(1) Hangover

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Seth's P.O.V


I groaned as I sat up in bed. What happened last night? A pounding in my head answered. Various broken objects and misplaced items marked the path where I had stumbled to my bed after the party last night. Sighing, I stood up and made my way downstairs.

I switched the kettle on and leaned back onto the counter behind me. Red cups and glass bottles covered the room. I kicked an empty beer bottle and watched it roll across the tiled floor.

Last night was a blur; Roman's 18th. Dean and I had promised him a memorable night, unfortunately it was unlikely that any of us would in fact remember it.

I grabbed a couple of paracetamol from the cupboard above me and dry swallowed them before pouring steaming water over the coffee granules. Carefully avoiding the litter on the floor, I took my drink and walked to the sofa.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket. Half a dozen notifications were listed on the screen.

- thanks again man, last night was crazy! remember to wear a scarf today to cover up the evidence on your neck! ;) - Roman

The evidence on my neck? I looked up from my phone, more than confused from the text from Roman. My hand raised to my neck and I ran my fingers across it. I flinched when I reached a spot of sensitive skin.

Clicking onto the camera on my phone, I held it up on the front view.

"Oh, shit." I hissed through my teeth. A trail of hickeys were visible on the right side of my neck. Who were those from?! What the hell happened last night?!

Sighing, I returned to my phone.

- Yo, awesome party last night, you comin' out today? Text me back brotha - Dean

A smile grew on my face as I replied to Dean's message.

- Sure, I gotta try and clean this place up a bit first tho. I can't remember a thing from last night. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? -

There were a couple of other messages from other people thanking me for the party which I'd probably reply to later today. Meanwhile, I threw my phone away from me and sank back into the chair.

God, I needed to find out who gave me those hickeys. My mind raced as I desperately tried to replay last night's events.

Dean and Roman had arrived first. Neville and his crew appeared soon after those guys, followed by Brie and her friends. At one point Cena's squad crashed the party with a car load of beer.

Understandably, everything after that was a blur. I gave up and rose to my feet. Perhaps Roman and Dean remember more of what happened. I made a mental note of asking them later today.

I grabbed a black bin bag and began stuffing all of the rubbish into it. The whole house was trashed. It was going to take ages to clean. I picked up my phone and pulled up Roman's number. After a couple of rings, he picked up.

"And so he lives!" Roman bellowed through the phone.

" 'Lives' isn't the word I'd use." I rubbed my hand over my eyes. Roman laughed through the phone and Dean's voice could be heard in the background. Romans voice was muffled as he replied to Dean.

"Dean says that you can never invite Orton to one of your parties ever again. I doubt you remember his and Dean's little disagreement?" Roman huffed.

"Disagreement? Lemme guess, Orton has a black eye and a couple broken ribs." I smiled down the phone, stretching and yawning.

"A broken nose and a fractured wrist, but you were close." Roman laughed. Dean's justifications could be heard quietly through the phone. "Yes Dean, I'm sure Randy did deserve to spend the night in A and E. Any ways, Seth, you want us to call over and help clean up?"

"That would be great thanks. That's if you can get through the front door. I'm fucking swimming through trash here." I moaned, earning a laugh from Roman.

"See you in ten." The call cut off and I placed it on the kitchen counter. I took a gulp of my still steaming coffee. Time to clean this place up.


A/N- hey guys! I was thinking of starting a story rather than oneshots for a little while... This is the first chapter! Please tell me what you think and if you want me to continue it!

~have a nice day!~

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