(11) Getting Even

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Seth's P.O.V


Straight after our breakfast meal, we had to attend some meeting about career choices. Our college had arranged for the class to sit through an agonising hour of lecturing.

As soon as I stepped out of the diner, Dean grasped my arm tightly. I whimpered.

"You think that was funny, Rollins?" He growled into my ear. He probably intended to be intimidating but I was quickly getting turned on. A small laugh escaped my lips, answering his question. "I'm glad you find it funny now, because you sure as hell won't when I get back at you."

My head shot up to meet his mischievous grin.
"Hey, we're even now!" I protested as Dean let out a forced laugh.

"Baby, I don't play to get even." His gravelly voice made my breath hitch in my throat as I watched his mouth curl with his words.

"Hey, Seth!" Roman bellowed across the parking lot as he approached the car. I gulped and looked away. "Did you just jack off Dean back there?" Dean grumbled and shifted on his feet.

I put on my most innocent face before turning back to face an astounded Roman.
"What? Of course I didn't." I shook it off.
Roman was unconvinced,
"Keep it in your pants, at least until you're somewhere relatively private, Jesus." He swung open the door and entered the driver's seat. I hopped in the back and saw Roman's bemused smile through the rear view mirror.

Dean followed eventually and immediately sunk back into his seat.
"Can't we just go back home now?" He whined rubbing his eyes roughly. Roman stuck out a pet lip and turned his head to the side.
"Unfortunately, Deano, you're going to have to keep your dick in your pants for another whole hour."

Dean scoffed and punched his bicep playfully.
"Shut up, Ro."


We entered the large classroom at the college. It was already full with students and staff, and so we made our way to the back to find three spare seats. We eventually found some around three quarters of the way back from the front of the room where a middle aged man stood patiently.

"Welcome back everyone! Today I'm going to be answering any questions you have on employment and further education!" He spoke with almost fake enthusiasm and a smile to match.

Already uninterested, I studied the room around me. Rows and clusters of tables were spread unevenly around the room, almost all of them full with tired-looking students. Dean sat opposite me. He was preoccupied with something on his phone.

Suddenly, a loud beeping noise echoed from in front of Dean. The room fell silent and several heads turned to find the source of the noise. Roman glared at Dean and yanked the phone from his grasp. He quickly switched it off and shoved it in his pocket.

With his mouth curled into a scowl, Dean stared at Roman who was fully focused on the lecturer. He soon gave up and turned his attention to me. I raised an eyebrow and breathed in deeply. Dean sighed in silent agreement.

A smile grew on his face as he looked down at the table. He raised his head slightly and locked eyes with me. He shifted his position on the chair and moved his hand to between his legs.

My eyes widened as I glanced around warily.
What are you doing? I mouthed across to him. He simply blanked me and tilted his head back slightly. I wondered if this was his revenge, but I didn't see how.

His bit lip harshly and furrowed his eyebrows whilst keeping his arm positioned between his legs. I started to realise his plans when I felt a tightness between my legs. Not again, I thought.

Dean's mouth hung open slightly as his eyes closed. His expression flooded my mind with memories as I tried to think about anything else. But it was too late.

No sound escaped his parted lips, but I'd had enough experience with him to be able to imagine the low moans and grumbles which would be filling the room in this situation. The desire to jump over the table between us was almost overpowering and the unrelenting hardness between my legs was making it difficult to focus, never mind take in the advice which was spilling from the lecturer.

Dean's eyes fluttered open to watch me writhe in my seat. A satisfied smirk grew across his face as he threw his head back once more, contorting his face and arching his back slightly.

"Fucking hell." I mumbled under my breath as I cleared my throat and tucked my chair further under the table in an attempt to hide the tent over my crotch. Dean breathed deeply and settled in his seat.

I covered my mouth with my hand and stared at him. He smiled sweetly and brought his shoulders up. I shook my head and looked at Roman who was oblivious and still focused on the man at the front of the room.

For the last ten minutes of the meeting, Dean watched in amusement as I fidgeted in angst.

Finally, everybody got to their feet and began leaving the room. I notified Roman that I was going to the bathroom and sprinted there. Thankfully it was empty and I pushed open the first stall door. I turned to lock it but it was thrust open before I had the chance.

Dean's large figure filled the rest of the space in the stall as he turned to lock us in.
"You motherfucker, I can't b-" I started. I was cut short when Dean fell to the his knees and pulled down my trousers and underwear. I moaned in relief when the restriction of the material was removed.

He grabbed my solid length in his hand and ran it back and forth a couple of times before moving it to his mouth. His eyes darted up to mine as he wrapped his lips around me slowly.

My hands moved to his head as he jerked his mouth back and forth. I was close already, after an hour of watching Dean's erogenous show. He groaned around my dick when I yanked at his hair, the vibrations sending shivers down my spine.

My hips began to buck forward as Dean skilfully swirled his tongue around me. He smiled at my erratic movements.

"Fuck! Fuck, Dean." I heaved as I came, emptying in his mouth. He cleaned me off enthusiastically. My legs shook under me and I grabbed the walls either side of me for support. Dean jumped to his feet and grabbed my waist.

My head was resting back on the wall as I watched his triumphant smile. I regained my breath and zipped myself back up.
"I'm sure Roman will have something to say about us disappearing to the bathroom together." I joked breathlessly. Dean laughed with his tongue between his teeth.

He unlocked the door and stepped outside. He watched me carefully.

"You good?" The corner of his mouth lifted to smirk somewhat innocently. I narrowed my eyes and looked him up and down.

"Yes, I'm 'good'." I mimicked him. He laughed and wrapped an arm around my waist.
"I told you I don't play to get even."


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