(8) Protective

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Seth's P.O.V


"Hey, I was thinking about inviting a couple guys around later. Y'know, since Roman enjoyed the last party so much." Dean smiled, patting Roman on the back. Roman's eyes lit up.

"Hell yeah!" He spoke excitedly, earning a laugh from both Dean and myself. I nodded and pulled out my phone from my pocket.

"Who do you want me to invite?" I asked. Dean pursed his lips and squinted his eyes in thought. Roman was still ecstatic at the thought of another party.

"John and his friends, Neville, Ziggler..." Dean listed, scratching his head. I added the names to a group to receive the invitation.

"What about Orton? He's outta hospital now right?" Roman chuckled and raised an eyebrow at Dean who glared sideways at him.

"Go ahead, invite him. He'd be fucking stupid to show up though."

I finished adding the contacts before typing up the message

'Hey guys, another party at Roman's tonight, about 7pm. Bring beer -Seth'

I sighed and sunk back into the chair, picking up a cup of coffee from the table. Within a minute of sending the text, my phone was lighting up with replies.

Sounds good! See you guys there -John

Nice! Let's try and remember this one, eh? -Neville

Bring on the beer, hah, see you at 7 -Randy

My face dropped as I read the last one.
"Uh, oh." I mumbled. Roman and Dean's heads shot up.

"What?" Dean spoke warily.

"Orton's coming." My eyes flickered between the two boys. Dean's eyes narrowed and Roman gave him a warning glare. I finished my coffee and placed the empty cup on the table.

"Be cool, Dean, he probably just wants to forget anything happened between you two." Roman reassured a growingly angry Dean. "You never did tell us what happened."

I watched Dean's expression carefully, wondering whether he would tell Roman what Randy had done. My mind raced back to the night of the party.

"Y'know Randy Orton? I was talking to him earlier... He was asking if you were gay. I told him you were straight. Not because I believed you were straight of course. I guess I'm just an overly jealous person- anyway. He went on to talk about all of these obscene fantasies he had about you. So I pulled him out in front the house and beat the shit outta him."

Dean had beaten Randy up because he had 'obscene fantasies' about me? My cheeks flushed at the thought of it. I was so drunk at that party, I hadn't contemplated how protective Dean had been over me that night. I felt myself smiling and shook it off.

"It doesn't matter what he did. What matters is that he paid for it." Dean spoke solemnly, keeping his eyes focused on the floor. Roman frowned and took a swig of coffee.

"Alright then. I'll go on a beer-run. You guys sort out the place for the party." Roman jumped to his feet enthusiastically and hopped towards the front door, "Be back in five."


It was almost seven and people were starting to arrive. Roman had bought practically a full stores worth of beer, and had it stacked up on the kitchen counter.

"Are you sure you guys have enough beer?" Neville elbowed me playfully and glanced at the alcoholic tower which stood a foot or so taller than him. I rubbed the back of my neck and laughed.

"I don't know what I expected sending Roman out to get the beer. No doubt Cena will bring just as much if not more." I chuckled. Neville smirked and pulled open a can.

Roman's iPhone was stood in a big speaker which was blasting some old RnB track. Dean was stood by the fireplace, doubling over with laughter at something Dolph had said. I couldn't help but laugh as I watched him.

I made my way towards the bathroom, hoping this time it wasn't occupied by two people going at it. I made it to the top of the stairs before I was dragged aside and pressed against the wall. The situation was familiar and I smiled, expecting Dean to appear inches before me.

"Finally. Seeing you in those jeans, Seth, you have to be breaking a couple laws." The unfamiliarity of the voice which spoke in my ear was unsettling. I grabbed the shoulders of the man who held me and pushed him away solidly.

Randy Orton smirked and cocked his head.
"What's wrong, hot stuff?" He stepped forwards again, his breath was hot against my ear. I struggled away from his hold but he was much bigger and stronger.

"R-Randy-" I started. He chuckled at my objections and pressed his hip against my crotch. I gasped, earning a louder laugh from him. His large hands grabbed me and pulled at my shirt and jeans.

I wanted Dean. It sounded childish but it was true. My eyes were stinging with tears and I tried to escape. I squeezed my eyes shut and jerked my head away from his gaze.
"No need to be so rowdy, Seth, I'm only trying to-" Randy growled at me before he was cut short. His rough grasp on my waist was gone.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Didn't you learn your lesson last time, you piece of shit?" Dean spat down at a groaning Randy who lay sprawled on the floor. "Or do you just enjoy being beaten up?"

Dean threw himself at the man on the ground, throwing punch after punch. Randy yelped and attempted to protect himself as Dean pummelled his fists at his face and neck. I watched in shock, unable to move.

Pools of red started to cover Dean's hands and Randy's head.
"Don't you even think about touching him again, don't fucking think about him at all, you hear me?" Dean scowled at the barely conscious man. Randy's arms fell to his sides, but Dean showed no signs of stopping.

Before I could take in what was happening, Roman had appeared at the top of the stairs and had picked Dean up, throwing him to the other side of the corridor. Roman stood with heaving breaths, staring with wide eyes at a fuming Dean.

"What the fuck, Dean?!" He yelled. He dropped to his knees and inspected Randy who was out cold. John and Neville arrived at the scene. Their mouths dropped. "Call an ambulance." Roman ordered.
I forced my eyes away from Randy's blood covered face and dropped to my knees beside Dean.

Dean was staring with wild eyes at Randy. I reached out to touch his shoulder and he jumped at the contact. His eyes met mine and his expression softened. His gaze fell to his blood covered hands and then back to me.

I tried to speak but I didn't know what to say. I couldn't focus on anything because of the adrenaline which was pulsing around my veins. I fell back against the wall and steadied my breathing.

John carried Randy down the stairs and Neville followed. Roman turned around to watch Dean who was sat in the corner with his head resting against the wall.
"You need to tell me what's going on, right now."


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