Drunken Pain

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"It's not fair!" Megan barked.

Courtney sighed. She ran her fingers through her hair. Megan was getting all mad because she couldn't go clubbing with Hannah, Tiara, Courtney, Ashley, Harry, Louis, Zayn and Niall. Liam volunteered to stay home with Megan, since he didn't want to go out to a club and they all knew that Megan would try to sneak out if she was left alone.

"I'm sorry sweetie but the last time you drank, you passed out." Courtney said, trying to calm Megan down. "Liam will be here with you though."

"But I want to go out!" Megan whined. "I just want a few shots!"

"Listen, if you promise to stay home I'll get Liam to bring you some sort of alcohol. Deal?"

Megan smiled brightly and nodded her head quickly. Courtney smiled too. Megan hugged her tightly. After a minute, she let go.

"Good but don't don't drink too much." Courtney warned.

"I won't." Megan promised.


"Hey Hannah!" Louis called.

Hannah spun around to face him and Harry. She smirked and took a sip from her beer. Harry put his arm around her.

"Hey guys." Hannah slurred.

"So Liam's babysitting Megan?" Louis asked.

Hannah nodded in reponse. Harry pulled Hannah out onto the dance floor. Louis smirked and chuckled lightly. He looked and saw Tiara sitting alone at the bar counter. He walked over to her and sat down. Tiara hadn't even noticed that Louis was even there at the moment. She was too busy glaring at Hannah and Harry.

"Something wrong?" Louis questioned.

Tiara snapped out of her trance. She looked at Louis and sighed. She took a sip from her glass full of rum.

"No." Tiara lied.

"You're jealous aren't you?" Louis pressed.

"What? No! Of those two? No way!"

Louis snickered. He took a long sip from his beer. He set the glass down on the table.

"You sure about that?" Louis asked. "I saw you glaring at Hannah and Harry."

"Why would she pick him over me!" Tiara burst out.

Louis shrugged. "They have a lot in common and they like each other a lot."

Tiara finished off her rum. She called the bartender over to give her a refill. He did then Tiara immediately finished it. She slammed the glass down and looked over at Louis.

"It should be me." Tiara mumbled.

"What?" Louis questioned, unsure of what he just heard.

"It should be me, Lou! I should be the one dancing with Hannah!"

They both looked over at Hannah and Harry. They were dancing wildly together. Out of nowhere, Harry gripped Hannah's waist and pulled her close. He whispered something in her ear. They both looked over to Tiara and Louis. Hannah laughed loudly. Harry started whispering things in her ear again. Louis looked over at Tiara. Her face was bright red and her eyes were filled with jealously.

"Tiara-" Louis started but Tiara cut him off.

"Save it." She hissed.

Louis looked away. He looked upset but Tiara didn't care. She was too drunk to care about anything. She got another drink, slammed it down then stood up. Louis watched as Tiara stormed, well stumbled, over to Hannah and Harry.

"Tiara don't!" Louis screamed, but it was too late.

"You worthless little fuck!" Tiara spat at Hannah. "You never did love me, did you?!"

"Tiara I-"

"Save it you little shit! Probably just using me to get to Harry! That was your plan all along!"

Pain washed over Hannah's face and tears started to well up in her eyes. She turned around then ran out of the club.

"Nice going Tiara." Harry said sarcastically. "Thanks for screwing Hannah's life up even more."

Harry hurried out in the direction that Hannah went. Louis went and dragged Tiara to the side. The others had already made their way over. Louis explained what had happened. Courtney's face filled with anger. She threw her hands up in the air.

"One night Tiara! Just ONE DAMN NIGHT!" Courtney barked. "You couldn't just go one night without getting jealous! And to top it all off, you're DRUNK!"

Tiara looked down at her feet. Courtney crossed her arms across her chest. Soon Harry came back in. Louis waved him over. As Harry drew nearer, they noticed tears streaming down his face. He made it over to the others and buried his face into Louis' neck. The older boy wrapped his arms around him.

"Haz, what's the matter?" Louis asked with worry in his voice.

"S-she's gone Lou. She's g-gone." Harry sobbed. "I couldn't find her a-anywhere."

"Harry what happened?" Zayn asked softly.

"W-well I ran out of the c-club. I saw Ha-Hannah waiting a-at a crosswalk. I started to go o-over to her but she ran across b-before I got to her. When I-I went to cross, cars started g-going again. Once th-they cleared and I crossed, H-Hannah was gone. She j-just disappeared. I tried ca-calling her about a hundred t-times but she wouldn't an-answer me."

"Harry, we'll find her." Courtney assured the shaken boy. "She'll have to come home eventually."

"She couldn't have gone far." Niall stated.


It was silent. All of them were in tears. People were giving them weird looks but they didn't care.

"Let's just get home, yeah?" Louis sobbed.


Courtney sat down on her bed. She pulled Tiara over her lap.

"Courtney I'm sorry!" Tiara cried. "I was drunk!"

"I don't care!" Courtney snapped. "Hannah's missing because of you!"

Tiara started sobbing weakly. Courtney began bringing her hand down hard. Tiara whimpered. Courtney ignored it and continued. After five minutes, she stopped. She allowed Tiara to get up.

"Go to bed." Courtney hissed. "And every time you go to rub your ass, remember that Hannah's gone because of you."

Tiara sobbed but nodded. She turned around and walked out of the room. She headed to her own room. She slammed the door shut then crawled onto the bed. She curled up into a ball and cried herself to bed.

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