The Trip

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I ran over to the room and tried to open it, it was locked. I giggled the knob and called for Levi. I stepped back and tried to kick it open. The first three kicks were unsuccessful but I had to keep going. The fifth kick got the job done the door swung open I screamed in terror there was so much blood I almost could paint with it. I ran over to him and shook him I screamed his name over and over. I called the police once they were on their way my hands began to shake. I realized my hands are covered in his blood once again, I flashed back to when he was shot right before my eyes. No I can help this time and I will. I looked around the bathroom and had to find a sort of string to slow the bleeding considering neither of us had on belts I grabbed the floss and wrapped it around his wrist below his cuts I did the same to his other hand I put my head to his chest there was a heartbeat.

I slapped his face to try to see if he was conscious. His eyes were slightly opened. His face looked like it does when he wakes up. I started to cry again "Levi you have to wake up, stay with me please Levi you can't leave me here alone I love you so much please I'm so sorry Levi I'm trying to stop cutting, please. We could do this together." He groaned it brought me happiness that he was alive I sighed and heard the door open it was the paramedics "SIR WHERE ARE YOU?" "IM IN THE BATHROOM" I screamed so they could follow my voice. I looked back to Levi's face and my happiness was stripped away when his eyes started to roll back. This couldn't be happening right now someone had grabbed me and had taken me out of the room. It was like it was in slow motion. They grabbed his body and took him in the paramedics the man that was holding me back said to me "you did a good thing by putting that floss around him. Now I need you to tell me everything" so I did.

That week I had gotten in the habit of packing lunches for Levi and dropping them off in the morning then going back in the afternoon. He would help me with my homework and every Friday I would bring him lotus flowers. Everything was getting better with time. We both struggled with cutting and Levi was put on suicide watch but overall life was good again. My wish had come true, maybe not in the way that I wanted it to happen but it happened Levi and I were as close as possible. We knew everything about each other. He used to have night terrors of Petra I started to sleep with him and he didn't have nightmares anymore but sometimes he would wake up and forget the past month since Petra's death but it doesn't happen anymore. The last time it happened was on the twenty fifth of November it was one o'clock he didn't remember again it's okay I was used to it, I knew he would remember though. And he did.

Neither of us has cut since October. I was so proud how strong Levi is getting both physically and mentally. We went back to bed and I had an alarm set for three so we could only fit in two extra hours but it was ok we could sleep on the plane. I had already said my goodbyes to my mom and Mikasa, Armin was with Jean so he ended up spending the night with him. We showed up at the school at three thirty like planned. Knowing Armin, he was already there holding Jean by the arm who was half asleep on Armin. We took a bus to the airport which wasn't too far away we caught the four o'clock plane to Paris France. It was going to be a long ride. Flying four thousand and six miles across the North Atlantic Ocean was going to be exhausting but worth it in the long run. In the plane we had put our suitcases in the correct spot separating our carry-on. Levi and I both brought a blanket and pillow from home then switched so we could feel more comfort. When we took off Levi signed to me "get some sleep bright eyes, I love you" we haven't signed in a while I was surprised, I was happy. I kissed him and placed my head on his shoulder then dozed off. Our adventure had only begun.

I woke up in the same position as I did when I fell asleep. I was out for an hour Levi was still sleeping. He looked so perfect when he sleeps almost like he's dead no I have to push that out of my mind things were finally turning up I can't think like that anymore we made it this far. I kissed him in the cheek and realized how wild everyone was this must have cost a lot of money because out of seven classes some people chose not to go. Greenville high took up a whole section of the plane some had their parents attend as chaperones but most were teachers. I thought this was the perfect time to take some pictures I took out my camera my mom had gotten me a while back. I never really used it I mean it was professional and all but lately life had been so hard taking pictures was the least of what I thought about. I snapped a photo of Levi I took a look at it. I almost forgot how much I love taking pictures "rise and shine" someone whispers I looked to my left since Levi had taken the aisle seat. It was shima I thought he wasn't coming I smiled bright and whispered back "you came!!" Rin popped his head from behind shima "that's what I said" I rolled my eyes and laughed a little. Shima did too "yeah as soon as you got on the plane you guys crashed so we took the seats next to you.""Do you mind" he was referring to my camera I handed it over he held it up to his face and I scooted closer to Levi who was still sound asleep the sound of the snap, our first picture was taken on the trip. Shima smiled and handed the camera back "smile" I whispered at the last minute Rin jumped on Shima's back the picture was really cute. I showed them and made sure I was going to print these out for them. "You two get back to your seats! And get off his back! "they laughed and took their seats right next to us. Levi's eyes were still closed but I knew he was waking up "what are you brats doing?" Levi mumbled and I laughed "nothing go back to sleep" he adjusted himself and cracked his neck. I swear he's going to snap his neck one day. "Well I'm up now, how long do we have?" I checked the time "seven hours" Levi threw his head back in defeat "take any good pictures?" "Mmhh" I showed him the camera and he flipped threw them and then said "Eren these are really good you have a great tal- ugh you brat I knew you were up to something." He said as he saw the picture I took of him. I laughed "I couldn't help it I needed to take a picture you could be a model you're so perfect" He kissed my forehead and whispered against it "if it weren't for you I wouldn't be here, you're the one that's perfect" I blushed that was something I could actually take credit for. If I weren't there he won't be alive more importantly I was finally there when he needed me. But then again if I hadn't been curious that day I would have never realized I was gay, I would have never befriended Lee and slept with him , I would have never started cutting , my dad would never have beat me but more importantly Levi would have never tried to commit suicide and Petra would have never died. Levi thinks he brings death but he doesn't realize it's I who attracts death. "Don't go thinking this would never have happened if we didn't meet Eren" I snapped out of my trance "h-how did-" "Eren I know you've been thinking that lately and you're wrong everything that has happened so far has brought us closer than ever and I'm thankful for that I also believe everything happens for a reason" I still thought this was my fault but it put the thought at ease for a moment "but P-Petra"

"That wasn't your fault. To be honest it probably still would have happened weather you were there or not." He kissed me on that spot under my ear and I felt better "okay" that was all I could say at the moment. "I'm going to the bathroom." Levi nodded and moved his legs so I could get by. I moved the covers from my legs and stood up. I didn't have to go to the bathroom I just wanted to stand up. I was going to ask the teacher more about the trip but as I walked to the front I overheard "you know what else my fingers are good at?" Fucking horse face Armin giggled and when I looked back he pulled Jean into a kiss. I never knew they were dating. I walked over to their seats it really wasn't far from mine. Behind them were Rin and Shima and across them were Levi and I "what the fuck do you think you're saying?" Jean threw his head back and groaned loudly breaking their kiss with a smack "fuck Eren chill out for ten seconds I haven't done anything!!" Anger bubbled up inside me but I knew it was stupid just to lash out because of some sick joke I took a deep breath "Jean shut your whore mouth for ten seconds please just please." I walked back to my seat and reached out for my camera and went back over to their Seat "listen I have to take pictures for mom so just try not to piss me off for three minutes " Armin hugged jeans arm and laid his head in his shoulder and Jean held up the peace sign and I snapped the picture looked at it "one more" when I snapped the picture I looked at it and of course they were kissing I guess they are really a thing. I sighed and went back to my seat. I didn't feel like talking anymore so I pretend to sleep until I actually fell asleep.

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