Shots Fired

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First period I got some stairs but nothing to drastic. We were informed that in December there will be a field trip to Paris France. I was excited maybe Levi will open up to me before then. To make things better I would be hanging out with Levi today in third period. We're going to volunteer to help the sixth graders set up for their little school dance. Once the bell rang I walked towards the other building alongside Levi. "Oh Lee is coming too" "Lee?" I had flashbacks of the previous weekend between him and I. Levi squinted "do you not like Lee? I thought you did." I snapped out of it "no Lee is cool I just uh um didn't think he liked kids." Levi opened a door for me as we walked "no he's great with kids actually." "Plus his little sister Anna is in the class we're going to". At first it was a little awkward between us three but with time everything worked out. "Hey Lee why is your hair red?" a child asked "well I kill small children much like yourself and I use their blood to dye my hair" I laughed as the kid said "that's not true I don't believe you!" I knew the reason why his hair was red and I admired how he could joke about the situation. He let out a small scream to scare the children but they laughed "I'm not scared of you Lee!" a little girl shouted and everyone laughed even Levi laughed the whole classroom was filled with laughter until we heard a loud piercing noise. The room went silent the current teacher, Levi, Lee and I rushed the children away from the windows and doors. We locked the doors and shut the blinds and turned the lights off. It was quiet the children had hands over their mouths it was a truly terrifying sight. There was a dead silence that felt like forever then that same sound came bursting in.

The door handle was now broken and two men came in dressed in black with Halloween mask's on. One rushed over and grabbed me by the arm I struggled but the man was obviously stronger, he dragged me across the room. I used my free arm to punch the man in his privets, he let go. He shouted in pain then grabbed me by my hair I screamed Levi got up and kicked the man in the back of the knee sending the man to the floor letting me go, the sound was calling again. Levi held his side as blood slipped from between his fingers my eyes were wide as the kids screamed. Levi fell to the floor I crawled over to him tears in my eyes "nonononononoLevi no" I called the nearest kid I over "you come over here, NOW! I need you to apply pressure right here and don't let go, can you do that?" she nodded Levi still had already looked more pale than usual, he clenched his eyes shut grunting from the pain. I just hoped he would get through this. One man yelled in a different langue "scheibe, sie solten nicht jemand scheibe" "sei still" it was German. They didn't know I knew German the man said "shit, you weren't supposed to shoot anyone" the other man said "just shut up" The noise went off again it was the teacher this time. More loud screams escaped the moths of the children Lee wrestled one gun away and shot the man but there was another person with a gun he shot him in the leg, and then the stomach and then the shoulder there was so much blood on the floor. Lee's blood had splattered on the face of the children but most of it was on me considering he was in front of me after the second gunshot that found its way into Lee's stomach I couldn't hear them anymore I could only see what was happening. They ran out of the class leaving us with two injured and one dead.

I crawled over to Lee "please oh my god stay with us" he tried to talk but ended up coughing up a dangerous amount of blood "A-Anna" I looked around. Anna was sitting in the corner crying into her knees. I grabbed her by her hand "come on lets go see Lee" she was hesitant at first but then ran over to him and sat by his face. He said something I missed so I just smiled to comfort him. I took off my belt and tied it above spencer's leg wound as he hissed "try to breathe I'm going to do it again on your arm "I took off his belt and tied it around his upper bicep. The cops came but didn't find who was responsible for the shootings. The school was on lock down. I rode in the ambulance with Levi my eyes were stained with tears I healed his hand I could tell he was still alive from his grip he has on my hand. Guilt rushed through me which made me cry even more. Levi could sense my sorrow even though he had his eyes closed because he squeezed my hand. I looked at his face, it was pale from the loss of blood The next think I knew I was being pulled away in a panic I whipped my head around looking for an answer then I saw the heart monitor there was a line my stomach dropped out my ass. I began to panic, I was in so much shock I still couldn't hear anything.

At the hospital they rushed Levi and Lee into surgery; I tried to go back, not wanting to leave him but I was held back I turned around to head to the lobby but I saw my mom Mikasa and Armin running through the entrance my mom ran up to me and hugged me then said something I couldn't hear but I felt the vibrations of her voice. I didn't bother to hug back something was really wrong with me. She pulled back and looked at me her mouth looked like she said my name. I opened my mouth and said "I can't hear anything"

I'm partially deaf now. There was no going back I had hearing aids in both ears now. I was lucky enough to not be completely deaf as it is, but I could only hear extremely loud noises. All those languages I learned were for nothing

And my voice, my strong voice will never sound the same it will never sound as clear and I, I can never sing again. While learning how to sign, flashes of memories of my voice were forged in my brain then the thought came to mind that eventually I will forget the sound of my voice. My body froze as I began to shake "Eren are you okay?" I brought my hands to my lap and balled my fist still shaking I couldn't calm down my instructor put a hand in my cheek and continued to ask if I was ok I shut my eyes and clenched my jaw don't cry Eren don't cry I kept telling myself that, it was the only way I knew how to deal with the pain. Quickly I covered my ears as I heard  gun shots over and over I squeezed my hands closer to my ears I'm breaking down I feel like I'm fading. I went off edge I start to cry but I can't hear my own screams I felt it deep within my chest. I cried even harder when I felt arm wrapped around me, it was my instructor i shook her off and ripped my hearing aids out. I cried until my mom showed up to pick me up. I cried myself to sleep that day. I woke up at 11:45 PM my head was throbbing my thoughts were back to Levi all I know is that he and lee lived I haven't gone to visit them at all since the surgery. I'm sure they hate me especially Levi I wasn't there when I needed to be and now I can't face my demons. Tomorrow definitely I will but for now all I can do is build up walls with the blood I shed. By now my four arms are covered in scars and marks and for some reason I don't have the need to stop. Mikasa had driven me to the hospital on a Friday afternoon after she got out of school. I signed 'thank you' she smiled at me but I still saw the sorrow in her eyes she signed back 'no problem I'll be in the lobby when you're ready' with that said I walked to Levi's room but stopped before I entered. Petra was sitting in the hospital bed with him she was so small the sight was truly beautiful though. My heart pounded in my chest I couldn't go in.

I took a deep breath and slowly walked in. step by step I wanted to cry he looked skinnier and pale. Petra caught sight of me first her face lit up "EREN!" she hopped out if the bed and hugged me "I missed you I haven't seen you in forever!" I didn't want to use my voice so I just hugged her back. She then sat down on one of the chairs and swung her legs as she read a book to herself. I looked at Levi he seemed shocked to see me. I walked over to him I reached for his hand but then I had a flash back of when his heart stopped in the ambulance and his grip loosened. I flinched and dropped my hands to my side. I looked at him and he stared back at me. I raised my hand on my chest in a fist with my pinky out and moved it down "I'm" then with a fist and my thumb sticking out I placed it on my face by my ear and dragged it down to the curve of my quivering lip. "Deaf" I saw the shock in his face almost like he understood me but it could be confusion considering I just signed to him and I didn't know if he knew sign language. I couldn't look at him anymore I looked down as a tear slipped out. I sensed him getting closer to me he lifted my chin and he signed back "My mother went deaf, but that doesn't make me love you any less." I looked in his eyes and knew I'm in love with this boy. He hugged me as I cried. It felt good. I was comfortable with him I don't know what I would have done if I didn't meet him.

I decided to make words to represent everyone Levi is handsome, Mikasa is tough, Armin is Intelligent, my mom is home, Petra is sugar, Shima is happiness, Rin is light and my dad is death. Once I was ready to back to school I had to have an interpreter I was scared that everyone was going to try and be around me and feel sorry for me that would be too overwhelming. I wish Levi could be here with me. But he still has to finish his physical therapy; he'll be back by November. I made Mikasa take me to school late because I didn't feel comfortable around everyone. It was Monday so that meant only three classes the first class of the day is P.E I walked in slowly and got the permission to sit out. This is the class I share with Levi I tried not to be so down about it he's fine but I miss him already. Lots of people welcomed me back I guess you could say it was pretty normal no one asked why I hadn't said anything all day. The teacher talks way too much in my English class so I wasn't worried. My world history class was just taking notes the whole time so it wasn't odd that I hadn't said anything. I had gone home as if everything was Normal Mikasa went to drop Armin off at a friend's house and I'm one hundred percent that its Jean's house.

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