Chapter 19: You May Now Kiss the Bride

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Let's just jump right into it. I hope it's good enough for a finale


~Roughly 6 Months Later~


Stirring in his sleep as he heard his name, he muttered a groggy "what" and got a sharper yell in reply. He furrowed his brow, eyes still shut. He hadn't minded the soft calling previous, but the new, rude version was getting on his nerves. As the voice gradually got louder and was soon accompanied by jabs to his arm, he sat up and propped himself against the pillows behind him, the blanket sliding down his body and settling over his lap.

"What," he demanded, blinking away the blurriness in his sight.

"Don't you fucking 'what' me," Michael replied, standing at the foot of their bed with a spatula in hand. "I made your sorry ass some fucking breakfast to start the day, and this is how I get treated? Fuck it, I'll eat it by myself."

Chuckling, Gavin slid out of bed and walked over beside his soon-to-be husband. "I'm sorry, love. I'm just tired from last night. It's pretty early, even for me."

"For you? I could've decided not to get out of bed at all today, and it took like all of my motherfucking strength to stand up, and it's early for you," Michael said in offense.

Frowning and apologizing seemed like the obvious thing to do, but that is not what Gavin did or what he ever would've done. Rather, he gave the sulking Michael a small smile and snaked his arms around Michael's waist, pulling him close until their chests were touching. Gavin smashed their lips together before any sort of protest could be made, but Michael pulled away first.

"Gavin," Michael muttered, looking into the heat-hazed, bluish, greenish irises that he had come to see often since they had been engaged.

"Mm.. Yes, love," Gavin replied with a sultry grin.

"You...," Michael continued, trailing his hand over Gavin's collarbone and down his chest to rest on either side.

"Need to stop that shit." He pushed Gavin away gently and dropped the facade. "We have a long day today, and staying here until noon isn't how we are going to fucking start it. I don't give a shit that you woke up with morning wood or whatever. Go take a shower, get dressed, and come get breakfast. Alright?"

"Ugh, you didn't have to tease me like that."

"You mean just like you don't have to try and throw yourself at me?"

"Hehe, yea."

Gavin smirked devilishly as he disappeared into the bathroom with a towel in hand. Scoffing, Michael shook his head and walked back into the kitchen to wait for Gavin, the smell of food lingering in the air.

"You're gonna be the death of me," he yelled as he heard the faucets squeak on in the bathroom through the thin walls (not necessarily a good thing).

"Ha, yea, but you love me," Gavin called back over the rushing water.



The court house was smaller than they had imagined as Michael pulled into the parking lot. Even though the long ride was full of talking and music, once they got within a few yards of their destination, the vehicle went silent. Michael and Gavin both met each others' stares and breathed in softly.

Michael grinned reassuringly. "You ready, my boi?"

"Yea... Yea, I am," Gavin answered, moving his gaze to the gray building before them. "Are you?"

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