Chapter 38

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Jake's P.O.V

Yesterday I phoned Jesy and Thalia answered and told me that they were in America, so I straight away got on a plane and flew to America. I know what I'm going t do, I'm going to find put where she is and find her. Then I'll ask her If she'll take me back. If she says no, then I'll ask her if I can see my children then she'll say yes and gradually, I'll flatter her and make her take me back. I arrive in America and go to where her hotel is. I get to the hotel and find a room. A few minutes later I walk down to the front desk and ask which room Jesy Neslon is in. The person at the front desk doesn't tell me so I start to walk back towards the lift. I get to the lift and see a woman who looks around the same age as me. When the lift stops, I walk out and the woman follows me.
"Can I come in?" She asks.
"Uhh... sure," I say. I open the door and she sits down on the bed. I sit next to her and as soon as I do, she's taking off my clothes...
"What are you doing?" I stop her. She doesn't say anything, she only strips and starts fucking with me...

This isn't why I came to America. I came to get Jesy back, and I'm doing the complete opposite of that.

**The Next morning**

I can't believe I did that yesterday. I came to America to get Jesy and me kids back and the opposite of that happened. I'm so ashamed with myself!

Jesy's P.O.V

It's now the morning and today we're leaving this hotel and going to a different one. I'm walking down the hall with Thalia by my side holding Tulisa while I hold Tom. I walk past a door just as a woman who looks about my age opens it and walks out. As I walk past, I can't help but glance inside. The part of the room that I can see is just the double bed, which has a man lying on it. The man has a familiar face, then I realise, it's Jake. I immediately stop walking. Why is Jake in America?
"Mum?" Thalia says worriedly. "Mum...Mum!" She waves her hand in front of my face.
"Lets go." I say before walking off. I can't believe it! Jake just slept with some random slut! I feel backstabbing in mg heart, just like when Jake told me he slept with someone when we were together. He keeps sleeping with window unknown people, I can't believe it! I feel tears forming in my eyes so I run to the tour bus with Tom still in my arms. I see Perrie notice me but I still run on, to the back of the bus where no one is. I give Tom a hug and cry onto his head. Perrie walks in.
"What's the matter?" She asks, taking Tom out of my arms and putting him down on the sofa next to us.
"J...J...Jake" I manage to stutter through the tears.
"Jesy, he cheated on you. Do you really want him back?" Perrie asks.
"I thought I d...didn't, but I! When I was walking out of the h...hotel with Thalia, I saw a w...woman
l...leaving a room. I looked in the room and s...saw ...J..J..Jake... n...naked," I cry.
"What? Which room?" Perrie shouts, making Tom cry too.
"Room... 1...107" I tell her and she leaves.

Perrie's P.O.V

I walk out of the tour bus and look inside the hotel for room 107. I find it and knock on the door. A minute later, Jake answers it.
"What the Hell did you do!?!" I shout at him, walking forwards as I do.
"What?" Jake stammers. "How do you know I'm here?"
"Jesy told me, and you know exactly what I'm talking about!" I shout.
"No, I don't!" Jake says.
"You really don't know, do you?" I ask. Jake shakes his head. "Jesy saw a woman leaving this room earlier, when she was walking to the tour bus with Thalia, Tulisa and Tom. Right now she's on the bus sitting with your kids, crying her eyes out! Why did you even come to America?" I ask.
"I came to get my ex fiance back." Jake says.
"Then why did you cheat on her?"
"Cause... I don't know." He mumbles.
"She wants you back." I say, before leaving and walking back to the tour bus. I walk in to see Jade, Leigh, Jesy, Thalia, Tulisa, Tom, William, Ariana, and Azera sitting on the floor. Thalia, Jade and Leigh are trying to comfort Jesy, and she's bawling her eyes out.
"Jesy, he only came to get you back," I say, sitting next to her.
"Mum, please stop crying!" Thalia begs. Jesy doesn't.
"He's really sorry! Just take him back!" I say. "Jess I hate seeing you upset! Please, he wants you back. He doesn't know why he did it, please!" Jesy shakes her head.
"I'm okay," she wipes away her tears and half-smiles. "I just need to... forget him." Jesy says before standing and picking up baby William. William smiles and laughs.

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