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I laughed at the text and texted her back "thank you Hanij" then I locked my phone. I got another text but it was from Levi "guess who bright eyes" "the one and only grumpy gills" "grumpy gills Erern really?" "lol yes I like it" "whatever bright eyes" I smiled once again. I began to reread the short conversation spreading a wide grin to my face.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up in shock "why do you look so happy?" I shoved my phone into my pocket "no reason" "well who is it about" "none of your business Mikasa" she let go of me and began to walk by my side "well I never told you About Levi, just be careful around him he almost killed someone his freshman year here so just be careful ok?" I already knew but I agreed anyway. "Okay" Armin had already been by the car so he would take the passenger seat. I sat in the back Texting Levi smiling every now and then Mikasa looked in the rearview mirror and said "So Eren are you ever going to tell me who you're texting?" "No" "He's texting Levi" Mikasa's face grew serious. I honestly didn't think this is how she would find out. "Armin are you fucking kidding me" Mikasa pulled over and turned in her seat to face me "Eren why are you texting Levi" "I'm not!" "Because their dating" Mikasa looked at me with raised eyebrows. "You're dating him!" "IM NOT FUCKING DATING HIM" "then why did you kiss him" I could not believe this was happening Armin was really ticking me off right now "were going to talk about this at home"  I threw my head back growing more and more angry by the minuet

We got home and I threw my bag over my shoulder as fast as I could. Trying to get to my room as fast as I could but was cornered by Mikasa, I rolled my eyes "Eren" "What" "What's going on with you why haven't you told me that your gay you trust me right?" I pushed Mikasa out of the way and headed inside. Armin was right behind me. Mikasa yelled from behind Armin "EREN" All my anger about to release at once I turned around and yelled "IT'S NOT ABOUT THAT IT'S ABOUT ARMIN BEING THE BIGGEST BITCH EVER HE HAS NO RIGHT TO THROW AROUND MY INFORMATION LIKE THAT" Armin looked angry but more hurt I know how he gets when people yell at him especially me. I could see the tears starting to form in his eyes as he yelled "FUCK YOU EREN IM WORRIED ABOUT YOU. WE MET THIS GUY LIKE THREE DAYS AGO AND ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU'RE GAY AND KISSING HIM" his voice shook "NO FUCK YOU YOU'RE THE ONE WHO YELLES AT ME IF I EVEN OPEN MY MOUTH WHEN YOUR AROUND YOUR BOYFRIEND JEAN I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YOUR GAY THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT AND YOU KNOW IT" tears spilled out of his eyes as he yelled back in my face. He raced over to me and pushed me sending me to hit the wall Armin's a tad bit stronger than me "FUCK YOU EREN YOUR JUST AN ASSHOLE LIKE THE REST OF THEM" he stormed upstairs and slammed his door.

Armin has never been so angry ever in his entire life it was actually scary. I began to get angrier knowing that it's my fault for making such a good person thrash out in rage. I did the same and stormed into my room locking it and laying on my bed staring at my celling. I heard Mikasa go into Armin's room as he cried. I fucking hated the sound of Armin cry it only worked at my nerves knowing I was the cause of that distasteful sound.

I pinched my wall. I'm pretty sure I broke my knuckles; I had hit hard enough to break the skin. I sat at the edge of my bed rubbing my knuckles. I guess I sat there for a long time because I heard a soft knock on my door, I knew it was my mom. I opened the door and I was right "mom, your home early" "yeah Mikasa texted me and sa- Eren your hand" she snatched my hand as I acknowledged how much it actually hurt "oh my god we have to get you to the hospital!" as we drove my mother asked me "Eren what happened?" I continued to look out the window without answering "EREN" I answered this time but in a calm tone "Ask Armin he seems to know everything about everyone"  "Oh god you didn't hurt him did you!" still  holding my position "No" we arrived at the hospital and they worked on my hand giving me a cast. Because my dad was doctor here they had to let him know I was admitted.

My dad walked through the door and looked more than angry "Eren I don't even want to know right now. We'll talk about this tomorrow, and just so you know you're going back to your anger management classes" really after one day of lashing out, out of a year "I'm gonna fucking kill myself " my mother hit me upside my head "don't you dare say that " I rolled my eyes maybe this year isn't going to be as good as I thought. Once I had gotten home Armin was sitting in the living room, he turned his head and asked me "how's your hand" "how's your mouth still wide open?" It came out before I could stop it. I decided that I don't think I should talk to Armin for a while until I can control my anger both for his sake and mine. I don't mean to be so mean to him I know he only means well but I can't control this side of me. I walked into my room not locking it this time and began going over everything, school work, events and things like that.

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