Chapter 11: Christmas Special

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happy holidays erryone!!! idk who celebrates what but I wish good things for all of you wonderful little bbys ' b '

I hope you like fluffy Christmas presents because that's pretty much what this is U v U I figured I would try to get this one out ASAP now that exams are over and I have spare time.

anyways you guys are awesome, beautiful people and make my little life on this earth brighter each time i see each of your nice comments and votes and messages and i am so undeserving ┐('~';)┌ but thank you sososoos much and i love you all ∩(︶▽︶)∩


"You didn't have to buy me anything, y'know. I'd live without a gift," Michael laughed into the phone, holding a small, colourfully wrapped box up to eye level.

"Aww, my little Mi-cool, being so humble. What happened to the Mogar who would jump at the chance to rip something open," Gavin replied, hundreds of miles away with his cell phone between his shoulder and ear as he typed away on his laptop.

"You should be getting my present any time soon, too. Hopefully those fuckers at the post office get it there by today."

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure it'll be fine."

"If you say so. Can I open this then?"

"Of course. No need to hold out, right?"

"Thanks," Michael replied as he placed the gift on his desk and using one hand to rip a small hole in the covering. Not able to be patient any longer, he eagerly tore the paper and ripped the top of the box off. Rolling his eyes and grinning, he put the phone between his shoulder and ear as he reached in and pulled the tissue paper that had been stuffed in to cover the item. He stopped as he looked down into the opening, smitten.

Not hearing a sound on the other end, Gavin interrupted Michael's brief silence. "Do you like it?"

"...It's amazing, Gavin! It's lovely," Michael answered, pulling out a small chain for a bracelet with a tiny charm on one side and a similar one on the link next to it. "How'd you get it made? Did you ask a fan or something?"

"Yep. The Mogar charm was made by one fan, and the creeper one was made by someone else."

"Aww Gavvy. Getting sentimental, ya shit?"

"Pshh, nah," Gavin retorted, smiling at nothing but the emptiness in the room.

Even fate must've thought it was a cringe-worthy, sappy moment since it so happened that the doorbell decided to ring at just that time to put a stop to Gavin's happiness. Groaning and telling Michael to hang on, he stood up from his comfortable seat and made his way to the door begrudgingly. Opening it with a hint of annoyance, he glared at the post man that stood before him.

"U-Um, package for you...?" Gavin's expression softened greatly at the confused man. Smiling, he thanked the guy with a curt nod and took the package from his hands.

He soon returned to his seat after apologizing to the mail carrier and closing the door again. Picking the phone up off of the seat, he put it back to his ear and announced his return.

"What's up," Michael inquired, shifting his position in his computer chair.

"Nothin', really. Just got a package is all," Gavin replied, audibly ripping the tape that sealed the top of the box.

"Yea? Who's it from?"

"Ummm... Hold on, let me check," Gavin said, turning the box on its side to read the address and return labels. "Um, looks like it's from Austin. Did one of you lads send me anythin'?"

"Mm.. Not sure. I'm in New Jersey, remember?"

"Yea, you're right. Maybe Ray did..."

Michael heard the muffled sound of styrofoam being rubbed against something which he presumed was the insides of the box. He smirked as a faint gasp emitted through the phone speaker.

"Oh, Mi-cool...I can't believe--"

"Haha, believe it because I sure as hell am not taking it back." Hearing the whimper from the Brit on the other end of the line, Michael took it that Gavin wasn't about to send it back or refuse to accept it.

"This isn't a proposal, right," Gavin broke in, holding the small, velvet box in his palm.

"God no. It's like a promise ring sort of thing. A 'going steady' ring, I guess," Michael assured, listening to the breath of relief that he got in return.

"Okay. Good Lord, you almost made me pass out. The fans would go mad if they found out that we were dating after we were married."

"Psh, as if that would happen. I'm pretty sure we aren't getting married any time soon."

"I thought so."

Flipping the lid open and closed on the case, Gavin stared at the wall blankly with the genuine smile that he always painted on his face whenever he was laughing at something or was happily doing something. The particular smile that he generally showed around his friends only.

"So when are you going to be coming back to Austin," Michael asked, interrupting Gavin's train of thought or lack thereof.

"Not until after New Years," Gavin said as his mood suddenly became a bit more gloomy.

"Oh.. Well, uh, take your time. We'll understand that you like your family more than us," Michael replied, trying to lighten the mood again.

"N-No, I just--"

"Chill out, dude. I was just joking. Remember who you're talking to?"

"Bloody Hell, Mi-cool..."

"So how's Dan doing?"

"Alright. I told him about us and he has no problem with it."

"Didn't think he would."

"Neither did I."

"Well, anyways, it's getting pretty late here. I'm sorry, but I'm not waiting any longer to sleep now that it's 4 in the goddamn morning here."

"It's already, like, 8 here."

"Lucky bitch. Brag about it why don't ya. Anyways, see ya when you get back. And this time, remember that your noon is still like 8 o' clock in Jersey, okay?"

"Haha, right. Sweet dreams, Mi-cool. I love you."

"Yea, whatever. Love you, too."

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