Mother's Day

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Hannah headed downstairs. Ashley, Courtney, Megan and Tiara were all waiting for her. They went out to the van and drove to the airport. When they got there, the girls waited in the waiting area. Finally they saw who they were looking for. 

"MUM!" Four out of five cheered.

Ashley, Megan, Tiara and Courtney all got up. They ran over to their mothers. All four got in-cased in hugs. Hannah sat there awkwardly. She pulled out her phone and called her mother. 

"Hello?" Her mother, Laura, said. 

"Mum, it's Hannah." Hannah told her. "I was wondering where you were." 

"At home, dumb ass."

Hannah swallowed hard. "Well I just thought that you would come and visit like the other girls mums." 

"Why would I do that?"

"C-cause its Mother's Day and I-I miss you. Did y-you get the card I sent?" 

There was no response. Hannah waited for an answer. Then the phone hung up. She called back. The phone rung then finally someone answered. 

"What do you want?!" Laura yelled into the phone. 

"Mum, I know you don't like that I'm in a band but-" 

"Stop calling me! I don't want to see you ever again!"

The phone hung up again. Hannah put her phone away. She started breathing heavy. Finally she walked over to the others. Courtney looked at her upset friend. She walked over to her. 

"You ok?" Courtney asked. 

"Yeah." Hannah told her. "I'm fine." 

"Is your mum coming?"

"No. She had a very important meeting to go to."

Courtney nodded. The girls mothers grabbed their bags then they all left. Everyone piled into the van outside. Hannah was alone in front. When they got home, Hannah ran to the mailbox. She opened it and saw the Mother's Day card she had sent, returned and unopened. She threw it on the ground then ran inside. She went upstairs to her room. She pulled out her phone and called Harry. The previous day he had asked her if she would like to join them for Mother's Day but she declined, thinking that her own mother might come. 

"Hey, Hannah." Harry said as he answered the phone. "What's up?" 

"Is it ok if I join you today?" Hannah asked. 

"Of course babe. Do want me to pick you up?" 


"Alright, I'll be there soon."

They said goodbye then hung up. Hannah went and got changed into the blue party dress that Harry loved on her. She grabbed her matching TOMS then ran downstairs. Everyone was outside on the back patio so no one noticed her. She went out to the front to wait for Harry. Finally he pulled up. Hannah went and got in the backseat. Harry's mother, Anne, was sitting in the front seat with Harry. 

"Hello, Hannah." Anne said. 

"Hey, Anne." Hannah replied with a smile. 

They drove back to the One Direction household. They got out and went inside. All the other guys were messing around. Their mothers were nowhere to be seen. 

"Was Anne the only one that came?" Hannah asked. 

"Yeah." Harry told her. "Everyone else was busy." 


They all sat down on the couch. They talked for awhile then ate. Hannah checked the time. It was already ten o'clock. She sighed. Anne said goodbye then left for her hotel. Hannah lied down with Harry. 

"Hazza?" Hannah mumbled sleepily. 

"Yeah?" Harry said. 

"Can I sleep here tonight?"

"Sure baby."

Harry picked Hannah up and brought her upstairs. He lied her down on his bed. He gave her one of his t-shirts. She got changed then curled up in bed. Soon Harry climbed in with her. He put his arms around her. 

"Goodnight, Harry." Hannah whispered. 

"Goodnight, beautiful." Harry whispered back.


The clock flashed 10:30 AM and Hannah still wasn't home. Courtney paced up and down the living room. 

"Where the hell is she?!" She bellowed to herself. 

Finally Hannah walked in. She headed into the living room. Courtney glared at her. 

"Where have you been?!" She screamed. 

"I was with the guys." Hannah told her. 

"You left without telling us! We were worried sick! We thought something had happened to you!"

"Well I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

Courtney shook her head. She grabbed Hannah's upper arm and dragged her over to the couch. Courtney sat down then bent Hannah over her lap. 

"Courtney, let me up!" Hannah demanded. 

Courtney ignored her. She brought her hand down onto Hannah's bum. She yelped. Courtney continued, picking up the speed as she went. Hannah started crying and begging. 

"Courtney, I'm sorry!" She cried. 

"You will be!" Courtney promised. 

Hannah cried even harder. Finally Courtney stopped delivering the hard smacks. Hannah started to calm but started crying again when she felt her underwear being tugged at. Courtney landed hard swats to Hannah's bare bm. After fifty more swats, Courtney let her up. Hannah fixed herself before Courtney pulled her into a tight hug. 

"It's okay Hannah. It's over. No more." She told her. 

"I-I'm so sorry." Hannah sobbed.

"I know."

Hannah cried into her chest. Finally they pulled away. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" Courtney asked. 

Hannah nodded. She wiped the tears away. They sat down on the couch and picked out a movie to watch.

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