Part 12

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Steve's POV

The car ride back to Natasha was tense. I knew Natasha had a lot on her mind, as well as I did. I hated seeing her this way. I know Nick meant a lot to her. This seems so wrong in some way.
"Sorry, we gotta stop and eat somewhere, I just can't go home yet" Natasha said, while taking a left turn.
"Yeah, sure. Where do you wanna go?"
"I know a place." She said.
We took a right turn this time and drove on a much smaller road. Trees were surrounding the road and after maybe 5 minutes of driving, a little wooden house appeared. Natasha parked the car and we got out. There was a sign on the door that said "World's greatest diner". Natasha chuckled when she saw it. We went inside and a warm smell of pancakes and coffee found its way to my nose. The place was almost empty. Only a guy in the corner, drinking coffee with a magazine and an older man smoking at the bar.
"Emma!?" A high voice said, almost screamed. "Oh it's so great to finally see you here again, it's been so long!" A woman that looked to be at least over 60 years old approached us and hugged Natasha. She hugged the lady back and smiled.
"It sure has, a lot had been going on lately. I've been all busy with work." Nat said and smiled.
"Oh yes of course, I understand. But who is this gentleman right here?" She looked at me and I gave her a smile, nervous by were this conversation was heading.
"Oh this is my friend James. He actually works at the animal shelter with me. We're partners." Natasha said, looking at me.
"Yes, exactly, it's very nice to meet you mrs..?"
"Mrs Cruz. But you can just call me Maria sweetie." She said smiling.
Natasha laughed.
"We just want the ordinary. But plus one." Nat said smiling.
"Coming right up!" Maria said, leaving us by the disk.
The diner was enormous for being in the middle of nowhere. Nat and I sat down in a booth in the corner of the restaurant. Maria soon came with two plates of American pancakes with syrup and two cups of lemon tea.
"This is your ordinary?" I said smiling at Nat.
"I love it almost as much as I love the rain." She said, looking into my eyes, smiling.
"Emma? Animal shelter? James?" I said.
She hushed me.
"Jees, don't talk so loud. I couldn't tell them who I really was could I? I wouldn't be able to hide out here if I had." She said quietly.
"Still, you couldn't have come up with something better than the animal shelter? And James?" I chuckled.
"I know, it's pretty bad. And I feel kind of sorry for Maria. I've actually "known" her for like five years. Maybe I should have gone for a nurse or something. And I think you would be a good James." She said laughing.
"Yeah, maybe so." I laughed. "What about Emma?"
Natasha's face became a little more serious and I knew I've pressed a fragile spot.
"Emma was an old friend. Well, she was the only friend I had back then. She was you know, raised in the red room, like me. She just.. didn't make it out." She said looking down at her pancakes.
"I'm sorry." I said taking her hand.
She looked up at me and smiled.

Our plates were soon empty and we said goodbye to Maria that made Natasha promise to come by again within at least a month.
"It was very nice to meet you James." Maria shouted after us.
"You too." I said smiling.
While we've gotten outside I turned to Natasha.
"That name is actually kind of growing on me." I said.
Nat chuckled.
"I told you." She smiled. "Follow me."
We walked at a small path into the woods. After barley 2 minutes of walking we came to a lake. The rain has stopped while we were inside and you could feel the smell of rain from the forest surrounding the lake. It was quite. You couldn't hear a thing expect for our breaths.
"It's such a beautiful view." I said, looking at Nat.
"Yeah, it's a good place to think."
"Thank you for saving my life by the way." I chuckled.
"Your very welcome." She said smiling. "I don't think you understand the trouble I went through to actually save you." She laughed.
"Why? What happened?" I said smiling.
"God it's started with this elevator. And Rumlow and four other agents got inside so to disguise myself and get them not to notice me I had to kiss this guy and then knock out like four people you know, pretty basic but still I'm exhausted and I can't wait to go home to my bed.." She said.
"Wait you kissed someone?" I said. Jealousy burned in my throat and I felt a pain in my chest. "Why would you kiss someone?" I said, realising that I sounded a bit angry.
"Come on Rogers, it wasn't a big deal, I didn't even use my tongue." She smirked.
"No it's is a big deal!" I continued.
"No it's not! Stop obsessing about it, it was just a freaking kiss. It didn't mean anything." She said.
I frowned.
"What are you jealous or something? She said rather angrily.
"Yes of course I'm jealous! It doesn't feel so good when the woman you love goes around kissing other people when it's pretty damn clear that she's every guys dream!"
"Wait what?" She said, looking into my eyes. "You love me?"
I blushed a little but couldn't deny it.
"Of course I love you Nat. How can you not see that? I love you." I said. Her green eyes was starring into mine. She had a rather shocked expression on her face. She looked almost scared.
She finally started moving and made her way closer to me.
"I love you too." She said right before our lips met in a perfect combo.
I wrapped my hands around her waist and she grabbed my neck pressing me closer to her. When the kiss ended we stood in an embrace. My hand lying smoothly on her chin.

Natasha's POV

We looked into each other eyes for a while. He loved me. I knew he liked me more than a friend but I've never really experienced this before. Not really in this way. I feel so strongly about him, I can't help but love him. No ones ever cared for me as much as he does. I'm scared I'll admit. I don't want to hurt him. But still, standing here, looking into his sea blue eyes. I want nothing more than to be close to him.
"All I want is you Steve, can't you see that? And you know, the guy I kissed, he was like an awkward 19 year old, with absolutely no muscles and was probably the worst kisser ever. You know if it makes you feel any better." I said smiling.
"Honestly, it does." He chuckled.
"And you really need to watch your language." I smirked.
"Oh shut up." He said, kissing me again.

We went back to the car and drove home. Halfway there the rain started falling from the sky again. We both smiled as the raindrops fell perfectly down to the ground. We got to the house and parked the car.
"Maybe we should wait until the rain stops a little. We're going to get soaking wet." Steve said.
"I don't mind. It just gives me another reason to take of my clothes." I said raising an eyebrow at him.
"Yeah, well said. Let's go." He chuckled.
The rain was pouring down, it hasn't rained this much in ages. I ran into Steve's arms in the rain and kissed him. I was already soaking wet so he couldn't see my tears of joy. Thank god.
We got inside. Both ice cold and wet. Steve chased me to the bedroom, catching up with me and throwing me on the bed. I kissed him hard and undressed at the same time. We were both soon laying under the blankets, kissing each other hysterically. I felt his chest below me and his arms wrapped around me. Our bodies created a perfect warmth against each other and the rain kept smattering on the window as we stayed in bed for hours.

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