Chapter 9: Too Much in One Day

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YOU GUYS ARE SO NICE AND LOVELY FOR BEING PATIENT WITH ME *sob choke* You are so wonderful and just wow! I'm not going to say I love you, because that's a strong phrase, so I will just say I strongly enjoy your presence and all of the great things you do for me, kind of like a good cell phone company. Are you guys secretly cell phone companies?  I think you are. Just I hope there are no AT&Ts out there, because then you just need to leave. I think you need to go. Don't worry, we'll be fine without you. (HAhahHAHHAHAH FACADE JOKES THAT AREN'T FUNNY ANYMORE)

Anyways, thanks for all of your nice comments, votes, and reads! It's greatly appreciated. And also, I just wanna say that I hope you guys have as much fun reading this as much as I do writing it! I am surprised it's over 7000 reads now! Like hot damn, that's a real surprise. 

Team Mavin for life~


"Mi-cooooool, open the doooooooor." Gavin bashed his fist against the door repeatedly, causing more of a disruption to the neighbors rather than to Michael himself. Waiting patiently, except for the constant knocking he was doing, he grinned happily to himself. His bags were strewn across the walkway and blocked the path, causing people to have to either push the bags out of the way or attempt to climb over them with a grumble. Despite the glares and rude comments he was given, Gavin only continued his merry knocking without wavering.

Finally, the door swung open forcefully, swishing cool air in along with it. Michael stood in front of him with a livid expression as he waved jubilantly. Ignoring the confused and angry stare, he pushed his way into the apartment, dragging bags and rolling suitcases along with him. He reached the bedroom and pushed open the door, only pausing to flip on the light switch. 

"Hey, what the fuck are you doing?" Michael had followed shortly behind Gavin and was stood in the door frame, still bewildered and infuriated. He looked wildly around the now cluttered room and attempted to take in the sight all at once. Suitcases of all sizes and colours were placed all around the room; outside of the closet, beside the bed, propped up against the dresser, etc. Not only that, but cardboard boxes and plastic bags were sat all along the desk and dresser top, taking up a large amount of space as they shoved Michael's own belongings onto the floor and against the wall. 

"What's it look like," Gavin answered happily as he began strewing Michael's clothes on the floor and replacing them with his own. 

"Your trashing my whole fucking room, man," he added as he threw his arms up in disbelief at the pure mess. "You're gonna bust in my house and break everything I own?"

Gavin just gazed back at Michael with his big, wide grin. Michael's face was that of utter shock, confusion, and pure fury, and Gavin's unceasing and chipper mood wasn't paying his mood any favors. Gavin then turned back to his suitcase and continued to pull various things out until the suitcase was near empty. Unable to yell anymore at Gavin or try to get the point through his thick skull, Michael ultimately gave up and sighed, placing his hand on his forehead in frustration.

He removed his hand when he stopped hearing the sliding of drawers or the bumps of things being set on the tops of his dresser or desk. Gavin had indeed stopped making such a big racket and destroying his room, and instead was pushing his suitcases and empty duffel bags into the bottom of the closet. Michael sighed yet again, crossing his arms and waiting for Gavin to finish hanging his coats and scarves in the closet before speaking.

"Done yet," he asked as Gavin strutted back across the room towards him to rearrange the breakables and things on the desk. 

"Oh, yea, sorry," Gavin answered. "Honestly, Micool. I'd think you'd be helping me unpack rather than standing there and whining." 

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