(7) Revenge

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Seth's P.O.V


I woke to the gentle rise and fall of lying on Dean's chest. My arm was draped over his stomach and the blankets had been pushed to lie just across our waists. Dean's scent filled my lungs and I exhaled, smiling.

Dean stirred in his sleep and rolled onto his side. His chin rested on the top of my head. His fingers traced a pattern on the small of my back. I curved into his touch and breathed deeply.

"Do you two want me to leave the room?" A low voice made me jump. Dean's eyes shot open and he slowly peered over his shoulder. Roman sat up to lean on his elbow whilst smiling down at us with an eyebrow raised.

"I... Uh..." Dean scrambled for words. He ran his hand through his untamed hair, flattening it momentarily only for it to spring back to place when he released it. Roman awaited the answer with tired yet expectant eyes.

I removed my arm from Dean's waist and shuffled backwards.
"Lemme grab some coffee and leave you guys alone for a while." Roman smirked, getting to his feet and crossing the the door. He paused and glanced over his shoulder. "When I come back you both better be fully clothed."

Dean grumbled and rolled onto his front. He turned his head to the side to look across at me. I bit my lip and avoided his gaze, holding back a smile.

"What's so funny, Rollins?" Dean's husky voice spoke into the pillow. His mouth curled into a smile and a laugh escaped my lips.

"I don't know." I answered. I fell back onto the makeshift bed and sighed loudly. The kettle could be heard boiling in the next room.

Dean inhaled through his nose and shifted onto his side.
"Hey," he started, speaking lowly, "Guess what?"

I laughed at his childish tone.

Dean's wide smile hardened to create a smouldering smirk.
"Roman's going out in an hour or so for training." The tone in his voice made my breath hitch. Thinking I'd mistaken his sexual suggestion, I glanced up. He winked surely and my thought was proven wrong.

"Oh, so it's going to be just you and me then?" I spoke as innocently as I could. Dean chuckled lowly and rolled onto his back.
"We're definitely going to have to do something about that innocence of yours, Seth."

I shuddered at the way he said my name. Roman strolled back in with a steaming cup and repositioned himself on the chair. He stared at us before taking a long drink.
"So do you guys have something to tell me or were you both just dreaming that you were hugging chicks?" A smile grew on Roman's face as he witnessed our reactions to his words.

"No, we don't have something to tell you." Dean mimicked. I snickered at his impression, yet Roman wasn't as impressed. "Am I not allowed to hug my brother anyway?" His large arm reached around my neck and pulled my head into his chest. I attempted to object his hold as he ruffled my hair.

Roman shrugged it off and pulled out his phone. Dean awkwardly caught my eye and quickly raised an eyebrow.


"See you guys after training, I'll be back at around 2." Roman flashed a smile before swinging the door shut, almost knocking it off of its hinges. I let out a long sigh and leaned against the wall.

"That was close..." Dean's voice trailed off, referring to the incident earlier this morning. I laughed.

"I mean, it wouldn't be the worst thing for him to find out... Maybe just not yet." I added. Dean nodded surely.

"Right, I'm gonna take a shower, be back in ten." He spoke before dashing up the stairs.

Perfect, I thought, time for my revenge.


The water was running in the bathroom, and so I waited a couple of minutes so I could be sure Dean was in the shower. Then I pushed open the door and crept inside.

Roman had a walk in shower, with a black-tiled wall for privacy. Dean was stood behind it. I stepped out of my clothes and moved to stand behind the wall. Steam was slowly filling up the room.

Dean hummed a familiar tune. I peered around the divider. Dean faced the other way, squeezing something out of a bottle and into his hand. His back muscles protruded and the line of his spine ran down his back to just above his ass. I admired him for a minute or so before stepping under the water.

He still hadn't noticed me until I wrapped my hands around his waist and pulled him back. I felt all of the muscles in his back tense up against my chest. He peered over his shoulder and smiled warmly when his eyes locked with mine.

"Hey." I spoke softly in his ear. His head leaned back slightly as he relaxed into my hold. The water continued to rain down onto Dean's front, washing away the soap which previously covered his body. I hugged him tightly before moving my hand upwards and grabbing a fistful of his hair. I pulled his head back, exposing his neck.

"This is cute and all," I started. His eyes widened with excitement or anticipation or both, "But I'm here on more vengeful terms." I finished, growling harshly in his ear. His tongue darted between his teeth as his smirk grew.

I released my grip on his waist and pushed him front first against the wall. He jerked away at the coldness but I held him against it.
"Whatcha gonna do?" He asked breathlessly, the side of his face pressed up against the wall. I smirked.

"This is going to take a lot longer if you ask a load of questions, so why don't you just stay quiet." I answered nonchalantly. Dean inhaled quickly and chuckled lowly.

"Yes, sir." He emphasised the last word. I huffed at his enthusiasm and lined myself up behind him. He was enjoying this way too much for it to be counted as 'revenge'. I grabbed his hair and pulled him back as I thrusted inside of him.

He groaned loudly, gritting his teeth. I hesitated from asking if he was okay, deciding that it would probably kill the mood. I pushed further inside of him, matching his moans.

"Fuck, Seth, I gotta make you mad more often." He joked, out of breath already. I took this as a signal to speed up and grabbed his waist.  Our hips collided as I pressed my length inside of him.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath. My stomach tensed up as I grew closer to my release. Dean bit his lip and pressed his forehead against the cool wall.

"I-I'm gonna-"  Dean started. I dug my nails into his back and threw my head back, pounding into him.

"Not yet. W-Wait." I forced out as I groaned loudly. Dean's expression contorted as he held back his orgasm.

I yelled out and leaned over his back as I released myself inside of him. I continued with a few more powerful yet sloppy thrusts, sending Dean over the edge.

His knees buckled beneath him as he groaned loudly. He clung weakly at my arms to support himself. One of his hands grabbed the back of my neck as he struggled to stand.

"Christ, Seth." His eyebrows furrowed as he watched me carefully. I couldn't help but smile proudly at his reaction. He laughed and moved under the water, washing himself quickly. He then stumbled out of the shower.

I leaned against the wall, amazed by what had just happened. I laughed at myself and followed Dean.


"Hey, guys." Roman bellowed into the room as he returned from training. Dean and I were watching reruns of American sitcoms. Roman's eyes creased at the sight of us as he fell
back into an armchair.

"Hey, Ro." Dean smiled warmly. "You want a drink?" He continued as he moved to stand up.

"Yeah, I'll have a beer if you're offering." Roman spoke, observing him as he struggled to his feet. Dean nodded and winced, taking a step in the direction of the kitchen. I raised a hand to cover my obvious laughing.

His face contorted as he stumbled out of the room, obviously in pain from the scene in the shower.

"What's wrong with him?" Roman motioned over his shoulder with his thumb.

"I have no idea." I shrugged my shoulders and forced back a smile. Revenge was sweet.


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