(9) Explanations

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Seth's P.O.V


"Are you going to tell me what happened?" Roman sat with his arms folded on the sofa opposite. I lifted Dean's bloody and bruised hands. He winced as I dabbed them with a wet cloth before I bandaged them.

Dean focused his gaze on the floor, not meeting Roman's eyes. I breathed deeply and observed Dean's unreadable expression.
"This is the second time you've put Randy in hospital in the last week, what the hell is wrong with you?!" Roman's voice grew gradually louder and he leaned forward towards Dean who scowled and eventually locked eyes with him.

"You didn't see what he was doing to Seth." Dean hissed through his teeth. Roman retreated slightly and placed his hands on his knees. "Don't dare try and tell me I've done wrong when you don't know my half of the story."

Roman's eyes flickered between me and Dean. We all sat in silence for a moment before Roman rose to his feet.
"You're right. I'm sorry, man. If you don't wanna tell me the whole story, that's cool." Roman placed his hand on Dean's head and ruffled his hair slightly before slipping into the kitchen. Dean jerked away from his touch and gritted his teeth.

This was the first time Dean and I had been alone since the incident with Randy. I felt something needed to be said, but I couldn't form any words.

"Are... Are you okay?" Dean spoke softly. He raised his head to look at me. I expected to be met with the cold eyes which had stared down at the beaten Randy Orton, but instead I was met by his warm and concerned gaze. It caught me off guard and I breathed out sharply through my mouth.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I smiled tiredly across at him, setting the bandages down on the table. "Thank you, Dean."

He smirked unsurely. His hands rotated in front of him as he observed my handiwork. He let out a sigh before leaning back on the sofa.
"Are you scared of me?" His question took me by surprise and I stared at him in confusion.

"Scared of you?" I cocked my head. He couldn't meet my eyes.

"Yeah... Are you scared of me? Of what I did?" His voice wavered and for a minute I thought he may start crying. Instinctively, I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and pulled him into my chest. His arms wrapped around me, his hands positioned awkwardly in the bandages.

"I'm not scared of you, Dean." I whispered with my chin resting on the top of his head. He huffed into my chest and tightened his grip around me. When he pulled away, he raised his head to look into my eyes. His hands held my face inches from his.

"I love you, Seth." His breath washed over my face and I leaned into his scent. His lips crashed against mine. I grabbed the material of his shirt in my fist and pulled him into the kiss. His hand slid down my face and rested in the curve of my neck.

I felt weightless as Dean kept me grounded with his touch. This wasn't like the previous times we'd been together. He wasn't trying to tease me or turn me on, he was genuinely kissing me. The kiss lasted forever but not long enough, before a voice cut us off.

"Well... That explains a lot."

I pulled back from Dean and we untangled ourselves from each other. Our heads turned simultaneously to look at a wide-eyed Roman. We both anticipated his reaction. An incredulous smile grew across the large man's face.
"I can't believe you guys didn't tell me."

I let out an internal sigh of relief at Roman's approval.
"Uh... How long have you been standing there?" Dean questioned with an eyebrow raised. His cheeks were tinted red.

Roman bit his tongue and smiled widely.
"Long enough. Are you..." He approached Dean and poked at his face teasingly, "Are you blushing?"

Dean shoved his hand away and glared up at Roman,
"See this is why I hadn't told you yet."

Roman switched his attention to me and raised his eyebrows twice quickly.
"Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. Who'd of thought it." He bit his bottom lip and shook his head slowly. I glanced at Dean who smirked with narrow eyes at Roman.

"So that's why you two were practically on top of each other the other morning..." Roman trailed off as he thought. His smile soon dropped and his head shot up. "Crap, I left you two alone in my house. I swear to god, you guys better not have fucked on my bed."

My mouth dropped at his accusation.
"Nice to see you think so highly of us, Roman." Dean scoffed.
Roman laughed and ran his hand through his hair,
"I can't believe this. Am I like a permanent third wheel now?"

I chuckled and spoke for the first time,
"Of course not, don't be stupid."
Roman smiled, satisfied with my answer. His expression hardened as he turned back to Dean.
"So... What did Randy do?"

Dean's glowing smile dropped slightly.
"He said some pretty disgusting stuff about Seth. And then earlier... I don't know what happened... I walked upstairs and he had Seth pinned against the wall. I just saw red and then he was being carried away in an ambulance." He studied his hands as he spoke.

Roman watched intently as he spoke before glancing back up at me with furrowed eyebrows. I reached across to touch Dean's arm.

"Suddenly I don't feel so bad for the guy." Roman scratched his beard and leaned into the chair. He yawned loudly and stretched. "God, what a night." He smirked and I chuckled lowly.

Roman got to his feet and looked down at Dean and I.
"I'm gonna take a quick shower." He started. He turned around smirking and pointed a finger at us both, "No sex on the couch."


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