(5) An Evening Out

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Seth's P.O.V


I awkwardly followed Roman and Dean into the restaurant, failing an attempt to cover my arousal which was blatant between my legs. I mentally cursed Dean. Yet again he'd gotten me into a state like this without finishing the job.

It was dark out and yellow-tinted street lights lit up the empty street. The restaurant was along side several other take-aways and closed convenience stores. My breath was unsteady as I stalked inside the building.

"You alright, Seth? You're... Walking weirdly." Roman took a step back and scanned me from head to toe. I held my hands in front of my crotch as unsuspiciously as I could. Dean was visible from the corner of my eye, pulling that stupid smirking face he does.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little stiff from the car ride is all." I rolled my shoulder around and sighed. Dean ran his hand under his chin.

"You do look a little stiff." Dean raised an eyebrow before turning back to the front of the restaurant. I gritted my teeth and tried to prevent myself lashing out at him.

A middle-aged man in a bow tie and apron approached. He grabbed three menus from a counter beside him and forced an almost sarcastic smile.

"Good evening, gentlemen. Table for three?" He titled his head as he spoke.

"Uh, yeah please." Dean spoke first. The man nodded surely and paced away, expecting us to follow. Dean stared around the restaurant, unaware. Roman shoved his shoulder, knocking him a further meter or so into the restaurant.

"Hey!" Dean yelled, gaining the attention of several families. Roman pointed towards the waiter who was now at the other end of the restaurant. "Oh, shit, sorry." Dean spoke, oblivious to the young children near him. Their parents glared up at me.

I followed Roman and Dean down the rows of tables after apologising to the family. Finally, we were all seated. We all scanned the menus in silence. Unwillingly, I glanced up at Dean. He was already staring at me.

I scowled and slowly shook my head. Dean laughed silently, pulling the menu in front of his face. Sighing, I did the same.

The same waiter re-appeared with three tall glasses of water. He thanked us as he placed one in front of each of us and ran back through some double doors which read, 'Staff Only'.

"I would eat anything right now, I am so hungry." Roman leaned back in his chair, stretching and yawning. "Maybe I'll get the steak. What do you guys want?"

I swallowed hard and tried to concentrate on the list of meals before me.
"I might have the, uh... I might have the steak as well." I decided, placing the laminated paper down on the clothed table. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and pulled at my jeans. Dean noticed and smiled widely.

"I will have the..." His eyes fell to the menu once again, "Br...Bratwurst?" He scrunched his nose up in confusion.

"The what?" Roman turned his head and glanced at him sideways. My face dropped. I picked up my water and began gulping it down, previously unaware of my dehydration.

"I don't know how to pronounce that. But the description says it's some kind of sausage." He carefully placed the menu in front of him, on the table. "And that sounds like something I'd like, so."

I breathed sharply and spluttered on my drink, spilling the water everywhere. Roman jolted and turned to watch me struggle. Dean let out a howling laughter and leaned over the table. I coughed several more times before grabbing a napkin and wiping my soaked shirt.

I'd managed to grab the attention of the entire room, and even some chef's through the glass of the 'Staff Only' door. Dean recovered from his laughing fit as I got to my feet.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I wheezed, pointing over my shoulder before practically running there. My cheeks were burning. I was getting really tired of Dean already and whatever was happening between us had been going on for about two days.

The bathroom door closed quietly behind me as I walked into the empty bathroom. I glanced up at myself in the mirror.

My shirt was soaked as were parts of my jeans. I was going to end up murdering Dean before we actually got anywhere that didn't leave me frustrated and embarrassed.

Handfuls of paper towels later and I was merely damp rather than soaked. I decided I may as well go to the toilet whilst I was in here and so I turned on my heels to lock the door.

It swung open before I reached it and Dean strode in with his hands in his pockets. He stopped short when he caught sight of me. I jumped behind him and turned the lock.

His eyes were wide when I turned back around. I grabbed the collar of his jacket and shoved him up against the wall behind him.

"I swear to God, Dean, finish me off right now or I'll grab your dick and leave you with a boner, see how you like it." I growled aggressively in his ear. He had an incredulous expression on his face when I pulled back far enough to observe him.

His mouth hung open slightly and his hair had fallen down to partly cover his eyes. His gaze fell down slightly to look at my crotch. His mouth clamped shut and he raised his eyebrows to lock eyes with me again.

"Now there's the side of Seth I was tryna bring out." He half smiled. In one motion he yanked down my pants and underwear. I sighed and grabbed his upper arm.

He tilted his head back slightly to look down at me. He stood extremely close and grabbed my length in his hand.
"I was kinda doin' you a favour, if you really think about it," He spoke seductively at me whilst pulsing and moving him hand rhythmically, "Because when the build-up to something is dragged out, the end result is much more... Pleasurable."

I called out as he tightened his grip. His hand reached up to cup my face and his thumb pressed harshly down on the inside of my mouth. He stuck his lips out and mimed 'shh', motioning his head to the door.

He stuck his tongue out slightly and narrowed his eyes as he watched my contorted expression.
"Fuck, Dean." I groaned quietly, supporting myself on the wall behind him and by grasping at his waist. He chuckled lowly and moved quicker again.

My stomach knotted. My head fell back and I reached up to grab Dean's hair. I yanked at it as Dean's eyebrows furrowed, watching me orgasm. My knees almost buckled beneath me, but he wrapped an arm around my waist to support me.

I caught my breath and steadied myself. Dean stepped back, clearly happy with himself.

"Do I get a thank y-" He started. I stepped towards him and took his face in both of my hands, pressing my mouth against his and silencing him. He staggered back, grabbing my waist to steady us both. One hand remained on my waist as the other tangled in my hair.

I breathed into the kiss and Dean smiled. I slowly pulled back and opened my eyes. Dean's piercing blue eyes locked with mine. A smile grew across his face as he glanced at the floor and then back up.

"Roman's probably wondering what we're doing. Why don't you..." He titled his head and motioned to the state I was in, "Clean yourself up and then join us."

I huffed and zipped my pants back up, turning to the sink.
"See you soon, Seth." He smiled warmly again before disappearing. The door closed softly and I looked into the mirror. A goofy smile was plastered across my face but I didn't care.

He was an idiot. But, God, I loved him.


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