Chapter 16: Jealous, much?

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finally finished up and got it all checked out! ' v ' be proud of me guys! i managed through my exams and the flooding to write this chapter and finish it for you guys /  v  \ hope you like it! 

this chapter is sort of an in-between chapter almost i guess, like to tie up the loose ends before moving on to the next chapters... i actually ended up with one main idea for this chapter in mind, but unfortunately i wasnt able to use it after syncing up the date of the chapter and how the weather would effect everything so it didnt go as plan and i had to toss the idea completely ! thats probably another reason i took so long in writing this one because i had to improvise 

but on the other hand, we broke 30k reads guys!!!!! isnt that amazing?! it is to me!!!! you are all so supportive and polite  and give me great feedback, so please continue to do so! i appreciate all the comments and votes and it really does brighten my day seeing them U v U 

sorry for babbling, go on and read that T N D ~~


"Goddamn, it feels so fucking weird to not have my arm all pent up," Michael commented, swinging his arm around and stretching the muscles as he walked. "I had sweat in places it isn't supposed to be."

"Yea, man, it happens. You're just lucky everything else healed up pretty nicely," Ray replied, matching Michael's pace as they strolled out of the hospital and onto the pavement of the parking lot.

"Mhmm. It was a damn close call, though. Right in time for today."

Just as they reached the vehicle, Ray remembered the date's significance. "Oh right, Valentines. Nearly forgot. At least you can spend the day with your gay lover now."

"Yea. Speaking of him, I gotta pick him up on the way to Ryan's. Don't let me forget that shit."

"He's probably shitting his pants thinking about why we're taking so long. Lemme text him real quick that we're on the way." Ray buckled his seat and pulled out his phone, waiting on Michael to start the car.

"No," Michael stopped him, making Ray turn to him questioningly. "Don't send him anything. Let's fuck with 'im a little bit. You know how jealous he gets anyways, so why not be a dick and evoke that whole side of him."

Ray chuckled a bit as Michael smirked at him before pulling out and starting their trip to get the gullible Brit that they were about to mess with. "God, he's gonna think we eloped or some shit. What if he calls," Ray said, slipping his phone back into his pocket.

"Either don't answer it, or tell him that you're busy and hang up."

"He's gonna be so pissed."

"Heh, yea he is."

The drive wasn't long, but with red lights and traffic on top of Michael's snail pace, it was longer than they had even hoped for. Snickering at the various texts that both Ray and Michael had received in the period of time, they pulled in and parked just in front of the apartments. As they were exiting the car, Gavin came barreling out of the tall building as if their arrival had summoned him.

"Good Lord, where were you guys?! I've been waiting forever," Gavin exclaimed, going to Michael's side and looking between them.

“Oh, y’know. Somewhere,” Ray replied, shrugging.

“Yea, thanks, that explains a lot,” Gavin said sarcastically.

“It’s fine Gavvy. Traffic and all just sucked shit so we had to wait a while,” Michael threw in, laughing and smiling like he was trying to prevent a fight.

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