Restaurants and Attitude

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It was after a Black Hole concert and all the girls piled into the tour bus. They were all extremely drained, but they had one more thing to do that night. Hannah began to brag about how she had so many fans and how she was the best out of all of them. 

"Yeah, we saw them and if makes you happy then you're the best." Courtney said. 

Hannah smiled brightly and went to the back of the bus to get ready for dinner. They were going to go meet Courtney's mother, Jen, for dinner, since it was her birthday. Ashley sat down next to Courtney well Tiara helped fix Megan's dress. 

"Hannah really needs an attitude check." Ashley stated as she put her blonde hair into a tight pony tail, earning murmurs in agreement. 

"And she tells us we have to check our attitude when we're out of line." Tiara said. 

Hannah walked back to the front of the bus. She was wearing a white button down shirt with a black bow tie, red suspenders, black jeans, and black converse. Her freshly dyed black hair was straightend and her blue eyes were rimmed with black. She stood in front of the others and put her hands on her hips. 

"Whatever you do, don't make a scene or else everyone will turn their attention to you and not me." Hannah snapped, all of the others rolling their eyes at her comment. 

"We're here." Their driver said. 

Hannah strutted out of the bus immediately with her head held high and her arms crossed over her chest. The others other girls stayed back though. The four all huddled together and began to whisper.

"She better not embarrass us with her attitude." Megan said.

"What are we going to do about it?" Ashley questioned. "It's not like we can do much.

"We'll just do what she would do to us." Tiara commented.

The three others looked at her as if she were crazy, however they quickly nodded afterwards. They came up with a fast plan before heading out of the bus. Hannah was waiting outside impatiently for her, arms crossed over her chest.

"Finally!" She exclaimed. "You guys take forever!"

Megan, Ashley, Tiara, and Courtney started walking towards the entrance as if they hadn't heard the girl. Hannah followed behind them and was soon walking next to Courtney. They saw Jen at a large table reserved for them and went over to her.

"Happy Birthday!" All expect Hannah yelled. 

"Awe, thanks girls." Jen said.

They all sat down in their seats after quick hugs and greetings. A waiter came over with menus and gave them out to the table. He smiled brightly at all of them, showing off his straight and bright white teeth.

"What came I get you to drink?" The waiter asked.

Hannah looked him up and down curiously. The waiter noticed that and blushed darkly. The others told him what they wanted then he turned to Hannah. He brushed some of his black hair out of his face.

"And what can I get you beautiful?" He pressed with a smirk. 

"Don't call me beautiful! Now get me a Mountain Dew!" Hannah snapped. 

The waiter's smirk dropped, embarrassment washing over her face slightly. He sighed heavily then walked off. They looked around and everyone was staring at them. Courtney leaned over to Hannah. 

"Get your act together now!" Courtney whispered harshly into her ear. 

"You aren't the boss of me!" Hannah told her. 

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