Chapter 3: Don't they seem a little weird?

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Pulling into a small diner, Gavin and Michael stepped out of the car, Gavin shivering in the light rain. "Looks like it's gonna storm. Man, this sucks. Austin almost never has rain," Michael commented, pocketing his keys and pulling his jacket closer to himself. 

They walked inside and quickly shut the door, taking a seat at the nearest booth. Once the waitor came and took their orders, they were silent for quite a long time. Not knowing what to say, they both sat their awkwardly. Michael had no idea why, nor did Gavin. They were closer than ever now, so they shouldn't have any trouble talking to each other, right? 

"So, uh, I guess we've got another Rage Quit to do at wo--" Michael cut himself off at a sudden realization; work. Literally none of their coworkers knew of their relationship. The both  shook their heads in unison to clear out the fear and thoughts, then looked up at each other and laughed. 

They continued to laugh and talk a little all throughout the meal, Gavin having trouble eating through little choking fits. Finishing the meal, Gavin reached out to pay the bill but Michael was a second faster and grabbed his hand, raising it above the bill and sticking his own money down instead. Gavin just blushed lightly and pulled a pouty face. "Aw stop being a little bitch about it, let's go so we aren't late to work," Michael said, gliding out of the leather booth seat and pulling Gavin out of his own. 


The rest of the office seemed oblivious of Michael and Gavin's relationship, well at least to them it seemed like they didn't notice. Though Ray, Geoff, and Jack who had seen them all day and the day before definitely thought it was weird how they were acting. 

Gavin hugging Michael every once in a while wasn't exactly odd, but whenever he hugged him today, it seemed more requited. And instead of  talking to each other as much, they would just glance over at each other a lot. The whole office found it quite unusual, but never really brought it up.

"Hey guys should we leave you alone," Ray asked while Michael and Gavin began setting up for a new Rage Quit. "You guys get pretty fucking loud and I can't concentrate when you guys are screaming."

"I don't care, but who's going to shoot the behind the scenes of it?" Michael was confused by the question since usually at least one person would stay and tape the behind the scenes reactions and junk. And usually if they got to loud no one would really mind since that's what the point was.

"Well, I mean, you guys should have some alone time don't ya think," Ray continued, making a weird face. "I mean, Team Mavin forever, right? You guys seem in a weird state anyways, so we wouldn't wanna bother ya."

Michael just shook his head and continued to set up the Xbox for another goddamn indie game as the others left the room, chatting at each other. They all kind of suspected something. Ray muttered something to Jack, Geoff, and Ryan as they walked out of the room, "Don't they seem a little weird now?"


The recording went pretty usual, the same amount of yelling and hollering, the same amount of Gavin being retarded, and the same amount of Michael throwing a tantrum. They almost exaggerated it to some extent, afraid some of the fans or even one of their coworkers would think that there was something going on. 

Sitting back in his chair, Michael sighed and rubbed his head. "Why the fuck do we have to play so many of these shitty indie games?"

"Because, everyone will go mental if we don't," Gavin replied, setting his controller down and looking over at Michael. 

"Well I have no idea why everyone has to go ape shit when I play these stupid things. They're fucking hard." 

"Calm down, Mi-cool." Gavin leaned closer to Michael and looked at him, Michael just sighing and turning to look at Gavin who was smiling like a psycho. Somehow, this made him a little happier and smiled back, obviously surprising Gavin who started blushing again. 

Michael stood up and walked outside to call the guys back in, who all came in laughing since they kept hearing only bits of yelling from inside the office the whole time. As Michael walked back to his chair, he tripped over a mic cord (imagine that, its so rare for them to trip on fucking cords right?) and twisted around to try to get untangled but to no avail, so he ended up falling on his back. 

Everyone was laughing as he tried to stand up, Gavin chuckling and trying to help Michael off of the ground. Michael, being bigger than Gavin (but not taller hehe), ended up pulling Gavin down with him on accident. They lied there for a moment, each blushing at each other slightly as they kept trying to get up but each time they kept failing. 

Eventually, Michael just held Gavin around the chest and managed to pull them both up. Everyone was still laughing as they watched the two struggle and then finally get up in their seats again. Michael turned to the other guys after he was able to sit down again and started yelling at them and ended up punching Ray in the arm for yelling 'Mavin!' every ten seconds. Gavin just sat there looking at his controller lying on his desk, blushing like crazy as the feeling of Michael's arm around him wouldn't subside. 

"Damn," Gavin muttered to himself. "You can't fall for someone twice, right?"


Lunch came quickly after the recording was finished, Gavin and Michael still acting a little odd. The rest of the office hearing the Rage Quit thought nothing more of their suspicions. Having to finish editing, Michael sat in the office after everyone else had left.  

Gavin walked back to the office and walked in to see Michael still hard at work. "Oh my little Mi-cool, I brought you some lunch!" He walked over and sat a bag in front of the monitor, causing Michael to break away and thank Gavin for the meal.

"Thanks. You're my boy!" Michael dug inside the bag and pulled out the still warm lunch. He smiled over at Gavin, making him blush once again. 

Gavin stared at Michael as he ate, admiring the little dimples and freckles he had. Michael glanced over and noticed this laughing a bit and snapping Gavin out of his little trance.

"Like what ya see?" Michael laughed and sipped his drink.

Gavin blushed a bit and smiled to himself. "I was just noticing how cute your freckles are," he replied, scrunching up his nose. 

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, of course. You are just a cute little pleb."

"Not as much as you are, with your dumb British words in your sexy British voice." 

Gavin stopped and sat there, smiling widely and blushing like a maniac. He was silent for quite some time as Michael finished eating. Throwing away his trash, Michael came and sat back down, noticing Gavin was staring again. "What is it," Michael asked him, looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

"Nothing. I just... love you. Love you more than words can say." Gavin smiled as his blush faded and his confidence returned. 

Outside of the office, Geoff was returning early so he could finish his work early and mess around with the other guys working and editing or playing games. He stopped as he reached for the door, hearing Michael and Gavin's voice. He pressed his ear against the door and listened to the short conversation. When he heard Gavin's last comment, he stood back and couldn't help but fist pump the air. 'I knew it! I fucking knew it! Woo-hoo!' Geoff stopped in mid-pump and stood there frozen. 'Dammit, none of the others know. What am I gonna do?'


YEEYUH I managed to pump out the third chapter before I stopped writing! 

I just wanted to mention that the bit about them falling all over each other and the bit where Geoffy hears them talking fluff were both ideas from a good friend of mine and she will also be making a better cover for the fic! I am so excited nkeoaljfnmkwaljvkwalsngkrwlavnsksd

okseeyabyebye~ Shinymagikarp uvu

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