Can You Keep a Secret?

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This is WAY over due but it's here now so don't judge me! Enjoy!

Harry's P.O.V.

"Hannah, you're not going out to a bar." I said.

"Harry, why do you have to be so lame?" Hannah snapped.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over over chest. I pushed past Hannah. I walked out of Hannah and I's room then headed downstairs. I went into the living room and plopped down on the couch. Hannah walked in.

"Harry!" She whined.

"I said no." I told her firmly.

"Why can't I go?! This is so unfair!"

I glared at Hannah. I stood up and pointed a finger at her.

"You want to know what's unfair?! What's unfair is that if you do anything to screw yourself then we can't be together anymore! That's what's unfair!" I barked. Hannah looked down. "If you go out and end up getting drunk or something than we're done and you know that."

"Harry, I'll be careful just please let me go." Hannah begged.

"Fine but please be careful." I warned.

Hannah nodded. She hugged me quickly. I smirked. She pulled away then ran off. I sighed. Hopefully she won't get into trouble...


It was around midnight and Hannah still wasn't home. I was starting to get worried. I had decided to wait until she got home to go to bed. I just wanted to make sure she was safe. After about another ten minutes, Hannah finally came home. She stumbled into the living room. I looked over at her.

"Where were-"

"Shut up." Hannah growled.

She stumbled towards the kitchen. I followed. Hannah went over to the garbage can. She grabbed it and threw up into it. I drew closer to her. The scent of alchol was heavy.

"Hannah, are you drunk?!" I shreiked.

"Piss off, Harry." Hannah barked as she set the trash can down.

"Hannah, you need to calm down."

"I said piss off!"



And that's when it all went black.


Third Person P.O.V.

Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam ran into Harry's hospital room. They looked to see Courtney and Ashley talking on one side of the room. On the other side of the room in the corner, Hannah was sitting in a chair. Her face was hidden in her hands. Courtney and Ashley left the room. The four boys all glared at Hannah when she looked up. Her eyes were red and puffy. She had tears streaks going down her face. Her bottom lip was torn up and bloody, like she had been biting it too hard. She had a guilty look on her face.

"Hannah, what did you do?" Louis asked.

"I-I was drunk. I d-didn't mean it. It ju-just happened-"

"Hannah what the hell happened?!"


It was silent, only the sound coming from the machines and their breathing. Hannah broke down in tears. She buried her head in her hands again.

"Yo-you hit him?" Niall choked out.

Hannah nodded. Louis looked over at Harry who was lying, unconscious, on the hospital bed. His chest was moving up and down slightly.

"So you hit him once to put him in the hospital?" Louis sassed. "It looks like you beat him."

"I was dr-"

Hannah was cut off by Harry, who was starting to shift around. Everyone turned towards him. He slowly sat up in the bed. He scanned over everyone. Hannah broke into tears again.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Harry said. "I'm just a little sore."

"Harry..." Hannah mumbled. "I-I'm really sorry."

"I know but this isn't going to go unpunished."

Hannah nodded in understanding. Tears continued to stream down her face. She stood up shakily from her chair then walked out of the room. Harry sighed and looked at his band mates.

"Did you call Alan or Simon?" He questioned.

"No." Zayn answered. "D you want us to?"

Harry shook his head. "No. I don't want them to split Hannah and I up."

"But she-"

"I know what she did and I forgive her. I still love her and I don't want anything to happen between the two of us. Alan and Simon can not find out about this. Do you understand?"

All four boys nodded. Harry smiled softly at them. He lied back down onto the hospital bed. He turned to Louis with a serious look.

"Can you deal with her, Lou?" Harry asked. "I just can't."

"Of course." Louis said with a small smile.

"Thank you."


"Louis... Please." Hannah whimpered as she backed into the far corner of Louis' bedroom.

"No, Hannah. You earned this for being so irresponsible." Louis stated. "Now came bend over the bed."

Hannah slowly shuffled over to where Louis was standing. She looked up at him and whimpered softly. She bent over the bed, stomach lying flat and her bum high in the air. She looked behind her to see Louis with the dark brown leather strap in his hands. She yelped loudly.

"Please, Lou, please." Hannah whispered.

Louis just shook his head. He yanked down Hannah's sweatpants and underwear. She shivered when the cold air hit her exposed bum. Louis gripped the leather strap tightly then brought it down onto Hannah's bum. She yelped. Louis stayed completely silent but the disappointment was clear as he continued to shower painful hits down. Eventually, after he reached a hundred, he dropped the leather strap to the ground. He allowed Hannah to pull her underwear and sweatpants back up before pulling her into a tight hug. She sobbed heavily into his chest.

"I-I'm so sor-sorry, Louis." Hannah whispered. "I shouldn't ha-have gotten drunk and hurt Ha-Harry like that."

"I know darling." Louis told her. "Calm down now."

"I-I'm sorry."

"Hannah, it's alright. We all forgive you."

"Will Harry an-and I have to b-break up?"

"Not unless Alan or Simon find out about this. But, that's a whole other story."

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