(16) Birthday Party

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Seth's P.O.V


I woke up and instantly stretched my arm across the bed to touch Dean, but I was met with empty sheets. Light poured through the parted curtains and illuminated the messy room. With one eye screwed shut, I pulled my phone up in front of my face.

Happy Birthday Sethie! Call me later! Xx ~Mum

We goin' out later for your birthday, bud? ~Neville

Birthday? I looked up at the ceiling and counted on my fingers. Crap, I'd completely forgotten. Dean's absence suddenly grew heavy on my mind; he was never up early. What was he doing?

A feeling of dread washed over me as pulled a pair of tracksuit bottoms on and made my way downstairs. I turned the corner to see Roman standing at the kitchen counter in his underwear. He was pawing at a shiny red bag with a label which read 'To Seth x'.

Roman dipped his hand into the bag and contorted his face when he reached something. I studied his expression. He slowly lifted his arm, and dangling between his fingers was a sturdy looking pair of metal handcuffs. My jaw dropped and I let out a choked laugh.

Roman's head shot up and he turned to face me with the handcuffs still entangled in his fingers. He stared at me with wide eyes.

"Hey, there's the birthday boy." Dean's voice grew as he approached from behind. His hand landed solidly on my back as he beamed across at me. Roman's eyes flickered between the gift and Dean.

"Um... Dean?" Roman raised an eyebrow.

Dean stuck out his bottom jaw and paced over to Roman, snatching the cuffs from his grasp and shoving them back into the red bag. He then thrusted the bag into my chest, continuing to stare down Roman.

"You weren't supposed to see that. Did you... Did you look at anything else in the bag?" Dean folded his arms.

Roman huffed a laugh and pulled at his hair which was wrapped up in a bun.
"No, I didn't. And I sure as hell don't wanna."

My cheeks burnt as I peeked into the gift bag. Dean gave me a smouldering grin as he studied my reaction. I cleared my throat and looked back up at two men.

"Anyway, happy birthday, Seth!" Roman took a step forward and pulled me into a bear hug. His large arms engulfed my arms and torso, squeezing the air out of me.

"Thanks, Ro." I answered breathlessly. Over Roman's shoulder, I could see Dean standing with his arms crossed. He winked and glanced down at the bag in my hand. I bit my bottom lip and shook my head slowly.

When Roman eventually pulled away I regained my breath and turned towards Dean. He pulled me into a hug.
"Happy birthday, hot stuff." He mumbled into my ear, moving his hands dangerously low on my back.
I pulled away and give him a low-key smirk.

"I've invited a couple of guys around later, nothing big, just to have a drink. Don't worry, Orton's not coming." Roman gave a quick smile and turned away from a scowling Dean. "Oh, and before I forget. I'm sure it's nothing compared to what Dean got you, but..." He reached back onto the table and retrieved a medium-sized black package.

"N'awr, thanks, Roman." I smiled warmly, ripping the paper off to reveal a thick leather jacket. I slipped it on over my bare chest and outstretched my arms. "I love it!" Roman chuckled as I wrapped an arm around his neck for another quick and less life-threatening hug.

Dean's mouth hung open slightly. His eyes darted around my chest and new jacket and he raised his arm to rub the back of his neck. I smirked,
"What d'ya think, Dean?" I asked, pulling the collar up slightly. He clamped his mouth shut.

"Y-Yeah, it looks great." Dean forced out. I laughed and pulled it off, setting it down on the kitchen counter.

"Who wants some coffee?" I rubbed my hands together and flicked a switch on the kettle.


"Wait, wait, you what?" Dolph rushed between fits of laughter. His eyes were brimming with tears as he doubled over.

"He just jumped out at me, I didn't mean to knock the guy out!" Neville began laughing himself, holding his arms up in defence. Neville, Dolph and Finn had arrived three hours ago and we were all tipsy on Strongbow and Stella, sitting around the coffee table in the front room.

Finn placed yet another empty bottle shakily on the table and leaned back on his elbows.
"We need to play a game or somethin'." He slurred. The others grumbled in agreement.

Neville raised his arm, took a swig of beer and the group waited in silence for him to finish.
"Roman, truth or dare?" He peered over his glasses at the large Samoan. Roman pursed his lips before answering,
"Dare." He raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, I dare you, to let Dean knife dance on your hand." Neville giggled, taking another mouthful of alcohol. Roman's face dropped as he glanced at Dean who had already appeared with a sharp knife.

"Put your hand on the table, bro." Dean smirked and readied the knife. Unwillingly, Roman complied. He spread out his long fingers and rested his hand face down on the wood. With a shaky hand, Dean slammed the knife down between his thumb and first finger.

Roman gasped and glared at him. Dean laughed and moved between the next two, continuing back and forth.
"See, I'm a pro!" Dean smiled widely, looking up at the group who were cringing.

"Fuck!" Roman yelled as he yanked his hand away and shoved his forefinger into his mouth. "Dean, you motherfucker."

The side of Dean's mouth curled down as he frowned at Roman.
The large man blinked across at Dean and then at me and smiled.
"Finn, truth or dare?"

My face dropped and I yanked open another can, knowing I'd probably need it. Finn cracked his neck and laughed lowly.

"Dare..." He tilted his head back and watched Roman with a challenging expression.
"Finn, I dare you to kiss Seth."

I choked on my drink and looked across at Dean who was shooting daggers at Roman. My eyes were dragged away from Dean as a hand wrapped around my neck. I was yanked backwards and held in place as a pair of lips pressed hungrily against mine.

I forced my eyes open to find Finn inches away from me with his eyes screwed shut. His tongue darted in my mouth, surprising me. Our alcohol stained lips moved together, but I felt nothing, nothing compared to when I kissed Dean.

"Alright, alright." Dean spat, throwing a pillow at us both, separating us. "You guys are grossing me out."

Finn chuckled heartily and raised a bottle to his mouth. I wiped my mouth on the back of my sleeve and took a shaky breath. Dean sat scowling with his arms folded like a child. The group stared at Dean, confused.


After another half an hour, everyone barring Roman, Dean and I had left. Roman was standing at the front door, waving Dolph off.

"Truth or dare?" Dean appeared behind me. I jumped slightly and turned to face him.

"Truth." I smirked, purposefully answering the opposite of what he wanted. Dean sighed,

"Fine. If I were to dare you to do something, would you do it?" He grinned at his own cunningness. My eyes creased and I took a step towards him,

Mischievousness glinted in his eyes.
"Good. Then I dare you to get your ass onto that bed upstairs."


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