I Love You Eren.

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[Levi's P.O.V]

I left class early to meet Eren at his class. Once he walked out he signed to me that he was ready. I drove to the movies once we got there we had to wait for Erwin and Isabel. In the meantime I asked Eren what he felt like seeing "what do you want to see bright eyes?" he smiled and blushed a little; I knew he loves it when I call him bright eyes. His eyes were as bright as anything I've ever seen I could defiantly get lost in them matter a fact I think I already have. "I don't know something romantic maybe" it didn't take long for Erwin to get here. We both knew Isabel she was in our P.E class. She said to us "I kind of want to see something romantic what about you guys." Eren looked at me and I translated "tell her I said me too" we agreed seeing some movie about a women who doesn't age or whatever. We sat in the way back, the movie had sub tittles, I made sure of it before I even asked him. During the first fifteen minutes of the movie Eren tugged on my shirt I looked at him not engaged in the movie at all "I'm sorry I thought this would be better" "its ok I thought it would be too, like this doesn't logically make any sense" he laughed and there it was that smile that could end all the world's problems. I grabbed his hand and he rested his head on my shoulder. Half way he tugged on me again I looked at him "I'm bored" "me too this movie is trash and you know how I feel about that" he laughed then sat up in his seat. He leaned in, our lips met and it's only been a couple of hours since we kissed but it felt like forever. The kiss deepened our tongues danced for dominance I won and took control. It seemed like we weren't the only ones almost the whole theater were attached at the lips. Soon the movie was over and I was driving him home when he let me know that he wanted to be at my house. So I pulled into my garage and we were home. Petra left a note on my door saying her and Kenny went out to eat and that they would bring me something. I looked at Eren "looks like we got the house for a while" we went up to my room and watched Netflix. It was new but Eren seemed to really be into anime. He then turned to me and signed "Handsome, I think I'm ready" I knew what he meant. I didn't hesitate I leaned over to kiss him he rolled on top of me and deepened the kiss even more he broke the kiss to take off his shirt I did the same. He traced his fingers over my scar. I'd never thought sex with Eren would be so suspenseful. Tangled in moans and sweat and rapid breathing every now and then he would use his voice and whisper my name which drove me crazy but also it let me know that he was comfortable with me. His moans sounded like there was nothing wrong with his speech patterns. I noticed his favorite spot was right beneath his left ear or anywhere on his neck in that matter. He liked it when I was low and close to him chest to chest. It was the right time and place and I'm glad it happened.

He lay on my chest as I played with his hair he loves that. "I love you Eren" I had almost forgot he couldn't hear me and I felt instant regret there was no way he could have read my lips from the angle he was at. But then I heard "I love you too Levi" I instantly propped myself up "you heard me?" his eyes widened "holy shit I heard you, I- I'm talking !" he almost sounds like he used to but his voice was affected from not talking for a long time" but he was a little loud I didn't think he could tell though. He laughed but it was different. I've never heard him laugh like this it was filled with happiness and joy. He wrapped his arms around my neck so fast I fell back onto the bed. I was shocked myself I hugged him back "come on we have to get you home you need to tell your mom!" as he stood he put his shirt on before anything else. But I saw them, hundreds and thousands of cuts on his arms and lower abdomen. I think he forgot, he would never be so careless. I didn't even try to fight back the tears a warm tear slipped out as I blinked "Levi co- oh my god are you crying ? Its ok now I can hear!"

So I got dressed and noticed he started to cry too we walked to his door step I rang the doorbell and his mother was holding a bowl of grapes and looked like she was about to start cooking she signed "Eren you're back early" I had my arm around him. He leaned onto me and sniffed trying not to burst into tears. His mother looked at me in concern on why he was crying "what happened?" Eren looked up and said in a shaky voice "Mom I can hear again" she dropped the bowl thank god it was plastic, the grapes spilled and she began to cry Eren's mother went in for a tight hug. He kept repeating "I can hear mom, I can hear" just watching this made me want to cry. His mother looked up at me and said "thank you Levi. Please come in I want you close to him" I walked in as his mother whipped her tears "so tell me h-how did this happen" I looked at Eren and started to panic because it happened after sex after all. Eren laughed so hard at my face he could have gone blue in the face "it happened when we were watching Netflix, h-he told me he loved me. And-and I heard him" once he said that he took my hand and put it over his shoulder. His mother later had taken him to the hospital to get his hearing checked once again as I had gone home.

The only thing that ran through my mind was all those cuts on his body. When I had gotten home Petra and my dad were at the table eating what looks like panda express. I was so upset I didn't feel like eating. I took one step on the stairs when I heard my dad's voice "HEY, get back here and eat" I didn't turn around "I'm not hungry" my voice was shaking "Is this about you being a faggot? I thought we talked about not bringing that bullshit home." Petra's voice was small and confused "Dad please, can you not say that word?" my heart jumped how he dare say such things in front of Petra if it was only me that's fine but not in front of Petra. "well if he didn't bring his bullshit home like for example his boyfriend or fuck buddy or one of various boyfriends I don't know bu-" I had been at the table in a heartbeat slamming my hands down on the table "FUCK YOU KENNY, DON'T SAY THAT TYPE OF SHIT AROUND PETRA" "I am your father you may address me as dad or father ""YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT YOU BASTARD" "YOU LITTLE SHIT" he slapped me so hard I had fallen to the floor. The impact went straight to my gunshot wound. I screamed in pain holding my side "fuck" I whispered. Petra came running over to me "NO, Petra stop, I'm okay." I tried getting up but felt a kick to the stomach I groaned in pain "stay down" my father said to me then had gone up to his room I was on the floor still. Once Kenny was out of sight Petra ran to my aid. Petra had been wishing to be a doctor since she was five. She's always been a hard working girl who has lots of friends and is very kind-hearted.

I woke up the next day in complete and utter pain. Through the week I avoided any contact with Kenny and started to focus on Eren; He didn't look unhappy at all I didn't understand why he would do that to his own body like this. Saturday is Petra's birthday and Eren and I wanted to take her to the movies and then took her to go shopping. She had that amazing smile the whole day "thank you so much Levi! I'm having a blast, my only wish is to date Jensen from my class and have a perfect relationship like you guys, ugh you disgust me" Eren raised a brow and said "oh really?" he pulled me into an open mouth deep kiss, the ones that turn me on in an instant. I wanted to pull away but he had me completely and utterly hooked. Petra was complaining how it's not fair and how we need to stop imminently.

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