I'd Miss You

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Hannah sat down at the table and opened up her laptop. She logged onto Twitter. There were comments and comments about what had happened the other night on stage. She scrolled through and saw that most were hate. She bit her lip.

'Hannah totally deserved it. She was dancing with Harry! You don't do that to Ashley!' 

'Hannah's always bossing Ashley and Ashley finally got fed up with it.' 

'Hannah is such a bitch! She totally deserved it! She should leave the band.' 

Hannah shut her laptop quickly. Tears started to trickle down her face. She put her head down. 

"This isn't right." Hannah mumbled. 

"What isn't?" Tiara asked, walking into the room. 

Hannah looked up. Her face was covered in pain. She wiped the tears away quickly and tried to cover the pain. 

"Nothing." Hannah choked. 

Tiara stared at her. "Are you sure?" 

"Yeah. Everything's fine."

Hannah got up and went upstairs. Tiara looked at the laptop. She walked over and opened it up. All the hate comments popped up. Tiara read through them. When she finished, she shut the laptop then ran upstairs. She walked up to Hannah's door. 

"Hannah?" Tiara said. "Are you alright babe?" 

There was no response. She walked in. Hannah was halfway through the window. Tiara didn't know what to think. She stood there and watched as her best friend crawled through the window, head first. Finally Tiara processed what was happening. She ran over to Hannah and tried to pull her back inside. 

"Tiara, let go!" Hannah screamed. 

"No!" Tiara screamed back. "Suicide is not the answer!"

Hannah tried to get away. Finally she gave up and let Tiara pull her back in. Hannah stood in front of the window. Tiara sat on the edge of the bed and cried. Hannah stared at her. 

"Why are you crying?" She asked. 

Tiara tried to calm down. Hannah just stood there, shifting uncomfortably. Finally Tiara started to speak. 

"I-I thought I was going to lose you." Tiara cried. 

Hannah looked down. "You really thought I was going to commit suicide?" 

Tiara cried even harder and nodded her head. Hannah walked over then sat down the bed next to her. Tiara turned to face her. Hannah wiped the tears from her eyes. 

"Tiaram I would never do anything like that. I just wanted to get away for awhile." Hannah explained. 

"Hannah, if you left me I don't know what I'd do. You're my everything. I couldn't survive without you." Tiara told her. "I'd miss you..." 

Hannah looked at her. She had always had deep feelings for Tiara but she never knew how she felt back.

"Hannah, I need to tell you something." Tiara said. 

"What?" Hannah asked. 

Tiara didn't answer. She leaned in and pressed her soft lips to Hannah's. Soon Tiara pulled away. 

"I'm sorry, Hannah. I've just have liked you for a really long time." Tiara said. 

Hannah smiled. She leaned in and kissed Tiara again. 

"I've waited a long time to hear those words." Hannah said against Tiara's lips. 

When they pulled away, Hannah led Tiara to her room. Tiara got changed then got into bed. Hannah gave Tiara a quick peck on her lips. She went to leave but Tiara pulled her back in. 

"Don't leave me." Tiara said. 

"I'll be just down the hall." Hannah informed her. 

"Sleep with me, please. I don't you to be alone."

Hannah smiled. "Alright. Let me go get changed first." 

Tiara nodded and Hannah left. She came back in then lied down. Tiara put an arm around Hannah. 

"Goodnight, Hannah." Tiara whispered. 

"Goodnight, beautiful." Hannah whispered back. 

Soon they fell asleep together.

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