(3) Remembering

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Seth's P.O.V

-the night before-

"Finally, Seth, I've been waiting ages."
A voice whispered harshly into my ear. I struggled against their grip, but was held firmly against the wall.

"This moment right here... I've been waiting for this moment for god knows how long. After all that time of..." Their voice trailed off as their rough hands grasped my waist and pushed my hair over my shoulder, "All that time of wanting, lusting over you and not being able to take what was right in front of me..."

The voice was familiar. I knew who it was but I couldn't believe it- I chose not to believe it. I breathed in sharply and placed a hand on the chest of the figure before me.

"Yeah, all that time has built up a hunger inside of me Seth. I need you." They growled at me, the smell of alcohol thick in the air.

I squirmed from their hold and reached for the light switch beside me. Light flooded the room as I squinted my eyes. The outline of a man slowly formed in front of me.

"What's wrong, Seth? Couldn't recognise your best friend's voice?" Dean slurred. My mouth hung open as I tried to comprehend what had just happened. Dean ran his tongue over his bottom lip and looked me up and down.

"The whole 'pitch black room' thing was fun but yeah I agree, I'd much rather be able to look at you. Love the outfit by the way." Dean titled his head to the side and stroked his chin thoughtfully. He stepped towards me and grabbed the material of my shirt.

Taking it in his fist, he pulled me forward until my face was inches from his. He bit his tongue as he stared at my mouth.

"D-Dean-" I stuttered. He quickly silenced me by pressing his lips against mine. I watched him with wide eyes until they unwillingly closed. Dean breathed heavily into the kiss and shoved his tongue inside my mouth, taking full control.

He kept me close by holding the back of my neck with one of his large hands. The other ran down my back and across my hips, until he grabbed my crotch forcefully.

I groaned and he pulled away momentarily. He tilted his head back slowly and moved his hand, rubbing me through my jeans. I began to protest but leaned against the wall behind me, defeated. He grinned mischievously.

"Y'know Randy Orton?" Dean spoke off topic as moved to press himself against me. His mouth was right against my ear, "I was talking to him earlier... He was asking if you were gay."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
Dean laughed lowly.
"I told him you were straight. Not because I believed you were straight of course. I guess I'm just an overly jealous person- anyway. He went on to talk about all of these obscene fantasies he had about you. So I pulled him out in front the house and beat the shit outta him."

Dean doubled over in laughter before standing back up. He flashed a smile and then turned solemn.
"He deserved it."

I watched in awe and shock as Dean spoke, unsure how to react. He was right, I was gay. Though I hadn't told anyone so wasn't sure how he'd found out. My mind raced as I took in what was happening.

My best friend, Dean. He liked me? And now we were in my bedroom and he was feeling me up and kissing me? I had never thought of Dean like this but that was before we were in this situation.

I moved my hands in an attempt to cover my obvious boner. Dean noticed and laughed loudly.

"Aw, Seth. I'm flattered." He joked as I felt my cheeks turn red. He moved closer again and pressed his lips against my jawline. "Better be careful with fuckers like Randy Orton around. I should probably leave my mark, y'know? Make sure everyone knows that you're... Off the market."

He turned his head and kissed roughly at my neck. I moaned and my hands raised to grab his shoulder and his hair. His stubble grazed my neck as he smiled widely at my reaction.

"You're so innocent and nervous, Seth. We'll have to do something about that." He whispered. I felt a tightness growing between my legs. Dean took a step forward and pressed his thigh firmly against my crotch.

He continued to bite and suck at the skin on my neck and slowly moved down to mark my collarbones and shoulders. I thought of the trouble I'd have hiding these but there was no way I was going to stop him.

His hands began to lift my shirt and he ran his fingers over my moderately visible abs. I tensed and turned my head when a voice sounded from the top of the stairs.

"Seth!" Roman bellowed down the hall.

"For fuck's sake." Dean whispered harshly as he pulled me from the wall and pushed me onto my bed. I gasped before landing carefully on the mattress.
Dean pointed a finger at me,
"You're asleep."

The door almost flew off of it's hinges as I squeezed my eyes shut and allowed my arm to hang limply off of the bed.
"Hey Roman. How's the party?" Dean spoke casually. Roman's footsteps grew louder as he approached the bed. His hands shoved me, rolling me onto my back. I stifled a laugh and remained limp.

"Blackout drunk, the dumb fucker." Dean laughed convincingly. Roman joined him and returned to the door.

"Ah, I was just gonna ask if you guys wanted to join a game of beer pong. Reigning champions remember?" Roman's smile was audible.

"Sure, I'll play." Dean strode towards the door. At the last moment, I opened my eyes and watched Dean look over his shoulder. He winked and smiled with his tongue between his teeth.

"See you tomorrow." He spoke softly before flicking the lights off and closing the door.


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