My Performance

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My first class of the day is AP French we had assigned seats and I was seated next to a boy with pink hair. It was short and really pink his name is Renzo Shima. After we talked a little I realized how smart he is like really smart, but then I had another realization that this was the same kid I saw making out with that other boy. I imminently felt uncomfortable. When the bell rang the teacher went through the seats again. We were all tables of two for some reason and not desks. The teacher explained that when your name was called then you can say what you want to be addressed by being in the first row Renzo was the first the want to be called my something else "Here, I go by my last name Shima" the teacher wrote down somethings before he continued Armin walked in late with Jean. I was guessing they were walking together until I heard Jeans name on the roster.

On top of that Jean was seated behind me next to Armin. This was complete and utter bullshit. How is this even remotely possible? On the other side of Armin was a boy named Rin Okumura he was the boyfriend of Shima because when Rin walked in Shima got out of his seat to have a small make out session with him then sat back down. Rin's table partner was of course Levi Fucking Ackerman. At least I didn't have to look at him, because I don't think I could handle that. During this class nothing much happened but I could feel Levi's eyes on the back of my head when the bell rang I walked with Shima and Rin they were actually pretty cool. "You should hang with us at lunch you're really cool and funny." I smiled "thanks you guys are too!" I walked next to Shima because I liked him better, Rin is nice but I don't know I just need to get to know him. As we walked Rin asked "Hey Eren what song are you going to sing today?" I looked at him with confusion "oh my god would you hate me if I said I forgot we had third period together "they both laughed "no it's ok I'm just really good with names and faces" I smiled "you'll see its nothing special though" "Eren!" I knew it was Levi but I didn't feel the need to turn back. Both Shima and Rin looked at me Shima raised his eyebrow and said "I think Levi is calling you." I looked at him "you know Levi?" he smiled "who doesn't he's scary as hell"

I looked down at my feet "Ill fill you in when we get to third ok?" as they turned the corner to get to their next class. Hearing the sound of Levi getting closer "Eren I know you can hear me." I shut my eyes unlocking my phone checking where I was going to find the P.E room luckily I almost passed it so it wasn't far from where I was standing just when I thought I had escaped from Levi he comes walking through the door, fuck I forgot he was in this class too. "Eren you can't ignore me forever I just want to talk." I sighed and stepped aside with Levi "Listen I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable and-"I almost choked "wait why you are apologizing? I'm the dick who kissed you then ran out of your house, I already knew you like me and I kissed you anyway. I've sort of been struggling with my sexuality so I'm sorry Levi but I also want to say thank you because now I'm sure now that I'm gay. It took me a while to accept it but I feel like if I had to kiss anyone else it would be you" I blushed at the end of my sentence and looked down. Levi put a finger on my chin and lifted my head up and we stayed like that for a while until the late bell rang.

Levi spoke first "Eren Jaeger, you're beautiful." I smiled feeling my cheeks get hot. I wanted to kiss him so bad; I wanted to remember the feeling of our lips dancing together so took a chance and wrapped my hands around his neck as his hand slid down to my waist. I leaned in and kissed him my eyes fluttered shut as our lips touched. It was the feeling of pure euphoria I smiled into the kiss then pulled away "what" Levi actually smiled my face lit up I could feel it "you're smiling " he whipped the smile off his face "shut up bright eyes" I buried my head into his neck and laughed and he hugged me tighter. P.E wasn't bad at all now that I'm not avoiding Levi anymore. I told him the song I was going to sing in my third period was about him, and then he called me a brat because he didn't know I could sing. His third period was being an aid in the library and that he would come to see. I hoped he wouldn't come to see because I've been practicing and I get really nervous. Third period rolled around I was sick to my stomach I knew Levi was going to find a way to come and watch me along with judgmental Jean, but Shima and Rin would be in the crowd. I'm totally ambivalent at the moment. Shima is going first

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