(14) Forced Apology

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Seth's P.O.V


I woke up disorientated as I was not on the sofa I had fallen asleep on. My guess was that Dean had carried me upstairs, as I was in the spare bedroom of Roman's house. I attempted to sit up but groaned profusely when a sharp pain in my chest pushed me back down.

The door was open slightly and the scent of hot coffee spread into the room. The incentive was enough to push past the pain and get me out of bed.

Keeping an arm pressed firmly on my aching side, I moved slowly down the stairs. Dean was at the bottom and jumped when he saw me.

"Shit, you scared me." He spoke with wide eyes which fell to my chest. "How're you feeling?" His voice was always significantly huskier in the mornings.

I reached the bottom of the steps and let out a sigh of relief.
"I'm okay, thanks. I don't remember walking upstairs last night though." I pretended to think about it. Dean pursed his lips and briskly ran his hand up his arm.

"Well, you fell asleep an' it gets really cold down here, so..." His voice trailed off as he glanced up to check my expression.

"You act all tough but God, you're softer than Roman." I flicked out my tongue and laughed. Dean glared at me.

"Hey! I am not 'soft'." He snapped back. I reached out and rubbed his back, still laughing,

"Yeah, yeah, and I'm sure there's not a cup of coffee on the kitchen counter that you were going to bring to me in bed, right?"

Dean gritted his teeth and turned to stride into the front room.
"I'm not soft."


I almost jumped out of my seat when the front door burst open. Roman stood in the doorway with his foot outstretched and his arms full of bags.

"Hey guys!" He spoke cheerfully, "So, how was your night? Please spare me the details." He held up a hand after dropping his luggage onto the floor.

Roman's gaze shifted to me and his eyes narrowed. He stalked closer to me and stopped when he was a meter or so away.
"Woah, Seth, what the fuck happened?" His head darted around the room as if the person who caused it were still here.

Dean appeared from the kitchen.
"Hey, Ro, how was the trip?"

Roman looked between us both and raised his eyebrows.
"I always thought you were the rough type, Dean, but holy shit, what did you do to him?" Roman inspected my face further. I swatted his hands away and shifted in my seat.

Dean's folded arms dropped to his sides.
"I didn't fucking do that to him, dipshit. We were out and we ran into motherfucking Sheamus. Y'know the one who looks like he had his hair cut by a blind-folded five-year-old with a razor?"

I choked with laughter at Dean's description. Roman stood up straight and grimaced,
"Sheamus did that?"
Dean nodded and looked away. Roman cursed incoherently under his breath.

"It's fine guys, it doesn't hurt that bad." I tried to reassure the two growingly angry men before me. Dean looked up and his face softened,
"You still need to rest."
I began to object but was interrupted when Dean threw a pillow at my face.
"Please rest. Just lie down." He outstretched his arms and motioned the the sofa.
I sighed and swung my legs up, lying back onto the chair.

"You guys are like a married couple already." Roman chuckled before moving into the kitchen. I felt Dean ruffle my hair before I curled into the back of the couch and tried to sleep. The last thing I heard was two muffled voices from the kitchen.


A loud commotion woke me violently from my sleep. I jolted and creased at the pain in my side and chest. My vision was blurry at first but I rubbed them and blinked several times. The door had swung open and a number of people crashed in.

"Seth, get over here." I recognised Dean's voice from across the room.

"Get the fuck off me." A voice I recognised too well followed as I stood up from my makeshift bed. I walked nearer to the front door and stared at the three men.

Roman and Dean held a battered Sheamus between them, an arm each pulled securely behind his back. His eye was already swelling and a steady stream of thick blood oozed from his nose and stained his beard.

Sections of his shirt were ripped and he was clearly out of breath. My mouth was open slightly as I watched them all. Dean studied my expression and kicked the back of Sheamus' knees with the base of his foot.

Sheamus fell onto the ground on his knees with a thud and groaned in pain. Roman grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked his head back so that he was looking directly at me.

"Sheamus, what was it that you wanted to say to Seth again?" Roman looked up at the ceiling and stuck his lips out. Sheamus rolled his eyes but quickly changed his attitude when Dean shoved his hand further between his shoulder blades.

"Fuck! I'm sorry." He panted. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out.

"I think we can do better than that, don't you?" Dean spoke through his teeth in Sheamus' ear.

"I'm sorry me and my friends beat you up, Seth, I'm fuckin' sorry." The blood-covered man let his head fall forward on his shoulders and breathed deeply. Roman smirked triumphantly and looked at me with satisfied eyes.

"I... I-uhm..." I stuttered whilst looking between the three men. Dean didn't seem phased by any of it as he looked around the room thoughtfully.

"Okay, I think we're done here." Dean pulled Sheamus up by his arms and the ginger man yelled out in pain. Dean simply smirked and turned him towards the open door. He then shoved him forwards by his twisted arms. Sheamus stumbled and fell onto the pavement.

He looked back up at us warily. Dean threw himself forward and back once quickly and Sheamus set off running down the street, stumbling every so often. Roman laughed heartily and slammed the door shut,

"You good, man?" He placed a hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes. I laughed in shock and nodded my head.

"Thank you guys." I wrapped an arm around each of their necks and pulled them into a hug.


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