The Stowaway

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We reached the edge of Gerudo desert. Beyond the sands was a vast ocean. I stood on the shoreline and looked out, my boots getting sprinkled with seawater. There was a port nearby with a ship docked at it a little way down the shore. We went to it and hopped on the ship. She was called Farore's Wind. I looked up at her. She was immense compared to me, and according to Impa, she was used by the Hylians ever since the Royal Family was formed. We loaded the wagon onto the ship and set sail. I was posted in the lookout. I got used to the sea air quickly, and began to enjoy feeling it blow into my face as my cap flapped in the wind. Impa and I ended up doing most of the work, since the soldiers had no idea how to sail.

On the second day, I took out the notebook I got from the Mask Man and looked at the notes. I took out my ocarina and played the song. I almost dropped it as I played. It was the same song I heard from the tree. I wondered why this song kept coming into my life. It had some sort of significance, and that mask had something to do with it. Whenever I thought of the mask, a feeling of dread came to me. I couldn't fathom the evil I felt coming off of that wretched thing, it made me want to vomit. I also knew that I was far too weak to fight it if it were to escape. I had to start training again.

I got up early the next morning to start training, and I heard something under the deck. I drew my sword and dropped down the hatch into the hull. I looked around. I sneaked towards the pantry where I could hear something or someone rummaging through food. I was secretly hoping that it was some sort of monster that I could fight. When I opened the door, I saw someone scurry out of the light. and behind a rum keg. I saw two fox-like ears poking out from behind the keg. It had to be a person, but it had ears like a Keaton. I put my sword away and approached the keg. On the other side was a girl my age in a ragged dress with long, brown hair and eyes that were bright blue with innocence. She was shaking in fear.

"P-Please don't hurt me!", she whimpered. "I-I'm so hungry...". I could see her hand bones showing, I felt so bad for her.

"What are you doing here?", I asked, "This is an expedition set by the King himself, do you have any idea what they'll do to you?"

She shook her head. "I-I just need to eat something, my m-mommy and daddy were taken away..." I felt even worse than I did before. She was just like me, all alone without her parents to guide her. I knelt down and hugged her.

"So were mine...", I said, "My parents were taken too... I'm so sorry..." She sniffled and hugged me back. "What's your name?"

"T-Tenshi...", she replied. I smiled a little.

"That's a beautiful name, mine is Oni... It's ok, we'll take care of you now..." I felt the back of my tunic get wet. She was crying.

"T-Thank you, O-Oni..."

We went up to the deck and I lead her to the cabin, where Impa was. She crawled behind me, purring. I opened the door and peeked inside. Impa was writing something and she turned to the door, seeing Tenshi and I standing there. "Oni,", she said, "Who is that?"

I replied, "I found her getting into the pantry, she's starving..." Tenshi meowed behind me, her tails wagging.

"Oni, you know the rules about people interfering with the expedition, right?"

"Yes, but she won't be any trouble, I swear!". I hugged Tenshi. "Her parents were taken away, like mine. Please let her stay!"

Impa gave a small smile and said, "Well Oni, I think you've already proven that you're perfectly capable of protecting people, and I have a feeling that you'll take extra good care of this young lady, so it's fine by me." I smiled and ran up to Impa, hugging her.

"Thank you so much...", I said. Tenshi meowed happily. We went back out to the deck and down to the mess room where the soldiers were eating. They stopped as soon as they saw Tenshi. We got our food and sat by each other. They kept staring. We finished eating and went up to to the crow's nest. Tenshi was shaking. "Are you afraid of heights?"

She nodded and said, "A-And water..."

"Why would you be afraid of water? It's so calm and nice to look at.", I pointed ahead. "Look how much of it there is! It's like a big world that needs to be explored!" She stared in awe.

"H-How are you so brave?"

"I have to be. If I was scared all the time, I wouldn't be able to meet new people and see new things." She smiled and we watched the sea for the rest of the day. Occasionally, I looked over at her. Her hair flowed through the sea breeze as she looked out to the ocean. It felt like my heart beat faster whenever I looked at her, but I didn't know why. I was too young to understand that I was in love. I took out my ocarina and started playing music. Tenshi giggled and danced a little as I played a cheery song I made up as I played. I smiled as I played, the sound of Tenshi giggling made me feel happier and happier. The sun began to set and we stopped. We watched it together. Once it became dark, we went down to my cabin. Tenshi curled up on the floor. "Nuh-uh,", I said. I picked her up and moved her into my bed. I set up a hammock and got in. I saw Tenshi fall asleep. "Good night,", I said as I flicked off the light. A new day began tomorrow.

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