(18) I Love You •END•

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Seth's P.O.V


I woke with a start when something beneath me shifted. The two boys were sprawled out on the floor around me, and I had been resting my head on Roman's leg until he moved.

Roman mumbled in his sleep between snores and kicked out his other foot which collided with the side of Dean's face. Dean contorted his face and pawed at Roman's leg. I smiled tiredly at the two before sitting up.

Two curled legs appeared around me and an arm wrapped slowly around my waist.
"Mornin'." Dean's hoarse voice spoke into my back. He rested his forehead between my shoulder blades.

I yawned and flexed before replying.
"Good morning."

Dean rolled back onto the floor, his arms wrapped securely around my chest. I was dragged backwards and landed softly by his side. He hugged me tightly.

I inhaled deeply and took in his scent, tracing my fingers along his shoulders to rest behind his neck. Dean's eyes wandered over my face, studying each feature in detail with a small smile playing on his lips.

"What?" I questioned his smug grin. He huffed a breath of air over my face.
"Nothing. Just I'm no morning person, but you make mornings bearable."

I entangled my legs with his and glanced downwards. His hand rose to my chin and forced my eyes up to meet his.
"What'd I say about looking away when you smile, huh?"

Lost in his words, I leaned into a kiss. One of his large hands held the side of my face as he softly bit my bottom lip. I breathed heavily into the kiss before he pulled away.

His eyes flickered to Roman who still lay asleep and snoring behind me. Dean flashed a grin and shook his head.
"Loud fucker. Do you want some breakfast?"


The smell of pancakes drifted through the open door as Dean cooked breakfast for the three of us. I heard Roman groan and sit up from the array of blankets and pillows on the floor.

He sat upright and I let out a short burst of laughter. His hair was like a mane, sticking out at all angles. Roman pulled a huffy face and tied it back into a tight bun.

"Where's Deano?" He spoke with a groggy morning voice. As if on cue, a loud crash followed by a muffled 'fuck' sounded from the kitchen. I closed my eyes and sighed.

I stumbled out of the makeshift bed. When I reached the doorway to the kitchen, Dean glanced up at me from the floor.

"I dropped the eggs." He said as if it weren't obvious. "Eggs, of all the frickin' vegetables."

My mouth fell open slightly as I stated at him in confusion.
"V... Vegetables? Dean, eggs aren't vegetables."

Dean blinked up at me. We stared at each other in silence for a minute or so before I dropped to my knees and helped him clean up the mess.
"I don't get it, if they're not vegetables then-" Dean started again. I simply had to look back up to silence him. He bit his lip and continued cleaning. When I glanced back across at him, I couldn't help but laugh.

"I made you pancakes and coffee." Dean spoke sweetly with a wide smile. I compared how he was acting now to how he acted in the bedroom last night but promptly shook the thought out of my head.

"Thank you, Dean. These look great." I grabbed the plate and cup and smiled at him before taking them to the front room.

Roman was scrolling through his phone and swiftly looked up when he smelt the food. Dean entered shortly after me and handed Roman a crowded plate of food. He wasted no time in clearing it.

Roman gulped down his steaming coffee before placing the mug on the table. He pulled Dean into a headlock.
"That was awesome, thanks Deano." He ruffled the struggling man's hair. Dean pulled himself away and attempted to give a menacing glare to Roman, but only managed a bashful smile.

"You're welcome, but if you touch me again I'm going to shave your head in your sleep." Dean spoke with a misleading smile. Roman laughed lowly but kept his distance.

I picked up the TV remote and flicked through several channels. I paused when a familiar show flashed onto the screen.

"Parks and Rec! Leave it on!" Dean practically squealed. I laughed and threw the remote down, crawling onto the sofa next to Dean. Roman rested his arm across the back of the chair and we all sat watching the television, laughing occasionally.

I caught myself staring at Dean. When his mouth lifted to smile and laugh, I found myself smiling and laughing too. I couldn't look away. He turned his head and stared at me with a smile.

"Do I have something on my face?" He cocked his head to the right. I laughed, keeping eye contact with him,
"No, you don't."

He reached forwards and pulled me into another kiss. Roman noticed and smiled but focused back on the TV. Dean's eyes were closed softly in concentration as he slowly moved his mouth against mine.

I placed my hands on his hard chest and grabbed his shirt in my fist. Dean grinned into the kiss and I fell back slightly. His eyes remained on my mouth and his lips puckered,
"I love you."

My hand found his and our fingers interlaced tightly. I pushed his fringe out of his face and laughed when it fell straight back.
"I love you, too."


A/N: Hey guys! I really hope you enjoyed Anyone But You! I will be writing another story in the foreseeable future, but for now, this is the end of this story! Thank you all so so much for reading and voting and commenting ❤️

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