Deep In The Meadow

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Down town lights were starting to turn on, crap it's seven. I pulled away from Eren know that if we continued kissing like that I would have gotten hard in the middle of town. "Come on we got to get you home. Dad is going to fucking flip." My head began to thump as I just thought about what dad would do to me this time. I walked over to the cross walk pushed the button and waited. Even though it was cold and I hated it I had a great time with Petra on her twelfth birthday. I felt a hand squeeze my wrist tight, I looked back it was my dad "ITS SEVEN IVE BEEN WAITING AROUND ALL DAY FOR YOU TO COME BACK" Petra stood in front of us and shouted "NO DAD YOU CANT HURT LEVI HE IS GIVING ME THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER AND I LOVE HIM" My father grew more than angry and muttered "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS BULLSHIT" Then he grabbed Petra and lifted her over his shoulder she screamed and protested but I wasn't paying attention to that as they crossed the street a jeep had been speeding and hit my dad sending Petra over to the windshield. I head the glass cracking as her body hit the floor. I ran into the street not knowing if I was breathing or not. I grabbed her body and could tell that she is dead. The bones in her back were not normal and she felt heavy. My face felt numb between the heat of my body and the cold of the wind.

"Petra" I whispered it stung to talk so I hugged her lifeless body I rocked her back and forth like I once had done when she was a new born. Her blood was seeping through my clothes it was warm. I didn't have the strength to move, I didn't have the strength to scream I just whispered her name. I'd remember when the huger games came out and Rue died. I imagined what I would have done if that was Petra. She noticed my feeling and grabbed my hand and said "If I ever die that young sing to me your voice is so calming to Me." so as I rocked her body I sang. I sang the same song as Katniss did to Rue. "Deep in the meadow under the willow, a bed of grass a soft green pillow lay down your head and close your eyes cause when they open the sun will rise, here it's safe, and here its warm and here the daisy's guard you from every harm. Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true because here is the place where I love you." I was going to continue but I saw her eyes open slowly she smiled a little and said "you remembered" then her body went limb. I shut my eyes and held her close I cried and cried and cried until the medic's showed up. "Sir you have to let go." I couldn't "she's my sister; i-it's her birthday." The paramedics let me carry her to the stretcher and place the white cloth over her body.

Her funeral was the next week. I didn't attend school that week. I didn't talk to anyone that week. I didn't know what I would do. I sat at the grand piano we had and began to play. I told Petra I'd teach her one day. Our mom played and I thought she should too. The doorbell rang, I didn't even flinch. My body physically didn't move that much anymore but my mind went wild. It was raining and there was thunder and lightning. Who could be out at this time of night? The door opened "Levi?" it was Eren. He walked in the room "Levi, I came to check on you. I tried to call and text but you didn't answer me all week I was worried." I didn't stop playing until he grabbed my hand. He was soft and gentile I looked at him pretty sure I looked dead "I can't be with you." He was in shock I could tell but I was breaking down and I didn't need to drag him down with me. "Levi wh-""get out Eren. Leave before you die too." "bu-" "LEAVE." I didn't mean to shout but I just wanted him to be happy and I don't think I could do that with any one anymore. He left without a word. Petra's funeral was nice her friends came and some teachers. It was scary how much she looked like she was sleeping. Eren didn't show up. Come Sunday there was a knock on the door. I opened it and there were two investigators at my door step. "Are you Levi Ackerman?" I rubbed my eyes being the morning. "Yes what is the meaning of this." "I am sorry to inform you but Eren Jaeger has gone missing. He was last seen coming to your house then gone." I couldn't believe what he was saying it was my world that was crashing down beneath me. I was diving head first into oblivion.

"no" that was all I could say I shut the door and locked it ignoring the pounding sound on the door "sir!" I had nothing to live for. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife I could find. I sat down at the piano and began to play. "I'm sorry Eren" I whispered. I grabbed the knife and cut deep from my wrist to my elbow on both arms. I played as I felt the blood pour from my body I was getting dizzy my pace began to get slower until I felt my body collapse on the floor.

I opened my eyes not knowing what to expect I was sweating like crazy my body shot up. I was in my bed? "Levi, what's wrong?" I looked over at a sleepy Eren "Eren?" I was so confused I looked at my arms there were cuts but not the long gash that I thought I made. Eren sat up and placed his hand over my cuts. He was wearing a short sleeve pajama shirt but we were definitely in my room. "Eren what- what's going on?" I have never felt so confused. He rubbed my arms and began explaining "after Petra passed you started to cut. We got into a huge fight about self-harm, you tried to kill yourself but I had come to apologize and I found you. You lost so much blood the doctor said you will have memory loss for a couple of weeks. Sometimes you wake up and forget everything since Petra's death like now." I was amazed "w-when did this happen" he brought us back down to the pillows "for a couple of weeks" He was so calm "how are you so calm? I don't remember the past couple of weeks are you even happy with me?" Eren smiled he smiled in a way that made me feel like everything is okay "of course I'm happy with you. Even when it first happened I was always by your side it's not an option to give up on the person you love. You might not remember now but you will soon and I will be here for you when it happened even if it doesn't we can rebuild our relationship over again. I love you Levi." I opened my mouth but then I remembered everything. How wrecked I was at the funeral with Eren right by my side, I remember the heart break I felt after he left. How it felt to lose all that blood, I remember Eren's scream when he found me lying in a pool of my own blood, I remember the type of flowers he brought me every Friday. I remember him packing me lunches and snacks and bringing them to me in the morning then coming back in the afternoon as I helped him with his homework. He was there for me every step of the way. "I remember." He touched my face "I told you, you would remember. They haven't been happing as much as they used too and you only have nightmares when I don't sleep with you." "Eren I'm so sorry"

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