(12) An Old Friend

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Seth's P.O.V


"You want Deano to win you a big teddy bear?" Dean shoved my arm playfully and nodded over to a carnival-style game set up in the centre of the mall. Several large, pink bears were strung up in front of a clearly impossible game.

"Ha, ha." I huffed sarcastically, pushing him back. He laughed shortly and shoved his hands into his pockets. I glanced across to see him grinning widely whilst looking down. We continued to stroll through the shopping centre.

Roman was staying over at his cousin's house for the night, leaving us alone to 'have our fun' as he'd put it, the only rule being we had to stay out of his room. It was hard to tell whether it was a genuinely kind gesture, or whether he was teasing Dean and I further.

Dean's shoulder nudged mine slightly as he turned to change direction. I stumbled slightly but regained my balance.

"Woah, careful." Dean's hand reached up to grasp my arm. "You're a little out of it. Thinking about being all alone with yours truly tonight?" He took a step forward and spun around to walk backwards, wiggling his eyebrows.

I couldn't help but laugh loudly.
"Yeah, let's go with that."

Dean slowly turned back around, falling back into pace with me. My hand reached out slightly to link with his but I pulled back, thinking it would make him uncomfortable to act so affectionately in public. Consumed in thought, I walked squarely into Dean's outstretched arm.

Dean stood solidly. His head was lowered but his eyes stared straight ahead menacingly. I followed his gaze. He appeared to be staring at a group of five or so burly men from across the small courtyard of shops. One of them stood out.

He was laughing manically at something one of his friends had said. He wore mostly black, with a brash red mohawk and a beard to match. Two electric blue eyes lit up when they picked us out from the crowd. A broad arm shot out, pointing directly at us.

"Uh... Dean?" I attempted to snap Dean out of his trance. His top lip quivered as he scowled at the rapidly approaching man.

"No freakin' way, Dean Ambrose! Is that you?" The ginger man spoke too enthusiastically down at Dean who stood half a head below him.

"Sheamus." Dean greeted nonchalantly. 'Sheamus' narrowed his eyes in return, folding his arms across his chest.

"Now, now, that's no way to greet an old friend is it, Deano? I don't have to teach you another lesson now, do I?" Sheamus pulled one of his arms free and held a clenched fist close to Dean's chin. Instinct took over and I shoved his hand away, stepping between the two.

The large man chuckled and threw an incredulous look over his shoulder to his gang. They retorted and talked among themselves.
"And what do we have here?" Sheamus took a lock of my hair between his thick fingers and toyed with it. "Dean, have you got this two-toned bastard picking your fights for you?" He threw my hair over my shoulder.

I opened my mouth and huffed at his insult. I was about to reply until I felt an arm wrap around my waist and throw me back a metre. When I looked back up, Dean was in my place.

"Don't fucking touch him." Dean snarled. Memories of the incident with Randy threatened to spill in my mind but I pushed them back and focused on the situation at hand. Dean was heaving but Sheamus remained somewhat relaxed.

"Cute, you being so protective over your precious boy and all, but don't you dare," Sheamus prodded a finger on Dean's chest knocking him back a step, "Talk to me like that."

The Celtic man's contorted scowl collapsed and a warm smile took its place.
"Hope to see you around, my friend!" He finished before spinning on his heels and returning to his friends.

Dean turned to pace back towards me, physically shaking with anger. I reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. He let me console him and stuck his bottom jaw out whilst cracking his neck several times.

"What the hell was all that about?" I glanced over Dean's shoulder to see the group piling out of the exit door to the mall.

"Nothin' much. Just had a run in with them a year or two ago. Probably best we keep outta their way for now. God knows Sheamus couldn't hold his own, he relies on that squad of goons to fight for him." Dean breathed out slowly. I nodded and led him in the other direction.

He walked over to the toilets and opened the door with his hand.
"I'm just gonna go to the toilet, wait for me out here." He spoke before disappearing. I glanced over at the exit door and contemplated going after Sheamus. He had clearly hurt Dean in the past.

Dean had protected me from Randy. And if this was what I had to do to protect Dean, then so be it. I took a deep breath and ran over to the exit.


It was almost night, the sky was turning a dark blue and the moon was just visible over the skyline. My breath clouded in front of me as I searched around the building. It didn't take long to spot them, with that fucker's stupid haircut and all.

They were sharing a pack of cigarettes, leaning against the brick wall. An orange streetlight was positioned directly above them. One of them saw me advancing towards them and pulled away from the wall. They all soon caught on and joined him.

"The fuck do you want?" Sheamus spoke whilst holding a tab between his teeth. I stepped within an inch of him and looked up. The height difference must've have seemed not at all intimidating and so I took a step back. Sheamus laughed at this, blowing a cloud of grey smoke into my face. I swiped it away and glared back.

"Stay away from Dean." I attempted to lower my voice. The red-headed man could do nothing but stare back at me, with a confused smirk plastered across his face. His friends grew into a chorus of laughter behind them. Sheamus threw up a finger to silence them.

"What was that blondie? Couldn't quite hear you from down there." His accent was thick through his voice. I cleared my throat,
"I said, stay the fuck away from Dean." I was relieved at my lack of stuttering as I stood, belittled by the group of men.

"Hate to break it to you, kid, but I do whatever the fuck I want. And if whatever the fuck I want happens to be beating the shit outta your brooding boyfriend again, then so be-" He spoke down his nose until I lost it, clenching my fist and throwing it up at his face.

The crack echoed around the empty street. There was a few seconds of stunned silence on behalf of the gang and myself. Sheamus grabbed his nose and leaned forwards onto his knees. When he pulled his hand away, the bottom half of his face was red.

"You're going to fuckin' regret that, you son of a bitch." Sheamus growled down at me before raising a fist. I turned away and began to raise an arm in defence, but he managed to throw a punch before I could. His large fist connected with the side of my face.

I yelped and fell to the concrete pavement. Before I could react, several pairs of hands pummelled at my face and body. I spluttered on blood and coughed it up onto the floor. The air was knocked out of me repeatedly as fists or feet were thrown at my stomach.

"Enough." A vague Irish voice commanded to the others. "Leave him conscious. He can stay here 'till Ambrose finds him." The words sounded distant but through my half-closed eyes I could see the outline of several figures staring down at me.

A final boot in my side coerced a groan from my bloody and swollen mouth. I spat out more blood and let my head fall onto the cold ground. I forced my eyes open to see the men stalking away before I gave in, closing them and feeling them sting with tears.


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