(15) Don't Wake Roman

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Seth's P.O.V


A week after the incident with Sheamus, my injuries were almost unnoticeable. I couldn't feel any pain in my chest, and I took that to mean that my broken ribs had healed, and the cuts and bruises on my face and stomach had faded. After Sheamus' forced apology, I hadn't seen nor heard anything of him.

"Well, I'm beat. I'm going to bed, catch you guys in the morning." Roman stretched one arm in the air and yawned loudly. He flashed a tired smile towards Dean and I before moving towards the stairs.

"A'ight, night Ro." Dean spoke over his shoulder before yawning himself. I was sitting on the floor with my back resting against the chair which Dean was sprawled over and we were trying to focus on the newest episode of Parks And Rec, but my eyes kept threatening to close.

"You still awake, sparky?" Dean nudged  the back of my head with his knee and I fell forward slightly. I turned around to look at him.

"Sparky?" My mouth curled into a smile. Dean shrugged his shoulders and rested his head on his hand. Yawning, I pulled my hair back into a bun. "I'm gonna go to bed. You finishing the episode?"

Dean stuck his lips out tilted his head back in thought.
"Yeah, it's got ten minutes or something, I'll come up when it's done."

I nodded my head and stood up. Whilst walking to the door, Dean stuck out his arm to grab my ass. I jumped, earning a laugh from him. I smirked and cussed, pushing his hand away and walking to the spare bedroom.


The room was freezing. I hadn't brought pyjamas with me, and so I was only wearing my underwear. Shuddering, I pulled the covers around my shoulders.

Roman's snoring could be heard from the next room. I sighed, knowing from experience that it would continue all night unless someone was prepared to wake him every ten minutes to tell him to shut up. I silently wished Dean would hurry up, it was so cold and lying next to him would definitely warm things up.

A loud crash sounded from Roman's room and I jumped. His snoring had stopped and it was replaced with shouting.
"Shut up, Roman!" Dean yelled into his room. I laughed and lay back down.

"Piss off." Roman's sleepy voice answered before his bedroom door was slammed shut. Dean's footsteps grew louder as he approached. The pitch black room was flooded with light when the door swung open. His silhouette stalked into the room before disappearing into the dark.

The room was silent and a growing discomfort consumed me. Suddenly, a figure jumped onto the bed beside me and I gasped loudly. Dean chuckled lowly and reached out to my hair. He patted my head and dove under the covers.

His teeth chattered as he pulled up the duvet. I could already feel the heat radiating off of him.
"It's fucking freezing." Dean spoke across the pillows. He rolled closer until I could almost see him through the darkness.

Roman's snoring started again and I cursed under my breath. Dean threw a fist at the wall and Roman could be heard stirring in his sleep, and he fell silent for a second but soon continued. Dean breathed heavily and his warm breath ran over my face.

"Well if he's gonna keep us awake." Dean mumbled, shifting.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to make out what he was doing. I felt the weight beside me move and then felt his presence above me. His hands snaked up my arms and interlaced with mine.

Dean straddled and rested his weight on me as he leaned down to kiss me. He misjudged my position and planted his lips on the side of my face. I laughed before I was cut off my him moving across to kiss my mouth forcefully.

His hips rolled on mine and I arched my back, moaning into his mouth. He pulled away and I could just make out the features of his face.
"Hush, wouldn't wanna wake Roman now, would we?"

I gritted my teeth when I realised the 'game' he wanted to play,
"You fucker." I whispered up to him. He chuckled. I smirked as an idea grew in my mind. Shaking my wrists away from his tight grip, I knocked his arms from under him. He crashed onto the bed beside me and I switched places and crawled above him.

"Two can play at this game." I spoke against his ear. My hand darted between his legs as I grasped his length through his underwear. A small moan escaped his lips as I wrapped my fingers around his hardening cock.

I swung my leg over his to straddle him and pulled his underwear down slightly. He jumped at the contact and cursed under his breath. His hands grabbed my waist and pushed me back.

I yelped and fell onto my back. Dean swiftly crawled forwards, pulling my underwear completely off and taking my dick in his mouth. I moaned loudly but tried to choke it down. His tongue swirled around me as he moved his head back and forth.

I bit my lip in frustration. Dean was stretched across the bed, and so I pulled myself closer to him to reach out to his crotch. I yanked down his underwear and his hard cock sprung out. He groaned whilst sucking me off and the vibrations made me call out. I bit my tongue and grabbed his length in my hand.

I tried to channel the growing tension inside of me into jerking him off to prevent moaning loudly and waking Roman. Adding more pressure, I moved my hand back and forth. Dean bucked his hips forward and picked up the pace with his mouth.

Pleasure surged through my body as I came, throwing my head back and trying my best to bite back my intensive moaning. Dean licked up what I unloaded in his mouth. I tightened my grip on his dick and Dean pulled away slightly, tensing and groaning.

His eyebrows were knitted together and his eyes were squeezed shut as he tried to stay silent. My breathing was still heavy as I came down from my high. Wetness seeped over my hand as I forced a final few thrusts with my arm.

"Shit." Dean growled as he jerked his hips forward. I smirked in triumph, secretly hoping that Roman had heard his groans. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness slightly, and I could make out Dean lying, heaving among the sheets. He caught my eye and grinned,
"Do you think he heard?"

I laughed and fell back onto the mattress. Footsteps pounded down the corridor and Dean almost fell off of the bed trying to cover himself with the sheets. He managed just as the door creaked open.

"Okay, here's the deal. I'm going to go and sleep on the couch, and you two are going to stop fucking. Got it?" Roman spoke into the room with a finger pointed at us.

I stared at Roman, unable to form a reply. Dean started laughing from under the sheets and I joined him as a smile grew on Roman's face. He ran a hand over his face and through his long hair before turning away and closing the door.

"Jesus Christ." Roman chuckled as the door clicked shut and the room fell dark again.

Dean rolled over and pressed his forehead against my shoulder. I ran my hand through his messy hair and smiled,
"I definitely won."

His head shot up to look me in the eye.
"We should play again but see who wakes him up whilst he's on the sofa downstairs."

I laughed loudly but shook my head.
"I think he's pissed off enough for one night."


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