Darkness Returns

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5 years passed since Yume's birth. Tenshi and I wanted to celebrated his birthday by visiting Hyrule, our homeland. Yume was very excited and curious, just like I was at his age. He looked almost exactly like I did as well, spare the blue eyes. We went to the base of the tree from my childhood. I decided that from then on, I was going to call it the "Tree of Dimensions", considering it seemed to take me to alternate dimensions. Whenever I went up there to visit Alice, I always notice that there's a new door open. I ignored these and flew up the tree. Yume and Tenshi clung to me and talked about what they wanted to do when we got to Hyrule. I was also excited, I was curious about how my old friends were doing.

We eventually reached the top of the tree and landed on the fungus that surrounded the opening of the tree. Tenshi and Yume continued to cling to me. At least this time I remembered the layout of the Lost Woods, so I could walk us out without any issues. When we escaped to Hyrule Field, Yume let go of me and looked over the land, wonder in his eyes. I felt like I was watching myself all those years ago. Tenshi giggled and kissed my cheek, making me blush. She wagged her tails happily.

"Oni, it's so pretty!", she said. Her speech has improved over the course of 5 years, but it's still extremely adorable. I put her in my arms and started to carry her bridal style. I bent down and kissed her softly. She kissed back just as soft. Yume started gagging. I chuckled as he did. Tenshi giggled and kissed his head. He blushed. We began walking towards Hyrule Castle.

When we went into Castle Town, it was just as busy as always. The people were chattering and buying from the various shops in town. I smiled a little, remembering when I first came here as a young boy. Yume found some of the other kids and played with them. Tenshi and I went to a few shops to buy things like: souvenirs, clothing materials, books, decorations, etc. Yume looked at the castle in curiosity. We went there after I put away the things we bought. The guards looked up at me in shock. They saw how massive I was and stepped aside. We went into the throne hall to be greeted by Princess Zelda and two young, familiar looking men with swords and shields on their backs. It was Link and Akuma, both of them were 17 years old then. Link had the master sword over his back while Akuma had a standard broadsword.

"Big brothers!", Yume yelled as he ran to hug them. They hugged back. We approached the throne to greet the princess. I set down Tenshi and bowed to Zelda, Tenshi did the same. Zelda smiled.

"Lord Oni, I'm flattered, but if anything, I should be the one bowing, especially if it's to Lady Tenshi as well.", she said.

"No, this is your kingdom, so we bow to you. I have no power over this place.", I said in response. Tenshi giggled again. She talked to Zelda while I went to the boys. They both hugged me as soon as they saw me. I wished Akuma a happy birthday, since he is still Yume's twin, despite the age difference. They talked to me about the battles they fought while they were here and how many enemies they defeated. I talked about all the good that was going on in Termina. Yume looked outside to see it was dark out. He came to me.

"Daddy, what time is it?", he asked.

"It should be around noon now,", I answered, "Why do you ask?". He pointed at the window and I saw how dark it was outside. Along with that, I felt a strange sense of dread. Link and Akuma must have felt it too, because they had their hands on their swords. I heard footsteps coming from outside. The doors opened, a man wearing a strange mask entered.

I heard Link yell, "Who are you and what is your business here?!". The man didn't respond. the eye holes of his mask were glowing yellow, the rest of the mask was just a full mask in white. The man's body began to distort, and black goo shot out of his arm. It solidified and made some sort of blade. Akuma charged it. Akuma did a roll to get behind the man and he slashed at him. There was a clanging of metal as the man was able to turn fast enough to block the attack and kick Akuma through the ceiling. Link growled and charged the man too. He sliced down on the man with crushing force, but the man parried it. He hit was about to strike at Link until Akuma came falling back through the ceiling. He had his sword pointed downwards to land on the man. As Akuma fell, the man teleported out of the way of the blade. Link and Akuma both rushed him. The man managed to knock their swords out of their hands.

I drew my sword, saying, "Now it's my turn.....". Link and Akuma returned to stand by the throne. I approached this mysterious fighter and looked directly into his eyes. We dashed at each other and our swords clashed. I ended up overpowering the man and getting a few hits in, he tried to counter with a low punch, but I jumped back before he could.

"I know what you are....", I said, "You're that thing I fought on the Isle of Death, just in a smaller form...". The man remained silent. I dashed at him. He swung at me, but I slipped under the blade and kicked him hard in the stomach. He was off guard, so I took another step back, my blue aura forming around me. I shot about 14 sword beams at him before he turned to dust.

Tenshi cheered and clapped, but everyone else just stared in shock. This felt eerily familiar. If this fight was like the one from when I was a kid, then I knew I had to prepare for the next time, when he comes back stronger.

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