(10) Breakfast

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Seth's P.O.V


I woke to Dean breathing heavily in my face. The side of his face was squashed against the pillow and his messy hair had fallen in front of his eyes. I smiled and stretched, yawning silently.

The movements caused Dean to stir in his sleep as he rolled over to rest his head on my shoulder. Instinctively, I wrapped my arm around him. A smirk grew on his face notifying me that he was awake.

"Good morning." I whispered brushing his hair back with my hand. One of his eyes opened slightly whilst the other squeezed shut.

"Mornin'." He replied in a husky voice. I noted Roman's absence and propped myself up on my elbow.

The curtains were almost fully closed, and a beam of light cut through the room, illuminating a section of the wall. A figure creeped past it and I grasped Dean's arm. He groaned and pushed my hand away.

I followed the noises of something creeping across the room and turned to lie on my front. When two large hands grabbed the curtains, it was too late to turn away.

Light flooded the room. I let out a noise between a hiss and a scream and buried my face into Dean's chest. Dean jolted and began to protest before desperately covering his eyes with his hands.

"Good morning, my two closest, gayest friends!" Roman bellowed, his large build blocking out a section of the light. I shielded my eyes and attempted to face him.

"Please never say that again." I spoke hoarsely. Dean sat up and turned to Roman.
"Close the curtains right now or you can go join Orton at the hospital." Dean growled with no hint of humour in his voice.

"No can do, Deano. You have-" Roman paused and pulled back his sleeve to check his watch, "-twenty minutes to get ready and get out. We're having breakfast with Neville, Dolph and Finn today, remember?"

Dean moaned and rolled onto his back. Roman sighed loudly and paced over to the array of blankets and pillows on the floor. He yanked the blanket away from Dean and I, much to Dean's dismay.

"Do we have to go?" Dean mumbled into his pillow. I reached across and poked him in the side. He jumped and curled up, smiling childishly.
"Yes, we do. Now hurry up and get changed."


A small bell sounded as we entered the quiet diner. I spotted the three boys in the corner straight away and we strode over, sitting down.

"Hey, guys! How are you?" Neville smiled widely and glanced between us. Roman grinned cheerily. Dean grumbled something about it being too early and pulled a menu in front of his face.

"Ignore him, he's not a morning person." I motioned towards Dean and smiled at Neville who laughed heartily. "How're you guys?" I added.

"Good, thanks. Still recovering from the party last night, haha!" Dolph spoke from across the table. At the mention of the party, the three boys glanced across at Dean's fists which were bandaged and stained red. Finn cleared his throat and changed the topic.

"I'm starving, I think I'll have..." His eyes scanned the menu before him. His eyes widened suddenly, " 'The Breakfast Challenge'?! Forty rashers of bacon, thirty sausages, twenty fried eggs and ten slices of toast!" He shot a glance at Roman who was already jumping in his seat.

"Half n' half?!" Roman spoke quickly and enthusiastically. Finn nodded his head and the two high-fived.

"There's no way you two can finish that!" Neville stared between them.

Roman huffed and stuck his lips out,
"Oh, please! That could be a starter." Roman's sassiness earned a laugh from Ziggler who leaned back in his chair,

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