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"Come on Courtney! I'll be fine." Hannah begged. 

Courtney shook her head. "I don't know." 

"Please! Let me go!"

"Fine. But be home by midnight." 

Hannah nodded and headed out to the bar. 


The clock flashed 2:23 A.M. Courtney sat on the couch in the living room, waiting. Finally Hannah walked through the door. 

"Get in here." Courtney hissed. 

Hannah walked in and stared at Courtney. Confusion was written all over her face.

"I told you that you had to be home by midnight." Courtney told her. 

"I was a little drunk so I stopped at the 24/7 diner up the street to get a some water and a bite to eat." Hannah explained. 

Courtney looked at Hannah shocked. "You were drinking and driving?!" 

Hannah looked down. She nodded weakly.

"You know that you deserve to be spanked Hannah." Courtney said. 

Hannah sighed but nodded again. She knew that it was wrong to drink and drive and not being home on time. 

"Trousers down and over my lap." Courtney instructed. 

Hannah pulled her jeans down and positioned herself over Courtney's lap. Courtney brought her hand down, hard. Hannah jerked forward. 

"So this is what you put the others through when you spank them." She joked. 

Courtney smirked then continued to spank. her swats were sharp and Hannah soon had enough. 

"Alright Courtney. I think I've had enough." Hannah said and tried to get up. 

Courtney put her other hand on the small of Hannah's back. "I'll stop when I think you've had enough." 

Meanwhile upstairs, Ashley woke up and groaned. 

"She's done something again." She mumbled. 

"Shut up and go back to sleep." Megan said. 


"Yeah it's me."

They sat there quietly then turned on the lights. They stared at each other. Ashley cocked an eyebrow.

"It sound like someone's getting spanked. And if your here then-" She said. 

They got up and headed down the stairs. Ashley and Megan saw Tiara then joined her. They walked to the living room and peeked in. They saw Courtney then... 

"Hannah?" Tiara cried. 

Courtney looked up at the girls. Hannah started weeping from embarrassment and the pain. 

"Girls, go upstairs." Courtney told them. 

Tiara stood there then started to cry. "Don't hurt her!" 

"Go upstairs before you make it worse for her!" Courtney said. 

She landed a extra hard swat onto Hannah's bum and Hannah jerked forward. She looked up at Tiara, tears running down her cheeks. 

"Please go." Hannah whispered. 

Courtney landed another swat and Hannah squealed as she jerked forward again. Megan and Ashley pulled Tiara upstairs. Tiara sat on her bed and cried. 

"Tiara, stop crying or Courtney will make Hannah's punishment worse." Ashley told her. 

Tiara's crying started to die down. Soon Hannah walked in. Tiara got up and ran over to her. 

"Ashley, Megan, can you go downstairs with Courtney?" Hannah said. 

They nodded and went down. Hannah sat on the bed with Tiara. She shifted uncomfortably because of her bum.

"Did she hurt you?" Tiara asked, concern in her voice.

Hannah chuckled. "It was a punishment, Tiara. It was supposed to hurt." 

Tiara gave her a blank stare. She still didn't understand why Hannah had been spanked. 

"Courtney's still a bitch for doing that." Tiara mumbled. 

"Language." Hannah warned. "And no. Courtney's not a bitch because she spanked me. I deserved every swat she gave me and probably many more." 

Tiara looked at her, not sure how Hannah could get into trouble so early in the morning. Hannah had to explain what had happened. Tiara finally understood. She lied down and Hannah got up to leave. 

"Wait! Will you stay with me?" Tiara asked. 

Hannah smiled and climbed into bed. She put a protective arm around Tiara. 

"I love you." Tiara mumbled sleepily. 

"I love you too." Hannah said. 

Finally they fell asleep.

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