The Strongest God

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I packed my things with Tenshi. We had just finished packing her suitcase. We were going on a trip to the realm where deities typically live. There was a great fighting tournament, and I wanted to participate. Tenshi giggled, "This'll be fun! You're gonna win, I know it!" I smiled and kissed her head.

"We'll see," I said, smiling. I put Tenshi on my back as we went outside. We teleported to a grand plaza with massive pillars of quartz and the floor was made of clear diamond. There were several bridges leading out to other sectors, one of them being a huge parthenon. Tenshi and I walked up to the structure. A guard my height in golden armor stood by the door. He bowed to us and let us in.

Upon going inside, a massive circle of thrones stood before us. In the largest one sat a god in black armor and a helmet. He had a sword on his waist, in addition to a spear and shield on his back. I knew this was the Greek god of war, Aries. Looking around the circle, I recognized other deities from numerous other religions in the circle as well. One throne was empty. It had a label saying "God of Nightmares and Goddess of Innocence". I sat down and put Tenshi on my lap. I could hear gods and goddesses chatting with each other.

Eventually, Aries stood up and everyone went quiet. He said, "Thank you all for coming. Before we begin, I would like to welcome two new members of the Council, Oni and Tenshi Kage." Everyone waved at us. Tenshi blushed and waved back, but I just smiled. "Now," Aries said, "For those of you that don't know, today is the Trial of the Throne, the fighting tournament held every millennia over who will claim the head of the Council and take my throne. The winner of the finals will have a chance to fight me. If they don't make it, they will keep their title. Sign ups are starting right now, you are dismissed."

I felt Tenshi tap my arm. "Oni," she said, "you can win it."

I looked at her and smiled, saying, "Maybe..."

"Should I join?"

"I don't want you to get hurt..."

"I won't get hurt."

"Then it's alright..."

She giggled as I stood up with her. I carried her to the sign up area. Most of the gods in line were my size. Tenshi clung to me, afraid. I kissed her head and sat down, waiting for the prelims to be organized. Once they were organized, I checked the board and saw Tenshi and I were in different divisions, so we wouldn't have to fight until the finals.

I eliminated every opponent I faced during the prelims with a single blow. Tenshi also managed to win every match. Tenshi was going first fighting Zeus in the pre-finals, then it was an un-named fighter against Shiva, followed by Amaterasu against me, then Raiden against Hades. Tenshi went into her fight smiling.

Zeus laughed at the sight of her, saying, "You're quite a cutie!"

Tenshi giggled and said "Uh-huh!"

"I'll tell you what, I'll let you get one free hit." He laughed. Tenshi just giggled again and scampered up his back. Zeus seemed to grow impatient. Tenshi gently hit him on the head and hopped off. Zeus tried to punch her, but she dodged the attack.

"You won't hurt me, will you?" Tenshi asked, her eyes full of innocence.

Zeus replied, "As long as it means winning!" He charged her. Tenshi suddenly stood up and jumped over Zeus' head. She kicked him hard in the back of the head and he went flying off the arena. Tenshi was moving on to the semi-finals.

The previously mentioned un-named challenger was very mysterious. He wore a white cloak and never revealed his face. He was never heard speaking. Shiva got in the arena, ready to fight. The un-named fighter seemed to have his hands in his sleeves. I watched him closely. Shiva attacked, only to have her six punches caught in the fighter's hands. He delivered a punch that launched Shiva out of the ring. I was worried, since that's who Tenshi was fighting next.

It was my turn. I saw Tenshi cheering for me in the crowd. Amaterasu was ready, her fists on fire. I smiled a little. Blue Kaminoikari formed around my hands as I got into ready position. The bell rang, starting the fight. Amaterasu charged first. I punched her approaching fist, canceling it out. She backed up, I dashed toward her, uppercutting her. She went up in the air. I jumped, elbowing her in the head and slamming her into the arena floor. I then grabbed her by the feet and spun around. I threw her into the grass, winning the match.

Now it was time for Raiden and Hades to fight. I assumed Raiden was the obvious choice, considering Hades was always a pushover. However, something was different about Hades. He looked different, and acted even more different. He usually sounds like a cocky prick, but he was calm and collected now. He beat Raiden way too easily. I was thinking that he may have trained, but then I realized that he was too strong for training to have been the cause.

At the end of the day, I took Tenshi for food in the human world. She loved pizza. Then we found a hotel and watched t.v. until she fell asleep on my shoulder. I turned the t.v. off, wanting to rest before tomorrow.

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