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Hannah woke up to her alarm blaring. She groaned and put her pillow over her ears. Finally the alarm stopped. She looked up to see Megan.

"Morning!" She chirped.

Hannah groaned again. She rolled over onto her back. She winced. Megan pulled the covers off of her.

"Get up! We have a signing today with the guys!" Megan told her.

"Go without me. I have a major headache." Hannah cried then held her throbbing head.

"No! You're apart of this band too! And anyways, t's your fault that you decided to get drunk."

"Twice. I got drunk twice. Louis came back in and found me. Then I got spanked, again. It really hurt."

Megan sighed. She walked into the loo. Hannah rolled back onto her stomach. Megan came back with a bottle pain relievers and a glass of water in her hands. She put them on the nightstand.

"There." Megan said. "Now get up and get dressed."

Hannah pouted. Megan sighed and slapped Hannah's bum hard. She yelped. She sprung up onto her feet.

"Good, you're up." Megan joked.

Hannah stuck her tongue out at her. She grabbed the pain relievers and took two. She put them into her mouth then took a sip of water. She took a few deep breaths. Finally she went to get dressed. Megan came out of the loo. They headed down to the lobby and waited for the others. Hannah sat down and held her head in her hands. Soon everyone else showed up.

"Ready?" Louis asked. They all nodded. "Alright."

They walked outside. There were two vans waiting for them. Louis climbed into the front seat of one and Zayn the other. All the guys piled into Louis' van. The girls went into Zayn's. Hannah was about to get in when Louis called her to his. She nodded and went over. She climbed in and sat down between Harry and the window. They headed out to the signing.

"How's that hangover Hannah?" Louis asked sarcastically.

"Shut up. That's not funny." Hannah spat.

Louis let out a small laugh. The rest of the drive was silent. Hannah leaned her head onto Harry's shoulder and closed her eyes. When they finally got there, Harry lightly shook her. Hannah's eyes slowly opened. They got out and walked to the signing tables. Hannah sat down between Tiara and Harry.

"How ya feeling?" Tiara asked.

"Okay. The medication is wearing off a little though." Hannah told her.

Tiara kissed Hannah's forehead. Hannah smiled a little. Soon fans started to flood in. Hannah groaned when she heard the noise. She loved meeting fans but today was not a good day. Halfway through a small girl with brown pigtails came up to them. She got through the others then got to Tiara, Hannah and Harry. She looked at Hannah and Harry.

"Are you two dating?" She asked in a really high pitched voice.

"No they aren't." Tiara snapped.

"Tiara-" Hannah sighed.

"Are you two dating?" The girl asked Hannah and Tiara. "You should if you're not. I'm a Tiannah shipper. Tiannah is the biggest romance in the fandom."

"That's none of your business!" Tiara screamed.

They hadn't announced that they were dating yet to the public. The girl started to tear up and ran off. Ashley saw then ran after her. Courtney got up and dragged Tiara into a empty dressing room. Hannah got up and disappeared. Courtney threw Tiara against a wall. She began to rain smacks down.

"You do not yell at fans!" Courtney lectured.

"I'm sorry! I just got annoyed!" Tiara sobbed.

Courtney continued the spanking. After thorty she let Tiara go. Tiara fell limp into Courtney's arms.

"I'm sorry." Tiara cried.

"It's alright." Courtney said.

She straightened Tiara up. She looked her in the eyes.

"Tiara, I don't think you and Hannah should be dating. It will just cause problems, like today." Courtney told her.

"No!" Tiara cried. "You can't tell Hannah and I if we can date or not!"

"Alright, lets let management decide then."

Tiara nodded. She wiped her eyes then they went back to join the others. Courtney sat down. She looked down the line and didn't see Hannah. She got up again and went over to Harry.

"Hey, did you see where Hannah went?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah, she said that she had to go and throw up." He told her.

Courtney sighed. She went and sat back down. Finally Hannah showed up again. She took her seat and leaned against Harry.

"Worst day ever." Hannah mumbled.

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