Part 1: The misson

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From Natasha's perspective

"Rogers. Romanoff." Nick Fury's voice was loud and clear.
"I have a misson for you."

Steve gave me a fast look. I know that he's waited for a misson like this one. He's probably having a hard time and wants to hide his pain in his good work.
Or he's just happy to work. I can't read him. He always seem to have this innocent smile on his face.
I take a step forward. "What's the plan?" I say while brushing my read hair of my shoulder.
"This is what's going to happen..." Fury begins.

6 hours later..

"Hey, Natasha! Are you ready?" Steve ask me with a smile.
"I'm always ready." I say with a smirk.
We look into each other's eyes shortly. They're blue, his eyes, like the ocean. I'm not the romance type, never have been. I'm not that type of girl. But Rogers not like the other ones, he's different. It's hard to find someone with the same life experience. No, hard is an understatement, it's nearly impossible.

I get into the car with Steve. He's driving. He probably doesn't trust my driving skills, he's more of the careful kind. We're supposed to drive to an old abounded area. Just to search the place, it seems odd. But there's probably something there we're supposed to find.

"How are you doing, Nat?" Steve says breaking the silence. He looks worried. Maybe I've made a weird face.
"I'm fine, there's just a lot on my mind right know." I answer, forcing a little smile.
"A lot on your mind you say, am I on there too?" He ask, half a joke, half not.
I chuckle.
"You wish, Rogers." I say smiling.
He looks at me, smiling.

We finally stop the car near three old, big houses with very high roofs. I bring out my gun and walk towards the houses with Steve right behind me.
"What is this place?" I say, not looking where I'm going. I fall over something and Steve catches me from behind before I touch the ground.
"Careful!" He says with a bit stress in his voice.
I feel his soft hand round my waist. I stand right next to him, too close. I look up at his face, our lips almost touch. I take a step back, feeling his hands disappear from my waist.
"Thanks." I whisper, breathing out.
"No problem." He says, hiding a little smile.
We keep walking towards one of the houses. I blame myself for being such a mess. Who the hell fall over a rock. Pathetic.
We walk up to the door, Steve's walking in front of me this time. He's probably  scared I'm gonna fall again. I roll my eyes at my own clumsiness. He breaks the lock at the door and we walk in. It's dark. I take another step in and suddenly I hear gun shots. I feel a push at my right hip, and I'm falling to the floor. Steve falls in front of me protecting my body with himself and his shield. I get furious seeing him try to protect me when it should be the other way around. My eyes got used to the darkness real quick and I stand.
"What the hell are you doing Nat?" Steve screams. "Get down!"
I don't listen. Instead I take my gun in my hands. I can feel the trigger against my finger. It's a common feeling, love is not. I see a man and I shoot. I see another one. Another shot. I run deeper into the room, checking if there's anyone else there. Finally, I find a light switch and I turn it on. Steve is sitting near one of the body's. His hand is pressed against his arm.
I run to him.
"Let me see it." I say.
"You've been shot. Come on Rogers, I'm not stupid."
"No your not." He says with a smirk.
"Take off your shirt." I say demanding.
He do as I tell him and hands it to me. I rip of a piece and press it towards his arm to stop the bleeding. I make a knot and he stands up. So do I. It's hard to concentrate while seeing him whiteout a shirt.
"Nat, you got something there." He says. He gets closer to me and wipes away the red hair from my face. My hands are red of blood after fixing Steve's arm. I've apparently gotten some blood on my left cheek. He wipes it away with his fingers. I quickly remember that we're on a misson and start act professional again.
We walk into another room in the building. I haven't noticed it before, but I start to recognise this place. I stop outside two doors with glass windows. Inside I see skinny girls in pink skirts and head buns dance. It's ballet. My hands start shaking and I feel dissy. Steve stand beside me, not understanding what I'm looking at. It's an empty room.
I sit down afraid to move. Steve, probably confused, puts his arms around me in a comfortable hug. I close my eyes. I feel the memories flushing through my head as I try to deny them.
To much pain.

So this was the first part. I'm doing these in both Natasha's and Steve's perspectives. I hope you like it this far.

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