How It All Happened

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The very next day was hours away and I couldn't have wished more to be dead. The raping's got worse. More men and only men, some young some old, the only rule was that they were not allowed to kill us. They could do anything basically they could inject us with drugs, cut us, and fuck us, anything you could think of. Sometimes they even forced us to have sex with each other at gunpoint. Anything the customer wanted as long as the money was still flowing. I've experienced almost everything you can think of. I was always being toyed with one man after another. I stopped counting after sixty. Time went by and I had no idea how to get out or even how to kill myself. I've even tried to ask but I would only get laughed at.

I never got used to the pain. They would give us each canned food three times a day with water to keep us alive. I was taken out of the cell with Eren after a while and was lead to a room that looked circular. I was chained to a chair feet and hands. Around me were toucher instruments then a man walked in. he was blond, had a big noise and lizard like eyes. He was a little over six foot. He wore a white suit everyday then changed later into a hokey mask. He called the toucher utensils his toys. Some were used for dentistry others for a sergeant and then some were sex toys.

The first time he put his filthy cock in my mouth I bit down on it. His scream was piercing. When he let out that yelp, men rushed in the room but were stopped by him. He left me in there for who knows how long but when he came back he said his name is Mr. Smith and that he picked out each and every boy himself. He said he followed us around until he felt like the time was right. He loves seeing people panic he likes that kind of control. He asked me if I knew his son and I didn't answer.

Once he was done talking he put on that hokey mask for the first time and then did the most bizarre thing. He bleached my hair white and painted my finger and toe nails black. Then once that was done he left again. When he came back he told me I looked so perfect, after that he fed me cake. Then he left the next time I saw him he fed me strawberries then raped me. I had no idea why he did the things he did but they were unreadable I couldn't tell what he was up to. That went on for what feels like an eternity. He fed me foods and complemented me regularly and then soon everyday would end with his dick in my ass. One day he told me my eyes were beautiful and I didn't need my eyepatch. For some reason I was touched. Day by day my body receiving so much torcher, I screamed until I lost my voice and when it was all over he would apologize. I didn't understand. Once day he told me that he loved me then left. I didn't see him for a long time after that I was confused. I was left with his workers taking care of my needs

When I saw him again he asked me if I felt the same. I told him no then he told me if I were to be free and I could pick one other person who would it be. And I said Eren. He then raped me and said he would let me go the very next day along with Eren as long as we don't say anything and for some reason I believed him. What I'm guessing was the next day I woke up to hearing screams and gun shots and yelling. I had no idea what was going on behind those doors. Mr. Smith came to visit me and he unlocked me from my chair. And when he kissed me on the forehead I felt something wet. I looked at him and there was blood dripping from his shoulder he had been shot. I looked over his shoulder and screamed "NO" it was Eren he had gotten ahold of a gun and shot him. I remember thinking why, why am I shouting for this man who kidnapped me, tortured me and raped me countless times. Mr. Smith looked at me and I felt my heart break. He ran into the darkness and Eren didn't even try to kill him I know he just wanted to get us out of there.

When I looked at Eren my stomach dropped he looked bad. Like really bad I couldn't remember the last time I had seen him I've been isolated for so long. We managed to dodge bullets and tranquilizers when we saw the sunlight it almost blinded us all. But we had to keep going if we wanted to live. Gabriel had almost passed out Eren had to grab him and we had to run. Our feet fighting against nature in the woods still dodging incoming bullets. I noticed they were trying to kill us from this point on; they weren't using tranquilizers anymore just guns. We ran and ran pushing our limp body's every step of the way holding onto hope that we will live, adrenaline rushing though our bodies.

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