Niall's Birthday

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"Harry, this cake recipe makes no sense."  Hannah whined.

Harry walked over to her. He put his arms around her waist. He looked down at the recipe. He smirked. 

"Hannah, it would help if the paper was the right side up." Harry said. 

He took the paper out of her hands, flipped it over then put it back. Hannah looked at it. She blushed and looked up at Harry. Harry leaned down and kissed her. 

"You're so silly." He laughed. 

Hannah laughed too. They went back to baking the cake. Finally they put it in the oven. Hannah smiled. She went into the living room. She picked up the remote and tried to turn the television on. Harry walked in and watched her. 

"Ugh! Harry it's not working!" Hannah complained. 

Harry shook his head. He took the remote and turned the television on. Hannah stared at him. 

"How the hell did you do that?" She asked. 

Harry smirked. "I pressed the power button." 

"Oh." Hannah said. 

Harry sat down. He looked at Hannah who's eyes were now glued to the television. 

"Hannah, are you alright?" He asked. "You seem different. First you have the recipe upside down then you can't turn on the television." 

Hannah sighed. "I'm just a little tense about Niall's birthday party." 

"Babe, it's only going to be our two groups. Don't stress out about it."

"I know but I want to make Niall's 20th birthday to be special."

Harry looked at her. Hannah turned her focus back to the television. Soon the oven beeped. Harry got up to get the cake out. Hannah leaned back on the couch. Megan came down the stairs and walked into the living room. She raced over to Hannah. 

"Hannah, you need to take me to the mall so I can get Niall a present!" Megan cried. 

"You didn't get Niall a present?!" Hannah asked in shock. "The party's tonight!" 

"Will you take me to the mall?!"

"No Megan." Megan looked at her, shocked. "You need to learn to be responsible." 

Megan sighed. She walked into the hallway. She looked at the small table by the door and saw that Hannah's car keys were there. Megan went over, grabbed them then went outside to Hannah's car. She didn't have a license yet but she had her permeate. 

"It can't be that hard." Megan said to herself. 


Megan snuck into the house. Everyone was outside so nobody noticed her. She went upstairs with Niall's present to wrap it. She came back down, put Niall's present with the other presents then joined the others outside. Hannah saw her. She excused herself from the conversation she was having with Zayn and walked over to Megan. 

"Where have you been?!" Hannah whispered in a harsh voice. 

"I went to get Niall a birthday present." Megan explained. 

"You disobeyed me, snuck out and took my car. Megan you're lucky that you didn't get caught by a police officer." 

"I know."

Hannah shook her head. "I'm very disappointed and this will not go unpunished." 

Megan sighed. Hannah grabbed her upper arm and dragged her inside. They went upstairs to Hannah's room. Hannah bent the younger girl over the bed. She went over to the closet and grabbed her leather belt. She walked back over to Megan. Hannah doubled the belt up then brought it down onto Megan's bottom. She continued until she reached 25. She dropped the belt and pulled Megan into a tight hug. Megan cried into Hannah's shoulder. 

"I'm sorry." She cried. 

"It's alright." Hannah told her. "But I don't want you doing anything like that again. Understand?" 

Megan nodded. She started to calm down. Finally they went and joined the others.

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