(17) Swapping Shirts

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Seth's P.O.V


"Go and get rid of Roman for half an hour." Dean's voice was raspy in my ear. His breath smelt of alcohol and mixed with mine as he exhaled over my face. I skipped over to Roman who was still at the front door talking to Dolph.

"Sure he's okay? He was acting a little strange-" Dolph stood with his arms folded facing Roman and an inquisitive expression plastered on his face. I approached Roman from behind and threw an arm over his shoulder. My mind raced as I realised how unprepared I was for the following statement.

"Hey, uh, it's Dean... He's got..." I shook my hand around in front of me to try and spur on any words which currently refused to leave my mouth, "Food poisoning. Or something." I finished, exhaling forcefully.

Roman raised an eyebrow to look at Dolph who frowned and shifted on his feet.
"Is that why he was acting so weird earlier?" The blonde man asked. My eyes widened and I looked at the floor.

"Yeah! Yeah, I think so. Anyway, Roman he needs antacids and other... Medication stuff. The store on the other side of town should still be open, here's your keys and jacket." I thrusted them into his chest and spun him around, pushing him towards his car.

Roman shrugged away from my hands and peered angrily over his shoulder. He studied my face and composure, clearly questioning my actions.

"I'll come with ya." Dolph dove into the passenger's seat. Roman smiled at him and nodded his head before climbing into the car. As it pulled out of the drive, Roman stared me down. I knew he could see right through me, but I didn't care. He was gone and Dean and I were alone.

I stepped back into the house and the door closed behind me. Two hands spun me around.
"Is he gone?" Dean grumbled whilst tucking my hair behind my ear. My arousal was clear and I shifted uncomfortably.
"Yeah, I told him you had food-poisoning." I smiled down at the floor. Dean placed a finger on my chin and lifted my head to look him in the eyes. I felt my cheeks flush at the intimacy.

"You should get outta the habit of looking down when you smile 'cause you look amazing. And when you look down I don't get to see you." The words flowed from Dean's lips and I stared intently at his mouth, completely hypnotised. The corner of his lips curled up as he smirked.

"We better do something to balance out how soppy I'm being." His words knocked the breath out of my lungs. "Upstairs." His eyes flickered to the staircase and I turned to move towards them. I heard Dean clear his throat.

"You're going to need this." He held the red gift bag in his outstretched arm. I swallowed dryly and took it from him, darting up the stairs.

When I reached the bedroom, I was unsure of what to do. I tried sitting on the bed, standing and pacing about but all felt unnatural. Before I had time to decide, the door creaked open and Dean slipped in. He hummed something which vaguely resembled 'Happy Birthday' as he paced towards me.

His two large hands pushed me down onto the bed and he hovered above me with a leg either side. Automatically, my hands raised to explore his muscular body, but were grasped tightly and pulled above my head.

The sound of a metal chain made my eyes widen. I struggled against his grip but before I could protest, he had pulled the cuffs from his back pocket and had clicked them into place behind the headboard. When I pulled at them, Dean simply tutted.

"There's no use in struggling, that shit was expensive, it ain't gonna break easy."
His hair was untamed and fell over his face as his eyes ravished over my helpless self with a certain animality. His chest heaved at the sight of me. I angled my hips upwards as the tension in my lower stomach became too much.

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