Trying To Find The Words

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It was going by so fast it was almost crazy how were haven't gotten shot yet. I looked back and we were getting away. I looked forward and felt instant pain. I looked down and I stepped on a fucking brad trap I could barely breath I had to live though I had gotten this far. Kaneki and Marco helped me get away as Gabriel got the bear trap loose with them and then I saw Levi's notebook. I stopped and almost cried. I picked it up and screamed as loud as could for Levi. When I saw his face I almost thought it was a dream. I've dreamt of this for a long time and its finally coming true."

It was quiet. There was a lump in my throat I couldn't hold back. I began to cry fuck I was so tired of crying but I couldn't stop. The Detective recorded the stories and I suddenly thought of the Erwin's dad. This world is twisted.

A month had gone by and Erwin's dad was sentenced to the death penalty. And the police found where they were being held and found every missing person Dead. No one was kept alive. Eren grew distant and we decided to just be friends. The remaining boys were home schooled as was Eren. None of them acted normal they were always on edge, needed therapy and constant medical help. On September thirteenth 2015 Gabriel died of cancer. He had gone too long without treatment letting the cancer spread. Some say Marshall was singing to him when he passed and it was a peaceful death.

Marshall Lee changed after that during the funeral he cried the entire time. Kaneki Eren and Marco showed up too. They looked the most affected though. To think he had gone through all that to get away just to die a month later was a true tragedy. He stopped talking to his friends and family outside his house. I'm probably the only person he talks to that is considered a friend. We talk on the normal bases.

School was still hell for me but when Eren was taken I think he took a piece of me along with him. October came along and I got a message from Eren's mom saying that he's in the hospital. I stopped by and when I walked into his room His mother was there eyes blood shot red. "He won't say anything, hasn't said anything since last week."

She got up and closed the door giving us some privacy. "Eren what's wrong?" he sat criss cross with his hands in his lap. I touched his shoulder and he brought his knees into his chest and put his head down.

"Eren?" he began to cry. I don't think I've seen him cry in a long time. I hate the sight of him in a hospital gown it made me sick to this day. "Levi don't touch me" I removed my hand form his back and pulled up a chair and sat buy him. "You can tell me when you're ready" he sniffled until he stopped crying "I have AIDS Levi. I'm disgusting. I have an STD that doesn't have a cure Levi" I won't lie I was shocked I stood up and hugged him. He was still in that fettle position but he leaned his head to my chest "Eren you could be a fucking killer and I would still love you" he looked up and me and said "I Love you too" then he kissed me, it's been a year since I kissed these lips and from that one kiss I knew it was a start of something new, I wasn't sure what but it was defiantly something new.

Over time Eren flinched to about everyone's touch but mine and Kaneki's. Going through that with one another strengthened the bond between the two. Kaneki kept his hair white and long, he got reunited with his best friend slowly, but he's also changed physically and mentally. He is still smart as ever and forever kind but he continues to keep his nails black, he's also changed his wardrobe to nothing but black and white clothing. Scared to overstep any boundaries I restrained from touching him too much. He barely talks to his friends that he was pretty close to a while ago which is really sad to think about so I try to push that thought away.

His therapist said a pet might do him good so his mother surprised him with a German Shepard. He named it Titan. That dog had a massive impact on Eren. He spent most of his time catering for Titan; he made sure he had water in his bowl, food in his bowl, trained him, played with him and just took full responsibility. That dog was always around after that he was never alone.

I got close to Eren again but the bond between us was better somehow. We became best friends with the occasional make-out sessions. Some days Eren would reject all contact because of his disease. It broke my heart seeing him like this.

He also had to take medicine for PTSD and for his night terrors, but he has generally gotten better with communicating and things. Kaneki and Hide hang with us on the regular basis. Marco is more quiet and isolated as ever. I heard he's planning on moving which probably affects Jean the most.  Eren and I were watching some movie about zombies when Eren asks me "Why do you stick around?" Titan removed himself from against my body and made his way across the bed over to Eren.

"What are you talking about?" a tear fell from his eye. I whipped it away before it reached his chin. "Why do stay with me when I'm a complete mess. I'm being selfish towards you. I make-out with you but we never have sex because I can't handle it. Levi I don't want to put you through his, though my mood swings, through my night terrors that constant feeling that if I so much even lay a hand on you you're going to get aids too Levi I'm so sorry."

He was crying now. I pulled him in close trying not to squish Titan and I sighed "How many times are you going to make me repeat myself brat? I'm here because I love you and I would never leave you here to your own devices when you need someone. You can't drive me away that easily I do all this because I respect you and your wishes. Sex isn't important right now or at all! I'm here for you, your whole being. I love you Eren and you need to understand that" He relaxed in my arms and stopped crying and said "I love you too Levi." It was silent for a while "Levi?" "Hm?" "A while ago you said you could sing, can I hear it? I've never heard your singing voice before" It was true I had totally forgotten I had a recording of myself on my phone and I know Eren prefers earphones so I pulled out earphones too and set it up so all he had to do was click play.

As he listened I tried to find the words to tell him that I'm leaving him soon for Bostin in less than two months so I can finish my senior year there then attend Bostin University for figure skating. But until then I will stay here with him, holding him in my arms loving him always, and forever.

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