(2) Who?

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Seth's P.O.V.


A low roar sounded from the drive way of the house, notifying me that Roman and Dean had arrived. The front door swung open and the two hungover boys strode into the living room.

"Hey!" Roman walked across to me, patting me forcefully on the back. I winced and forced a smile. "Dude, we gotta have another party like that. It was awesome!"

I huffed and fell back onto the sofa, soon joined by Dean.
"I think I need a couple of weeks to recover from last night." I ran my hand over my neck and tensed when my fingers ran over the bruised area.

Dean turned his head to look at me and then quickly looked away. He cleared his throat and leaned forward.
"So, we gonna get this house clean or what?" He spoke enthusiastically. Roman eyed him suspiciously before leaning down to grab a bag.

I watched as Dean rose to his feet and grabbed handfuls of crushed cans and shoved them into the bag Roman was holding. He glanced over and briefly made eye contact with me before he smiled and quickly looked away.

Did he know something I didn't? Maybe he wasn't that drunk at the party after all. I stood up and began clearing the table of rubbish.

"So, Dean. What'd you think of the party last night?" I watched him carefully for his reaction. He stopped and straightened himself up, making eye contact with me again.

He ruffled the back of his hair with his hand and nodded surely.
"Yeah, it was pretty cool. I, uh, don't remember much but..." He smirked and returned to cleaning.

"Yeah, me either." I laughed before turning to Roman. "What 'bout you, Ro, did you enjoy your party?" I smiled as excitement grew on Roman's face.

"It was so good, man, you guys shouldn't have gotten so pissed. I wish you could remember it." Roman knocked Dean's shoulder with the back of his hand, "At one point, I walked into the bathroom and Bayley and Paige were making out."

Roman bit his bottom lip and nodded his head slowly. Dean and I laughed simultaneously.
Roman's eyes flickered to my neck.
"So, you remember who gave you those?" He half-smiled with an eyebrow raised. Dean glanced up to hear my answer.

I shook my head and reached to cover my neck with my hand. Roman laughed lowly.
"I have no idea who you hooked up with. Every girl there left with somebody else." He smirked.

I felt my cheeks burn up. I had vague memories of it happening but I was nowhere near remembering who it was.

"I'm gonna grab a drink." Dean's voice broke my train of thought as he side-stepped me to walk to the kitchen.

Roman watched him leave the room before his eyes flickered back to me.

"Is he okay?" He whispered.

I shrugged my shoulders,
"I think so. Maybe he's just really hungover, you know how Dean is with alcohol and parties."

Roman chuckled and tied a knot in the bin bag.
"Yeah, you're probably right."


-the night before-

The house was rapidly filling up with people, most of whom I hadn't invited. Dean probably posted an open invitation somewhere.

The door bursted open and John Cena and Randy Orton paraded through, carrying box loads of beer each. The house roared in reply, welcoming the two.

A large group made up of rugby and football players made their way into the house, grabbing bottles of alcohol from the tables. I sighed and scanned the room for someone I recognised.

A bottle was thrusted in my hand.

"Heyy... Seth!" A familiar voice slurred. I looked up to find Neville smiling at me, clearly drunk.

"Hey, Neville, how're you holding up?" I smiled back, patting him on the chest.

"This party is awesome!" He raised a can in the air and was answered by a few cheers from nearby drunks.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Have you seen Dean or Roman?" I pulled the lid off of the bottle Neville had given me. I was already feeling tipsy and the party had been going for less than an hour.

Neville scrunched up his face and scanned the room.
"Nah, sorry bud. Last time I saw Dean he was hanging around the kitchen. But that was like..." He held up his hand and began counting on his fingers, "That was like a while ago."

I sighed and rested my hand on his shoulder.
"What would I do without you Neville. Thank you for your help."

Neville smiled triumphantly and nodded his head before turning back to the alcohol table and grabbing another can.

I laughed and started walking up the stairs to the bathroom. Once I reached the door, I paused. Moaning and kissing could be heard from inside.

I raised my hands and backed away from the bathroom. I'll just leave whoever that is to it, I thought.

Sighing, I turned the handle to my bedroom and stepped inside. The room was pitch black. My hand moved to flick on the light but I was pulled aside before I had the chance. The door closed behind me.

"Hey, what the-" I protested as I was pressed up against the wall.

The person in front of me breathed heavily into my face. Their breath smelled heavily of alcohol.

"Finally Seth, I've been waiting ages."


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