Chapter 18

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Jesy's P.O.V

Today I'm taking Thalia and Jake to see my Mum. Thalia hasn't met her but Jake has. We're also going to tell Mum that I'm having another child. We get there and I ring on the doorbell. My Mum answers and hugs me.
"Hello my baby!" She exclaims.
"Hi Jake!" She hugs him, then she looks at Thalia.
"Hi," Thalia whispers shyly. Mum pulls her in for a huge hug.
"My first grandchild!" She exclaims.

We got here about ten minutes ago, and Mum's just been talking to Thalia and Jake. I'm just sitting back. Mums just gone to get the food, so we're going to tell her that I'm pregnant in a second. She walks back in and I look at her.
"Mum, I have something to tell you." I say. She sits down. I try to hide my smile. "I'm pregnant!" I exclaim.
Mum stands up and hugs Jake and me.
"That's amazing," she screams.

After our meal, Mum pulls me aside.
"Jesy, I think you should visit your father." She says. I shake my head.
"No Mum! Dad's in jail and I'm never going to talk to him" I say.
"At least tell that you're having another child." Mum tells me.
"He doesn't even know that he has one granddaughter." She interrupts.
"When he got put in jail, I swore I would never talk to or see him again." I tell her.
"Jesy, he's your father. He deserves to know."
"Fine." I whisper.
"Now." Mum says. "There's somewhere we need to go." She says to Jake and Thalia. They stand up and we all get in Mum's car.

We arrive at the jail and we all get out of the car. We walk to the entrance.
"Hi, we're here to see John Nelson." Mum says. Even hearing his name makes me shudder.
"Jesy, why are we here?" Jake asks.
"We're here to see Jesy's Dad." Mum blurts out, then leads us to a small grey room with a glass window in the middle of it. There are plastic phones to speak to people. A guard goes and gets my Dad. He comes back a minute later with Dad behind him.
"Jesy?" He looks amazed. I sit down at the glass window opposite him and pick up the phone.
"Hi," I say.
"You look so grown up." He says.
"It's been 20 years, of course I've grown," I say. He laughs.
"I see you've still got you sarcasm!" He exclaims.
"What's happened? What's your job?" He asks.
"I'm a singer," I say.
"What, like, a famous singer, with singles and songs and concerts and interviews?" I nod.
"WOW! And are you single?" He asks.
"No, that's why I'm here," I tell him. "I'm engaged and I'm also pregnant."
"I'm gonna be a father-in-law and a grandfather?" He asks.
I nod. "Actually, you're already a grandfather." I say. I turn around and motion for Thalia to come here. "Dad, this is Thalia, my daughter." I say to Dad, then I tell Thalia that this is her grandfather.
"Hi," she whispers shyly.
"So you're my granddaughter?" He asks. Thalia smiles and nods. "How old are you?"
"Just turned eleven." Thalia says. Dad gives me a strange look.
"I was raped." I tell him.
"What?!" Dad seems angry. "Do you know their name?" He asks. I look at Mum. She told me she knows their name.
"Matthew Burcourt," she says. Dad hears her.
"He's in my cell!" Dad shouts. The guard leaves the room and a couple of minutes later, comes out with a man with dark hair and blue eyes behind him.
"Hey man!" The man says. I recognise him. His evil eyes.
"You idiot!" Dad shouts, standing up. He punches the man. I stand up with Thalia and run back to my Mum and Jake. Dad keeps punching the man. Then he kicks him where it hurts.
"You raped my daughter!" Dad shouts. That's how I know him. He's the guy who raped me. It was late at night and raining and I was taking a shortcut home down a dark alleyway. Bad idea.
"Mum, is that my Dad?" Thalia asks me. I nod.
"I think so." I say.
"Jesy, what's happening?" Jake asks.
"I think that's Thalia's father." I say. Suddenly, Thalia runs forwards and smashes the glass with her elbow. She runs to the fight.
"Thalia!" I scream. She tries to pull the men apart but it doesn't work, so she punches her father. He falls backwards. She pulls my Dad's arm and pulls him too the other side or the room. Her father stands back up and walks towards them. He punches her in the face and she falls into the broken glass. Mum runs and gets a guard as I run towards Thalia.
"Thalia!" I scream. She's not moving. I look up at her father. "Well that's nice for your daughter to meet her father, isn't it!" I say sarcastically. Tears start to fall down my face. I put my hand on her cheek. She's so cold! Mum comes back in with a guard and the guard pulls Thalia's father and my father back into a cell each. Jake calls an ambulance and it comes and takes Thalia to the hospital. I sit in the back of Mum's car as we drive to the hospital, and cry.

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