(6) Sleepover

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Seth's P.O.V


After the scene in the bathroom, Roman obviously had his questions. Dean had created a convincing story about how the cleaners would not allow us inside before they had finished their job, causing us to spend ten minutes 'waiting to get in'.

How easily he spurted the lies made me wonder how many times he'd lied to me whilst I soaked them up absentmindedly. Nevertheless, the rest of the meal went smoothly.

The food was up to the standard Cena had promised. We had all left the restaurant satisfied and tired.

"You staying over tonight, Seth?" Roman called over his shoulder from the front seat of the car.
I glanced up from my phone,
"Hm? Oh, yeah, sure!"

Dean smiled warmly and caught my eye awkwardly. He bounced in his seat and jabbed a button on the dashboard. An unrecognisable song blasted extremely loudly from the speakers, shocking all of us.

Dean's hands flew to his ears as he let out a noise half way between a laugh and a scream. My eyes creased at his adorable reaction as I gritted my teeth. Roman jerked about as he tried to cover his ears, turn the radio off and drive the car at the same time.

The car screeched to a halt at a desolate bus stop and soon the radio fell silent. Roman breathed heavily whilst glaring at Dean.

"I'm going to murder you if you don't end up getting us all killed first." Roman spoke hauntingly quietly.

Dean's eyes were extremely wide as he glanced between me and Roman, a shocked smile plastered on his face. His chest rose and fell as he laughed silently.

"I didn't know it was going to be that loud! Let me put it back on and turn it down-" Dean spoke breathlessly, reaching for the radio.

"No!" Roman and I yelled simultaneously. Roman's arm shot out as he grabbed Dean's hand.

"Fuck!" Dean scowled as he yanked his arm away from Roman's strong grip, rubbing his wrist soothingly. Roman let his head fall forward onto the steering wheel.

"No radio. Now can I continue driving home without fearing for my life?" He spoke lowly. Dean fell back into his seat, mumbling something inaudible.


The car pulled up to Roman's large house, slowing into the driveway. We all stumbled into the dark house, somewhat recovered from the commotion Dean caused on the way here. Roman threw his hand against the light switch, illuminating the bottom floor of the open house.

Dean strode in as if the house were his own, kicking off his shoes and throwing himself on the leather couch. Roman smirked at his confidence and made his way into the kitchen. He swung open the fridge and pulled a six-pack of beer out.

I pulled one from the plastic divider and pushed down the tab, releasing a crack and a fizz. Dean's head shot up from behind the couch. I smiled and grabbed another, throwing it in his direction.

His hand shot up and caught it before he swiftly opened it, gulping down its contents. Within seconds, the can was crushed in his fist and thrown onto the coffee table. I glanced down at my still half-full can and shook my head.

Roman dived over the back of the sofa and landed beside Dean.
"What do you guys wanna do or watch?" Roman asked, opening a beer.

I strode over to couch and fell back onto it.
"I don't mind." I shrugged. Roman looked at Dean for ideas. Dean's eyes wandered around the room before resting beneath the television set. His face lit up.

I watched with a small smile as Dean shot across the room, grabbing a DVD and holding it up high.
"Fast and Furious!" He spoke exasperatedly. Roman chuckled at his enthusiasm and motioned towards the DVD player.
"Go on then."


An hour or so into the film, Roman's head was lolling on his shoulders. Dean and I periodically glanced over at him, eager for the moment he fell asleep and anxious for how the other would act once he did.

Dean had cunningly turned the volume of the movie down to almost zero to persuade Roman to fall asleep.
"I'm gonna get changed." Dean whispered as he passed me on his way out of the room. I tilted my head back in acknowledgement.

In attempt to actually follow the storyline of the film, I turned my attention to the glaring screen which lit up the dark room. I'd never seen the 'Fast And Furious' series, but I knew that they were one of Dean's favourites.

I allowed my mind to wander, quickly giving up on the film. I pictured Dean. I remembered the kiss in the bathroom of the restaurant. I remembered the feeling of his lips on mine, his hand in my hair and on my waist.

In the memory, my senses seemed so vivid. His astoundingly blue eyes were so clear in my head. I recalled how his hair fell messily yet perfectly in front of his face. I could retell exactly how his mouth curved to smile at me and how his eyes traced the patterns on the floor as he blushed after our kiss.

Something hitting the side of my face quite literally knocked the thought out of my head. I recovered and shot a glare at the source of the attack.

Dean stood sheepishly in the doorframe, carrying a stack of pillows and folded blankets taller than himself. He wore a pair of dark grey tracksuit bottoms and a loose white shirt.

"Daydreaming about me no doubt?" He whispered as he approached me. How'd he guess? I thought to myself.

"You wish." I lied, smirking. He stumbled over to Roman and dropped a couple of pillows beside him and wrapped a duvet around his shoulders. Dean acted all tough but really, he was extremely soft.

He effortlessly shifted the coffee table across the room with his foot and released his grip on the rest of the blankets. They fell in a heap in the middle of the floor. He studied them for a minute or so and then shifted his eyes to me.

I sighed and smiled, crawling off of the chair and in amongst the pile on the floor. Dean followed, shifting a blanket and pulling it over himself. I pushed myself across the floor slightly until my head was level with his. His features flashed different colours with the light from the television. His eyes creased.

"Sorry for teasing you so much." His voice was raspy and hoarse. Goosebumps raised on my arms.

"I wouldn't worry about it." I whispered across to him, "I'll get you back." My reply gained a low laugh. His eyes flickered side to side slightly as he carefully observed my eyes. After a minute or so, the T.V switched itself off and the room fell dark.

Roman's snoring was the only sound. I assumed Dean had fell asleep, until he spoke from mere centimetres away. I could feel his breath hot against my mouth.
"Seth?" His voice was deep. My eyes fluttered open and despite lying in the darkness, I could make out the outline of his features.
"Yeah, Dean?" I paused before speaking to avoid Roman's snores drowning out my words.

Dean breathed deeply a couple of times before answering, and I thought he'd fallen asleep.
"I think I love you."

The words sounded foreign in his voice, as if they had never been spoken. A lightheadedness washed over me and I was soon glad to be lying down.

"I think I love you too, Dean."

His smile was almost audible. He shifted on the floor, shuffling closer. We both ignored the fact that Roman was sleeping in the same room as his arm wrapped around my waist for the second time today. I curved into his touch and rested my head beside his.

His head turned and his lips pressed gently against my forehead. I felt his rough beard graze against my face and smiled.
"Goodnight, Seth." His gravelly voice spoke into my hair.

"Goodnight, Dean."


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