he was happy to say that he would rather not fluff that ego even more.

He sent the usual reply back to Gavin, a simple 'good afternoon babe' or the like (morning to Michael because in Texas it'd be like 7am and afternoon to gav because it'd be like 1pm at the time), and sat back in his computer chair. Waving at Geoff as people started appearing at the office, he couldn't help but wish that Gavin could be on an earlier flight. He greeted a few more people as the time passed, even giving Ray an unusually enthusiastic high-five since at this time of morning, both Michael and Ray would be fighting the urge to fall asleep at their desks. But the excitement must have been contagious because soon Ray and Michael were chatting non-stop about how they couldn't wait to see Gavin.

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